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Is PAVE being paved over?

I won’t be satisfied until F/F toss their lists of no-no words into the bondfire of the inanities.
I won’t be satisfied until F/F toss their lists of no-no words into the bondfire of the inanities.
On the one hand I agree with the general sentiment, but on the other hand I don't see how that can happen. Even if it does, the accusations of misconduct mostly originates in the eye of the casual layperson reader, not at the intended user. And HUD doesn't just accept complaints from the GSEs or the lenders.

The activists are citing underwriting practices - and appraiser compliance with those requirements - which occurred before any of us even got into the business as the reason for why some locations sell for less than others in 2025. I think its unreasonable to assume there is no statute of limitations for the offense of "appraiser bias".

The next DNC POTUS Administration is going to do the same thing the last one did. We might get a temporary reprieve but a future reversal of this reversal is probably inevitable. I believe there is no downside or hazard for appraisers to play it safe and to not feed the troll.

I want appraisers to prevail against these allegations in 2025 and in 2035. I want them to be ahead of the curve and operating with a proactive posture, not finding themselves behind the curve and being forced into reacting after the fact. IMO

It don't cost nothing.
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I won’t be satisfied until F/F toss their lists of no-no words into the bondfire of the inanities.
Stip of the Day

Subjective Language Detection - Please reconsider the use of the following words or phrases in your appraisal report per fair lending or client specific guidelines: "appeal" on page 3.
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