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Newest QC request: Don't use the Word "Diversity"

There's part of your reply if you want to try and get a point across (which would be a waste of time IMO)or you could just say it was a correction of a typographical error
I will most likely end up revising it in some way, maybe change Diversity to Multfariousness just to make them look it up... And yes .. I know I'm being a bit pigheaded on this but if I make a mistake in a report I am more than happy to correct it but this is not a mistake... it is a correct use of the word in the context of the sentence it was part of.
diversity variety

Better yet, if it’s important, just state specifically the what variations exist.

As to how to handle the revision request, there’s no requirement to restate the word. Just state, at the client’s request some language in the report was modified for clarity.
The Market Grid already states specifically what the differences are. This was part of a summary paragraph referencing the differences in the available properties in the general market. Again, I know I am pushing back on this a bit more than I probably should... but I also do not believe I'm wrong in thinking it's a totally BS request considering no one can show me a list anywhere that has a Fannie/Freddie/HUD list of dirty words beyond the Fair Housing stuff
diversity variety

Better yet, if it’s important, just state specifically the what variations exist.

As to how to handle the revision request, there’s no requirement to restate the word. Just state, at the client’s request some language in the report was modified for clarity.
99% of the time on revisions I state within the addendum of the report exactly What the lender is asking as a itemized list with associated replies to each request. This keeps a record of the revisions in the official report and eliminates times when 2 different underwriters have wanted the exact opposite thing to be changed. O4r when a underwriter tries repeatedly to insist that FHA has a exemption for historical properties in their requirements.... I dont care if the property is 200 years old and on the National register.. if it was built before 1978 and has peeling/flaking paint it;s an FHA issue ... lol
Oh.. I have been awake and watching it all... I just don't buy into the BS... people want to hijack basic language and expect everyone else to bow to their will...

I know there will always be morons out there that we all have to deal with on a daily basis.. sorry I guess the correct term in todays world is "Underwriters"... but
PC has been around for years and I still think it is a crock. But I have more important things to worry or get upset about.
I get where the op is coming from. But is this the hill you really want to die on? If you're going to stick your head up out of a crowd, someone's going to throw a rock at it.

Variety, array, assortment, collection. Choose one, move on.
I believe Diversity shows up on the Fannie website as a word to avoid. Diversity is a word usually associated with people; I have never seen it used on an appraisal about comps - keep it simple, just state that the word diversity was replaced with variety or variances among the comps. The end. Otherwise, you might have a short career for GSE work - right or wrong , we are trying to help you here. ioas
Don't be a smart alex with the lender. They don't need you.

Where in the appraisal world have you seen the word diversity used for types of housing. The word is style, the predominate style in the area is 2 story detached. Why go into using term 'diversity' of anything. Fannie, FHA want specific items, not generalized words. Sounds like a coded term, I diversified the comps to avoid a biased appraisal. Is that what you are trying to be, subliminaI. I don't even understand, or anyone here understands what type of items you are describing with the word diversity. As noted on the grid there was a diversity of rooms, baths and sites. However, the owners were non diversified.

There was no diversity of opinion here on you, guilty as charged. You must not live in a diversified neighborhood to understand that coded word. At least smart enough to ask us.
so got this fun QC request tonight.

"Please revisit and revise the following term, ensuring that you do not repeat the identified words in your revision commentary: 'DIVERSITY'. "

Comment in the report references the diversity of the comparables in the general market area in terms of style, features and amenities specifically...

and was told to reference the FNMA B4-1.1-04 and FRE 5603.4 which does not state Diversity is a bad word ....

It's almost like no one actually reads our reports for context. I really wish someone would put together a list of all the specific words that are bad words now and not just normal basic English words
You have to decide for yourself... I would tell them to bite me... politely, of course.
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