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Is everyone busy? Not much activity on the TN threads lately.

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A slave I am not and if more of you would stand your ground the AMC's would be going down, not an appraiser that has been in business for 14 years!!
Right on Willie, slimmy they are. And will Scott agree with anyone???
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Not quite sure I understand your comment directed toward me: Elaberate, Please!
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It is so stupid for the AMC's (APPRAISERLOFT) to mass email appraisers with a (1 order) order and when you accept you only see another appraiser in the area has accepted it. We have to constantly be logged in to our email to even have a chance at getting a order from them. I hope all of the AMC's are not going to do this. If so it will make it tough to get anything to do. Has anyone else had a similar experience with this? I have been checking my incoming box every five minutes and finally got a order from APPRAISERLOFT. I accepted the order only to get the message that another appraiser in the area had already accepted it. This has happened 7-8 times in the last few days. This is like bait and switch. They get us signed up only to tease us its not right.
This is being a slave to the AMC. Im just saying.

Dean since you and Scott are so busy, how about one of you hiring a Cert. Appraiser with 14 years experience????
Dean since you and Scott are so busy, how about one of you hiring a Cert. Appraiser with 14 years experience????

Im no where busy as i was last year, or even 5 months ago. Im still doing okay though and cant complain. I can now get all of my work done over 5 day instead of the 7 that i was working.
I was doing a huge amount of foreclosures, but many banks have gone the way of the BPO instead of the appraisal. I anticipate that work coming back to me however when they reliaze the Realtors have motivation in bringing in the BPO low....real low.
However i also run another business, so when i reach the limit of appraisals i can do, i generally sub the rest out. If you want to email me your coverage areas etc, i would be glad to consider you for future work.
I just got burned badly by a forum member on sub work, but thankfully that is not the norm

I'm not that busy right now either. This is the slowest I have seen it since 1999-2000.
Come on now, you know you guys are covered up, right? Well, my last helper will be leaving today, been with me for 10 years. Sad day in this office...Thanks Dean for your reply. I haven't freelanced since 98 but I might have to. Not to sure about putting my email address on the forum....anyway maybe we can stay in touch on here for a while....I work out of Blount Co. and had been covering 6-7 counties but will be cutting back on my area due to me being a one man shop now. I haven't worked by myself since I opened in 1999. Lonesome me.
Earlier this week, I went in to a bank client to pick up some plans and specs. Banker stated they used to be covered up with draws, on Fridays, but now they have very few. As I was copying the plans, I got to thinking, man, I used to do this every week or so, and it has been dang near a year........:(

How is the economy in Sevierville these days? It was scorching for a while, with all the halfbacks and everything, but I'm guessing it has slowed?

The Florida and California fiascos have hurt my area of TN, because nobody can sell in those areas to move here.
Come on now, you know you guys are covered up, right? Well, my last helper will be leaving today, been with me for 10 years. Sad day in this office...Thanks Dean for your reply. I haven't freelanced since 98 but I might have to. Not to sure about putting my email address on the forum....anyway maybe we can stay in touch on here for a while....I work out of Blount Co. and had been covering 6-7 counties but will be cutting back on my area due to me being a one man shop now. I haven't worked by myself since I opened in 1999. Lonesome me.

Im as busy as i can handle without needing help at this time. I subbed one out last week. I have a guy in Morristown whom i send a lot of work to when i have it and cant get to it.
I too am a one man shop and have been for 6 years. I have a full time admin assistant whom i couldnt live without however.
These are tough times for many appraisers, thats for sure. Some wont survive, some will.
I have always been lucky i guess, never had a really bad down time....yet.

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