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Hurricane Helena devastation in NC!

I did not say that. The issue is the peeps who want that money have to apply for it. How can they apply for anything if they are trapped in whats left of their house...or they have no operative car transportation or no cell phone or access to internet?
Some of them can not apply immediately if they are trapped. It is a terrible storm. They can apply as FEMA makes outreach and as soon as any cell phone service or other services are restored.

This is what a life-altering storm brings: suffering, disruption, and trauma. For those who do not believe in climate change, well, here it is in real time, with the floods in high mountains being a symptom of it. But keep trusting a party who lies about it and do no open-minded personal research on it.

The govt, local and state, and fed will do and are doing all they can. Individuals and locals help each other out, yet some people die and suffer. The govt can not insulate everyone from everything then
I did not say that. The issue is the peeps who want that money have to apply for it. How can they apply for anything if they are trapped in whats left of their house...or they have no operative car transportation or no cell phone or access to internet?
What's your solution for your specific situation example....
Maybe FEMA needs to know....
What's your solution for your specific situation example....
Maybe FEMA needs to know....
I don't know. No one knows. There will be after action data collection for Disaster Planners. This was a freak storm.
I don't know. No one knows. There will be after action data collection for Disaster Planners. This was a freak storm.
I agree....
At this point, there is no solution other than patience....
I don't know. No one knows. There will be after action data collection for Disaster Planners. This was a freak storm.
Scientiss and climatologists have bren warning about "freak storms" for decades now - some ignore their data - there are freak storms in nature through history but now we see them one after another , with hurricanes and flooding, Like Hurricane Sandy, in areas that never experienced them geofre.

But Dril Baby Drill will address it. ( posted out of frustration here ). Many in one party deny climate change and call it a hoax. Look outside, and nature is telling us otherwise.
Many in one party deny climate change and call it a hoax. Look outside, and nature is telling us otherwise.
And many in one party can't accept the fact that climate changes have occurred since the dawn of creation. But these same people can't help themselves but to include the phrase "man-made" in front of any mention of climate change.

Climates were changing before man climbed out of the primordial ooze. Some changes came quickly, some more slowly, but come and go they did, and will, long after man has either destroyed the planet or after the planet destroys man. My bet is on some tiny virus that wipes out civilization.
I recall and can't find the you-tube a Black Female Professor said that the halting climate change will take a couple of world pandemics and a nuclear war.

Very few countries in the world are doing anything about climate change. China is not one of them. They are cranking out coal fired plants see link below

read it and some here hair will catch on fire

And many in one party can't accept the fact that climate changes have occurred since the dawn of creation. But these same people can't help themselves but to include the phrase "man-made" in front of any mention of climate change.

Climates were changing before man climbed out of the primordial ooze. Some changes came quickly, some more slowly, but come and go they did, and will, long after man has either destroyed the planet or after the planet destroys man. My bet is on some tiny virus that wipes out civilization.
News flash - Our party DOES accept that climate changes have occurred since the dawn of creation !! We have always known this, and of course, the scientists know it as well ! Does that shock you? I mean, how could your MAGA minders make you believe that we are not aware of it? Good grief.

Ever consider that energy corporations use this nonsense that well ya know, the climate has always changed, as a talking point to keep from complying with environmental regulations and keep people buying their products > as in they would never do that, would they?

Climate change is more than just weather; weather is a large symptom of it. And the biggest dolt denier is having trouble these days not connecting the dots - that the increased frequent;ency, intensity and different locations of storms, floods, droughts, wildfires, and rising ocean and land and water temps are in line with what the climate studies have modeled.'

Climate change contributes to virus escaping permafrost melt, habitat loss, etc.

News flash - Our party DOES accept that climate changes have occurred since the dawn of creation !! We have always known this, and of course, the scientists know it as well ! Does that shock you? I mean, how could your MAGA minders make you believe that we are not aware of it? Good grief.

Ever consider that energy corporations use this nonsense that well ya know, the climate has always changed, as a talking point to keep from complying with environmental regulations and keep people buying their products > as in they would never do that, would they?

Climate change is more than just weather; weather is a large symptom of it. And the biggest dolt denier is having trouble these days not connecting the dots - that the increased frequent;ency, intensity and different locations of storms, floods, droughts, wildfires, and rising ocean and land and water temps are in line with what the climate studies have modeled.'

Climate change contributes to virus escaping permafrost melt, habitat loss, etc.

Because you act like its some new phenomenom that didn't happen before the industrial revolution, or at least not to the same extent. We have been told certain places would be underwater years or decades ago that are not. There have been major ice ages in the past, we didn't do it. Climate has changed through history. If you have proof that climate through history has not changed up until the industrial revolution or some other time period i'd love to look at it.
Ever consider that energy corporations use this nonsense that well ya know, the climate has always changed,...
Maybe because its a fact and facts often matter because they don't fit the agenda to the Biden-loving, bleeding heart libs.

Climate change is more than just weather; weather is a large symptom of it. And the biggest dolt denier is having trouble these days not connecting the dots - that the increased frequent;ency, intensity and different locations of storms, floods, droughts, wildfires, and rising ocean and land and water temps are in line with what the climate studies have modeled.'

The problem you libs have is that you believe that correlation equals causation.

I'm going to put on my mindless Lib hat....More kids drown every year during the summer at the same time that ice cream trucks are roaming the streets. Ice cream trucks must cause drownings. We should ban ice cream trucks...for the children's sake.

Gotta take that lib hat off now. I hate that stupid feeling I get whenever I put it on.
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