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If you don't have a gun yet, better get one

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The judge on the Gun Owners of America case against BM114 will issue a ruling on the magazine limit/ban tomorrow sometime after Noon. The pre-purchase permit is still on hold until January 7th.

In the meantime, men who dress like women worry that a permit agent may deem them to be too crazy to purchase a firearm

12.15.2022 The Judge in Harney County issued a preliminary injunction against the magazine ban in Measure 114.

In a previous hearing on Dec 13th the court put a hold on the “permit to purchase” portion of the bill and promised a ruling on the mag ban by tomorrow, Dec 16th.

The ruling came today and means that for now, your standard capacity magazines are safe.

There will still have to be a complete trial on the constitutionality of the measure, but at the moment the permit to purchase and the ban on standard magazines will not be allowed to go into effect.

The Court has granted a hearing on December 23 for the state to explain why the safeguard which allows the transfer of a firearm after three business days (if the Oregon State Police do not complete a background check or issue a denial) should be removed.
I submitted my Concealed Carry Permit renewal 1st week in November. My Renewal is due no later than 12/31/2022. Normally it takes 6-8 Weeks to get the new Card after you renew. No Problem! Lady behind the glass at sheriffs office takes my renewal app and $75. That's up from $25 dollars last renewal. THEN she says it will be 12-14 weeks before your permit is ready to pick up. I said "SAY WHAT" She says Yep, we have been flooded with Concealed Carry 1st time Applicants since Pres. Biden got elected. She also said local gun shops are selling pistols at record levels. So if I don't get it back by 12/31/2022 I can not conceal carry but can carry OPEN. Well that sucks. Open carry makes you a target for the Hood Rats.

For People who don't want a concealed carry permit, they can get a open carry permit for less money and don't have to take all the classes for concealed carry.
She said those people are coming in droves also. They Want a Gun now! It still takes 12-14 weeks to get a background check.
I submitted my Concealed Carry Permit renewal 1st week in November. My Renewal is due no later than 12/31/2022. Normally it takes 6-8 Weeks to get the new Card after you renew. No Problem! Lady behind the glass at sheriffs office takes my renewal app and $75. That's up from $25 dollars last renewal. THEN she says it will be 12-14 weeks before your permit is ready to pick up. I said "SAY WHAT" She says Yep, we have been flooded with Concealed Carry 1st time Applicants since Pres. Biden got elected. She also said local gun shops are selling pistols at record levels. So if I don't get it back by 12/31/2022 I can not conceal carry but can carry OPEN. Well that sucks. Open carry makes you a target for the Hood Rats.

For People who don't want a concealed carry permit, they can get a open carry permit for less money and don't have to take all the classes for concealed carry.
She said those people are coming in droves also. They Want a Gun now! It still takes 12-14 weeks to get a background check.
I submitted my Concealed Carry Permit renewal 1st week in November. My Renewal is due no later than 12/31/2022. Normally it takes 6-8 Weeks to get the new Card after you renew. No Problem! Lady behind the glass at sheriffs office takes my renewal app and $75. That's up from $25 dollars last renewal. THEN she says it will be 12-14 weeks before your permit is ready to pick up. I said "SAY WHAT" She says Yep, we have been flooded with Concealed Carry 1st time Applicants since Pres. Biden got elected. She also said local gun shops are selling pistols at record levels. So if I don't get it back by 12/31/2022 I can not conceal carry but can carry OPEN. Well that sucks. Open carry makes you a target for the Hood Rats.

For People who don't want a concealed carry permit, they can get a open carry permit for less money and don't have to take all the classes for concealed carry.
She said those people are coming in droves also. They Want a Gun now! It still takes 12-14 weeks to get a background check.
Check your state law. Many states have a law that states the permit must be approved and available to the applicant in a certain time period.

I think my time is correct, in Virginia if I have not received the permit in 45 days I can carry before the permit is available. If denied, then I must stop carrying.

This is to stop liberal leaning states from slow rolling the process.
Check your state law. Many states have a law that states the permit must be approved and available to the applicant in a certain time period.

I think my time is correct, in Virginia if I have not received the permit in 45 days I can carry before the permit is available. If denied, then I must stop carrying.

This is to stop liberal leaning states from slow rolling the process.
Nice rule on paper, now let me tell you what really happens. My wife and I applied for our concealed carry in Oregon during the Obama rush. What our understaffed rural Sheriff's office ended up doing was refusing to accept applications until they could process them in the 45 day time frame. So it was wait five months until they were allowed to be submitted, wait another month, bring in paperwork get your photo and electronic fingerprints taken, come back two weeks later because the Sheriff's office lost everyone's electronic fingerprints that week and had to take them again, then finally get our CHL in the mail. In the meantime we had our Utah permits after only five weeks. Why Utah? Because unlike drivers licenses, some states do not recognize others carry permits. Utah is widely accepted, including by Washington State. You would think that Washington would accept Oregon since they are right next to each other, but no. And Oregon won't honor the permit from any state because they want the revenue.

The same thing happens with background checks. The State Police has 30 days to complete one, but if it does not happen, they just put you on hold for another 30 days. That is why the Federal safe guard is so important, since it allows a FFL dealer to transfer your firearm to you after 3 business days if there is no response from the OSP. A real life example below:

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