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Just finished the 15 hour online USPAP course from McKissock

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Don, I agree with the human interaction...I truly do. Personally I would never take an online class, if there was live class available.

If you spoke at the 120 WPM rate for 50 minutes per hour, for 14 hours, you would have said 84,000 words. If a good reader can read and comprehend those same words at the rate of 300 WPM, they would knock out the class (84,000 words) in 4.6666 hours (without any breaks).

Besides the lack of human interaction, one of the problems I have with online classes is that they can cover/teach hard core facts, but they have difficulty in covering topics that have a lot of exceptions or subtle differences depending upon the situations circumstances.

I view online classes as similar to reading from the text book, with NO deviations. Here's the info, read it and reguritate it for the test.

Many years ago I took a speed reading class. At the end of the course I could read at 1200 words per minute in things like novels...and I had better than 90% retention and comprehension. Heavy duty technical (factual) stuff I slowed down to about 400 words per minute. Once I was no longer in a job that required tons of reading, I backed away from using speed reading, because the joy of reading a novel at 1200 WPM was less than reading at a steady clip of 300. So, since I did not keep at the speed reading I have lost the 'knack/skill set' to do it. I guess I could practice and try to get 'it back', but I have no desire to do so.

So you may not buy the idea...but trust me it is true.
If an instructor is going to stand behind a podium and make like a network news anchor, reading the material verbatim out of the book with little or no elaboration, then the course participants might as well have taken that course online. The interaction between course participants and the host/moderator standing behind the podium is the thing. Without that the instructors are nothing more than jailers, holding the course participants captive for the duration of their sentence.

Unfortunately I think some CE instructors do just exactly that. I've taken courses from people like that and although I try to stay engaged I find myself watching the clock. A lot.
Seriously, am I the only one who is up on arms over some of the changes in USPAP?

Geographic Competency
Digitial Signatures
Client Assignment Conditions

And one more that I can't bring to mind, but will.
Seriously, am I the only one who is up on arms over some of the changes in USPAP?

Geographic Competency
Digitial Signatures
Client Assignment Conditions

And one more that I can't bring to mind, but will.

Joyce .. no one gets up in arms like you do ...... :Emoticon_hug:
The interaction between course participants and the host/moderator standing behind the podium is the thing.

Exactly. Live classes have a lot going for them. The previous 2 times I took USPAP the instructor was Bill King, who did a very nice job.

This time around I find myself needing 46 hours of CE, and not paying attention to how soon it was coming due. So I'm glad for the McKissock 49 hour package, I can cram the courses in whenever I find time.

As for the online USPAP, I spent about 7 hours. It's a 7 hour class, right? Going through the material and questions twice could be done faster I guess. I'm a pretty fast reader. But I try to learn something for my money and time. What's up with this trying to beat the system timer on a class that is mostly about ethics anyway? :leeann:

Some of the easier classes there might be a little extra time for the material. But there's links to follow for more info. You don't have to sandbag unless you want to. Slackers. :leeann2:
Holy cow! (noob here by the way, 2nd post)

I logged on here to get a little info and advice about getting my certification. One of the things I need to do is take the 15 hour USPAP. After reading the first page of this thread I've decided I'll be taking the online class with McKissock. Big thanks to the OP and the insite from some of the more civilized appraisers. One or two of you others need to get some Prozac.

Wow. Just wow.
Holy cow! (noob here by the way, 2nd post)

I logged on here to get a little info and advice about getting my certification. One of the things I need to do is take the 15 hour USPAP. After reading the first page of this thread I've decided I'll be taking the online class with McKissock. Big thanks to the OP and the insite from some of the more civilized appraisers. One or two of you others need to get some Prozac.

Wow. Just wow.

Thanks NCBeach. I think you will enjoy the McKissock class. Don't be too hard on the other guys, some are older and quite set in their ways. Which is understandable and perfectly acceptable of course!
Holy cow! (noob here by the way, 2nd post)

I logged on here to get a little info and advice about getting my certification. One of the things I need to do is take the 15 hour USPAP. After reading the first page of this thread I've decided I'll be taking the online class with McKissock. Big thanks to the OP and the insite from some of the more civilized appraisers. One or two of you others need to get some Prozac.

Wow. Just wow.

Let's see how you feel about this once you have some experience.
Thanks NCBeach. I think you will enjoy the McKissock class. Don't be too hard on the other guys, some are older and quite set in their ways. Which is understandable and perfectly acceptable of course!

Wonderful:rof: Now I know what the bible verse means....."The blind leading the blind". Can't wait to see your name on the ASC List of sanctioned appraisers because you did not know enough about USPAP to keep yourself out of trouble.

Let's see, South Dakota jas about 200 appraisers for the whole state. Should be able to pick Voltaire out of that crowd in a heart beat.

Hats off to such great future appraisersm2:m2:
........After reading the first page of this thread I've decided I'll be taking the online class with McKissock..........One or two of you others need to get some Prozac.

Wow. Just wow.

SO you are entering a new profession and are looking to get it done as quick as possible. It is my opinion that trainees should take the class live with no exception.

I see so many who post on here who are looking for the fastest and cheapest ways to get education and "my hours". It is clear looking at the posts that many people are not looking to be professionals, but rather form fillers.

I have about 12 books on my desk that I keep handy for regular reference and along with the 13th Edition, Appraising Residential Properties, Appraising Rural Properties and The Dictionary of Real Estate is the current USPAP which I have to reference often when doing litigation, assessor work and reviews.

Oh well, fast and cheap seems to be the way to do things these days.
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