The GSE's should do a study on the affects of 'data cancer' and 'over inflated value' as a result of waivers. My suspicion is that housing affordability is being pushed further and further out of the reach of most potential home purchasers, and waivers are a significant factor. Also, AMCs have become a costly, unproductive middleman, behaving in their own self interest and not the public's best interest.
After they publish the definition of "accuracy" in the context of their HVE product.DW when is that research note coming out?
The left isn't homogenous in its DEI opinions.The left is so confused they don't know what to rant about the most. But they have returned to their typical hysterical scare tactics
Can you send me that link? I’m compiling them all to send to the White House. I’m not kidding. My state representative office told me how to send them this information through a backroom channel.Racial and Ethnic Valuation Gaps In Home Purchase Appraisals - Part 3: I Noticed An Error In My Report And I Would Like To Submit a Revision. Wait, What Do You Mean It's Too Late?