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Let’s Get This Signed And Out There Please

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Are you sure about that? Think real hard and don’t hurt yourself!

You are correct.

And it's posted to this forum.

'Cept of course, it had a different name and different purpose, but gheeze, it's the same words that made it into the HVCC a year later.

This entire thread and the stupid Petition is pure BS and should be removed.
You are correct.

And it's posted to this forum.

'Cept of course, it had a different name and different purpose, but gheeze, it's the same words that made it into the HVCC a year later.


LOL. Unbelievable. Explain how that could happened when the HVCC was written prior to the IVPI (that is how it is quoted in the IVPI). So ironic that you accuse me of forgetting or not knowing the history when it is you that keeps posting things factually incorrect.
You are correct.

And it's posted to this forum.

'Cept of course, it had a different name and different purpose, but gheeze, it's the same words that made it into the HVCC a year later.

My post was a joke.

Mike did not write the HVCC and the IVPI did not preceed the HVCC.

The IVPI (Independent Valuation Protection Institute) was supposed to administer the provisions of the HVCC wth seed money from the GSEs. Several groups submitted proposals, it was never funded or implemented.
Petitions can have a long-term organizational legacy even if their short-term policy effect is zero. So what is the organizers real agenda ? Well we know they injected a Presidents name into a issue that just eliminated at least 40% or more of appraisers like myself - In Blue States Like where I live if appraiser follow the general stats then 80% would sign just because they hate the POTUS. BUT here is the rub- In my 35 years of Real Estate & Lending It has always been the goal of bankers to eliminate appraisals.The only reason it is taking so long is the technology was not up to speed . This POTUS had nothing to do with Fannies Data collection and UAD system it was implemented under the prior presidents term BUT to be fair he dint implemented it either and had no idea what UAD even is and neither does the current administration. The Senate Banking Committee will be controlled by Maxine waters starting in January and she will be calling the shots on a lot of the regulatory issues the banks and lenders will be dealing with. Appraisal Issues typically are not pat of that agenda and are handles mostly by lower level bureaucrats and input from the regulators.

The largest Appraisal organization ( we all know who they are ) interest is and never has been residential and like the other groups no matter what their positions are Senators and Congressman only pay attention to petitions sent by groups that give large campaign donations- The rest are ignored and filed away.

This petition was written by Ryan Lunquist ( I Hear A Good Guy ) but by using the CHANGE.ORG platform and injecting politics it has the- potential to be used by the developers of the site or trolls to use and collect names, political affiliations and lots of other things. In a lot of these cases the person writing or promoting the petition has no idea how their list is being used and many of these sites sell your names and that's how they fund the site.

Therefore even if I believed in the cause I would never sign or use a site like CHANGE.ORG to plead my case. THE AF FORUM refrains from politics which is good and if I was the owner I would remove this thread unless the writers of the petition removed any and all reference to politics because the petition became worthless to many of us once the writers injected the POTUS name especially since Presidents don't pass or make laws regarding appraisals.

That was the first clue these guys have no idea how regulatory agencies rules are changed or amended and it raised suspicion that someone may be simply trying to develop their own organization or members and Who knows maybe even a way to hijack members from this and other sites. Probably not a very good way but if I was a blogger and could pick up 2,500 names quickly I would certainly do it.

In closing sign these types of petitions at your own risk and don't be surprised if your name is sold or delivered to all those Big-Banks and AMC's and at that point you won't have to worry about Inspection waivers or raised deminimus because your name will simply be deleted..
Petitions can have a long-term organizational legacy even if their short-term policy effect is zero. So what is the organizers real agenda ? Well we know they injected a Presidents name into a issue that just eliminated at least 40% or more of appraisers like myself - In Blue States Like where I live if appraiser follow the general stats then 80% would sign just because they hate the POTUS. BUT here is the rub- In my 35 years of Real Estate & Lending It has always been the goal of bankers to eliminate appraisals.The only reason it is taking so long is the technology was not up to speed . This POTUS had nothing to do with Fannies Data collection and UAD system it was implemented under the prior presidents term BUT to be fair he dint implemented it either and had no idea what UAD even is and neither does the current administration. The Senate Banking Committee will be controlled by Maxine waters starting in January and she will be calling the shots on a lot of the regulatory issues the banks and lenders will be dealing with. Appraisal Issues typically are not pat of that agenda and are handles mostly by lower level bureaucrats and input from the regulators.

The largest Appraisal organization ( we all know who they are ) interest is and never has been residential and like the other groups no matter what their positions are Senators and Congressman only pay attention to petitions sent by groups that give large campaign donations- The rest are ignored and filed away.

This petition was written by Ryan Lunquist ( I Hear A Good Guy ) but by using the CHANGE.ORG platform and injecting politics it has the- potential to be used by the developers of the site or trolls to use and collect names, political affiliations and lots of other things. In a lot of these cases the person writing or promoting the petition has no idea how their list is being used and many of these sites sell your names and that's how they fund the site.

Therefore even if I believed in the cause I would never sign or use a site like CHANGE.ORG to plead my case. THE AF FORUM refrains from politics which is good and if I was the owner I would remove this thread unless the writers of the petition removed any and all reference to politics because the petition became worthless to many of us once the writers injected the POTUS name especially since Presidents don't pass or make laws regarding appraisals.

That was the first clue these guys have no idea how regulatory agencies rules are changed or amended and it raised suspicion that someone may be simply trying to develop their own organization or members and Who knows maybe even a way to hijack members from this and other sites. Probably not a very good way but if I was a blogger and could pick up 2,500 names quickly I would certainly do it.

In closing sign these types of petitions at your own risk and don't be surprised if your name is sold or delivered to all those Big-Banks and AMC's and at that point you won't have to worry about Inspection waivers or raised deminimus because your name will simply be deleted..

Believe it. Probably 20 years ago I went to a Fed meeting (traveling show, not a business meeting) in NC. People were allowed to speak. and I spoke about how bad some of the sub-prime lenders were. Ford Motor Credit, The Associates, Beneficial, Mr. Cash....etc. I said my piece and the very next day had a phone call from 2-3 fellows from Ford Motor Credit. Do I need to tell you the result of the situation?
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My post was a joke.

Mike did not write the HVCC and the IVPI did not preceed the HVCC.

The IVPI (Independent Valuation Protection Institute) was supposed to administer the provisions of the HVCC wth seed money from the GSEs. Several groups submitted proposals, it was never funded or implemented.

I did not say anything at all about the IVPI.

But are you ready for the history? Although, some of it has been removed. Not my fault.

LOL. Unbelievable. Explain how that could happened when the HVCC was written prior to the IVPI (that is how it is quoted in the IVPI). So ironic that you accuse me of forgetting or not knowing the history when it is you that keeps posting things factually incorrect.

Post where I said anything about the IVPI, that's stuff other people said, not me.

But read every post from these links, and I'll post some screen shots of some of the more interesting stuff.

But I thought they taught you in college how to do research? Or has life gotten so good, you just sit back and wait for others to do it for you now? What good is the degree if the memory is shot after only 33 years or less?

Read all the posts.


https://appraisersforum.com/forums/threads/nehemiah-corp-code-of-conduct.87787/ this thread was edited.





Note the date:






post 39 is gone

post 89 states that thread was emailed to Cuomo, yet it is gone.

Post 93, image

Post 110 image

Post 113 image

https://appraisersforum.com/forums/...umo-freddie-mac-and-fannie-mae.134903/page-19 whole page

Post 249 - Too Long to screen shot here - read that one.




New York Attorney General Cuomo Announces Agreement With Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, And Ofheo.

Yup, that'd be Andy's website.

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