We are staying and as prepared as we can be, shuttered, first aid, food, water, and lots of etc. too. We're in Broward next to the Everglades at I-75 (Weston). The City of Weston is hardened for this and IF we're 20+ miles from the eye can be back up and running on Monday or Tuesday as long as the Florida State grid holds out and we keep our office roof. Lots of reports to get out next week, and a couple of them are fairly complex. I'm "never" late without cause.
But we're right in the path so it's 50/50 (we will or we won't), and worried that if it heads up through the Everglades park it may gain strength. I am sorry, but we'd much prefer it chew through west Miami-Dade first and calm down a little before it gets here. I'm hoping some of our friends get hit rather than us... that sucks.
I grew up with CA earthquakes, fires and landslides, was close enough to the Watts riots to have to worry about safety, was caught traveling on I-90 in 1995 or 1996 by a decade blizzard where fellow travelers slid off the road froze to death because nobody else could stop, lived in Manhattan 9/11/01 and was in Wilma's eye around 2007. None of those events were as scary and I wish we had evacuated for my son's sake. But, we have a large extended family and some are unable to travel so we'll stick it out together.