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New trainee with older supervisor - Advice?

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After searching for almost a year, I have finally found a Certified General Appraiser to sponsor me while I get my hours! My supervisor is 75 years old and still very old school, and I have heard from fellow trainees that the experience log is easy to mess up. So my question here is - does anyone have advice for me when it comes to documentation/experience logs? I want to make sure I am on top of things since my supervisor obviously got his license well before the current documentation requirements. Any advice for this newbie would be appreciated. :)

In NC the super must TAKE a course regarding supervising "trainees". In that : the super' would HAVE TO follow specific directions. Check IT OUT !
After searching for almost a year, I have finally found a Certified General Appraiser to sponsor me while I get my hours! My supervisor is 75 years old and still very old school, and I have heard from fellow trainees that the experience log is easy to mess up. So my question here is - does anyone have advice for me when it comes to documentation/experience logs? I want to make sure I am on top of things since my supervisor obviously got his license well before the current documentation requirements. Any advice for this newbie would be appreciated. :)
Tennessee has an Excel version that I used and would send to her to review. If he is "old school", he will more than likely just sign it so you will need to be and stay proactive.
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