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If you don't have a gun yet, better get one

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According to the Oregon Secretary of State, Measure 114 will go into effect at 12:00 AM on December 8, 2022.
On that date, firearm sales by dealers, at gun shows, and private transfers (other than close relative transfers) will stop in Oregon. If you purchase a firearm before December 8, it must be in your possession before the measure takes effect. The purchase is not finalized if the firearm is not in your possession.

The Second Amendment has officially been canceled in Oregon.

New employee hiring process; HR checks the new publicly searchable "Oregon Firearm Purchase" data base, Uh-oh he is a gun owner! Risk management chimes in, "he has purchased a handgun", maybe well pass on hiring him!
Oregon voters have the government they elected. If they don't like it, they can elect different people who can then change laws and regulations.
Oregon voters have the government they elected. If they don't like it, they can elect different people who can then change laws and regulations.
That's the problem with this country--moreso perhaps in OR, but across the country an entire generation has been brainwashed via liberal teaching and lack of critical thinking skills. Every fact and piece of information out there point to the fact that guns are NOT the problem. But the brainwashing has taken hold, and without proper discernment, people will believe whatever they are fed. Not to mention that this is literally a generation that thinks our Constitution is A) mostly not needed, and B) is merely a suggested course of action, not the law of the land.

So things most of us have always held dear, like our rights to free speech and bear arms, are being eroded at an alarming rate. It is easy to say vote someone else in, but when the majority has spoken, I fear the country may already be too far gone. For those who disagree with the direction things are going, we best be prepared to fight, just as those who have put this country on the precipice have fought to tame all the sheep.

And heaven forbid we have to go to combat anytime soon. "What do you mean I can't take my makeup bag sarge?"
I wish I owned a gun shop in Idaho near the state border with Oregon.
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