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NY, FirstAM & WaMu article

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Dick Bove, an analyst with Punk Ziegel & Co., said property appraisals are always based on a number of changing factors. Wrongdoing in this case is going to be "almost impossible" to prove, he added.

I would agree but that is no great revelation. My state DBPR, from what I've heard, apparently can't look at two appraisals on the same property, one at 800K and one at 1.8M and find a basis for a complaint against someone. I mean, they got their standards you know.

But this has nothing to do with the actual numbers. Did you read the 9 e-mails? If not see http://abcnews.go.com/images/Blotter/AG_email_excerpts_1Nov2007.pdf

I think you will be amused. But if I were a New York appraiser who had done lots of work for "E" I'm not so sure I would be amused. Cuz...I wouldn't like a state investigator auditing my files; matching the values provided by the AMC on the orders with the values on the appraisals.
"goes to credibility"
EappraiseIT is not the main issue (although they are at the focal point of the AGs investigation). I've been saying for a long time that the issue with FRIs is that they have delegated their due diligence responsibilities to the AMCs and that is something counter to the regulatory guidelines.

WAMU was one of the best lenders to work with; they never pressured us but did ask legitimate questions when such questions were warranted. Working with Wamu direct, I may have received 5 (out of 1,000+ orders our firm did for them) requests for reconsideration.
That all changed when the shelved their internal appraisal department and went to outsourcing. Our relationship with the AMCs went all of maybe 10-15 jobs, then we cut it off.

Cuomo is a smart guy. Good for him for not going after WAMU direct because then the issue gets lost in a jurisdictional battle (Feds vs. State). But, what Cuomo will be able to do is show that there was collusion between the lending arm and the the AMC to pre-select appraisers with the intent of pre-determining the outcome of the lending decision. And to this matter I can speak first hand about as I have first hand knowledge of this occurring (as Pam knows).

Here is the significance as I see it: If this case starts and stops with EappraiseIT, then not much will change. If, however, the federal regulators become involved and review the situation and determine that lenders are not overseeing (due diligence) their third-party vendors appropriately, then a lot will change. And that "lot" will be positive change.

I still believe that 30%+/- of all mortgage appraisals will disappear because they will be able to do them with AVMs or an AVM-type product. So be it. But for the remainder, I predict (and have predicted) that the fees will increase because there will be a higher demand in the quality of the report. All this takes time. EappraiseIT may be the first significant move in this direction. Other signs are tightening of UW guidelines and an increase in review (although the increase in the volume of the reviews does not necessarily translate to an increase in the quality standards of the reviews).

You get regulators breathing down the backs of lenders, you get regulators breathing down the backs of the rating agencies (who will be held to a higher due-diligence requirement of rating the mortgage securities; part of which is the quality of the underlying collateral) and you get investors demanding a better quality collateral risk-analysis, and you will see a demand for higher-quality appraisals (and appraisers).

Does this mean the AMC model is dead? No, I don't think so. What it does mean, however, is that the AMC model cannot operate on the promise to the lender that by switching to the AMC, the lender's collateral valuation expenses will be automatically reduced. Some will, but not all. But the one thing that the AMCs will have to promise the lenders (if I am right about Wamu being held to the fire by the feds) is that their regulatory risk will be reduced. As it stands, I believe their regulatory risk has been increased.

My two-cents.
This is GREAT news, but there is more to come and don't forget who has deep pockets in this dog fight.


``We vehemently disagree with his characterization of the facts,'' Kenneth DeGiorgio, First American's general counsel, said in a conference call with analysts. ``We're confident that once we've had the opportunity to set forth our response before an impartial arbiter, our activities will be found to be appropriate.'' Washington Mutual spokeswoman Libby Hutchinson didn't immediately return calls seeking comment.

If there was EVER a time for the appraisers to band together, it's now. Anyone who has ever been pressured or experienced any of the allegations set forth that involve the named defendants, now is the time to send a letter and any evidence of your experiences to both the NY State AG's office AND Pam Crowley.

Stop being afraid of any short term work loss people and look at the long term benefits this might have on the appraisal industry.
All of you that have the evidence, or the stories, of ANYTHING that is not right regarding your dealings with eAppraiseIT, LSI, WAMU, ANY AMC and/or the lenders that use the AMCs, including FNC/AppraisalPort - including who you think might be that 'third party software company' that Mr. Merlo referred to as being the one that 'converts' your appraisals to something other than what they were ..... get that to me and/or my attorney, please!!!


Make this into the tidal wave it should be!

The eAppraiseIT suit against me is NOT just about unlocking secured appraisal files and/or adding a watermark. I wrote that they are involved in unethical practices and pressuring appraisers. Just what Cuomo has against them. The unlocking of secured appraisals and adding a watermark is actually just a small part of it all. You did read their compliant against me and their testimony at the Emergency Hearing they called for against me, right?
The genie is out of the bottle this time. This suit is all over the news, not just the financial channels or mortgage blogs. Consumers (voters) are finally open to hearing the message. Nothing like things going badly to catch people's attention and then a suit like this one to focus it.
I don't think that the issue is one of individual appraisal pressure to increase values; just those appraisers that routinely "ignore" the "value needed, estimated value, etc" are never given any more work. Those that cooperated by meeting a target value were rewarded with continued employment. The rest of us were left high and dry.

I knew there was a reason I wasn't getting anymore orders from LSI.........I must have been on their "Do not use" lists.........:icon_mrgreen: :rof:

Throw'em Under the friggin bus!!! Be sure to take Skippy with em!
I have not even read the articles other than the copy and Pastes on here, but I am getting the message pretty clear..........I can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel!


Special PROPS to Pam Crowley for FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT!

I think it is time for each and everyone of us to write our congressman and those in Florida need to write our attorney General. We have a chance to make a difference while the iron is hot. We can just complain to each other on this board or we can do something to take control of our profession. We can regain our independence as it should be. Stepping down off my soapbox.
RE: "But, what Cuomo will be able to do is show that there was collusion between the lending arm and the the AMC to pre-select appraisers with the intent of pre-determining the outcome of the lending decision."

Absolutely, and Cuomo controls a substantial amount of other evidence that can't be shredded. His appraiser's have written orders in file, probably a paper trail documenting reconsiderations of values, and the appraisals themselves to match up.
Think I'll celebrate tonight :new_all_coholic: :beer:
(Anyone in the Charlotte area up for an appraiser meeting at the local Pub?)

DaveT in NC


I may be able to hook up friday night. My brother lives at my house and he is having out-patient surgery friday morning. So its going to depend on how much of a cry baby he is!!

Saturday is not good because its my Dad's 80th birthday.

Maybe sunday or money at mid-town sundries up by you!! Or vinnie's oyster bar!

Will let you know.


Anybody catch the LSI Connection in those e-mails. Hopefully the good NY State AG will get them also!
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