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Irma Doesn't Look Good

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Five day forecast which is not guaranteed.
SW Fl...Miami to West Coast Lee County/Naples and Ft Meyers area (if it doesn't turn due north direct) esp have been long overdue for a direct hit from a monster such as this...
Some video of damage on St. Martin

Yup that's exactly what a Cat 5 is like but they being an island the prolific sea water surges from all sides make the damage really devastating. I saw really high end bay and ocean front houses in Miami with 30 ft ceilings with seaweed hanging from ceiling fans. Watermarks on drywall at 5 feet. Ship anchors embedded in front doors miles in from the coastline.
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The Florida keys are only like 5 ft above sea level and they say the storm surge could be 10 feet if it crosses them. That's serious.
with 185 MPH winds, some area's could see a 20' surge, that would be devastating anywhere; that is a 10 year re-build, just wait and see how long for Texas, there are still folks in Jersey & CT that have not rebuilt and its been a few years. FEMA will need some of the General Fund Money, that the Bankers have been contributing to, for food / water & shelter.
I've made sure all back-ups are up to date as well as off-site files. A laptop and an iPad and external backup drive are waterproofed and in a semi-indestructible container, Now, all I need is a run to the liquor store and I'm good to go.
If I'm reading this right, it looks fairly likely to swing northeast and miss Florida entirely? Hope that's the outcome

The center line might, but the storm is 400 miles wide and Florida averages 100 miles wide. The line can be out to sea and the whole state still get hit with hurricane force winds.
I've made sure all back-ups are up to date as well as off-site files. A laptop and an iPad and external backup drive are waterproofed and in a semi-indestructible container, Now, all I need is a run to the liquor store and I'm good to go.

Can you buy pot at the liquor store? :LOL:
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