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Overall Market Trend (Min 12 months)

Which offers the greatest incentive: appraisal cost per loan when using an AMC: $30. Appraisal cost per loan when using an appraisal desk: $250.
And what loans were the most problematic in 2008? Loans through conventional regulated banks? Or, loans through mortgage brokers?
That is, I hope, a rhetorical question...
I hope, a rhetorical question...
Subprime loans were the worst.
The real causes of the housing and financial crisis were predatory private mortgage lending and unregulated markets​
If all comparable sales used are located in the subject neighborhood, is the 1004MC an acceptable exhibit to satisfy this requirement?
Subprime loans were the worst.
The real causes of the housing and financial crisis were predatory private mortgage lending and unregulated markets​
They most certainly were - by mortgage brokers - who went away until about 5 years ago, and the model is moving back that direction now.
I’ve been saying this all along: if you consider any of the methods promoted by True Footage and DataMaster, you’re better off relying on checking stable and leaving it at that, especially in markets that are not homogeneous.
I used the new spark adjustment tool for time adjustments. It gave me a 30k time adjustment for a property that sold 2 months prior the effective date.The comp sold for 74k.......104k adjusted for 2 months worth of time. Spark decided to raise prices due to this new and amazing tool. The spark time adjustment tool is pure cheeks.
The below was generated via Formulabot for a fairly homogeneous data set. It uses Plotly to generate the interactive graph, but I think you have to install that to actually 'see' the data points. You can hover them, but I can't get them on the graph.


Update: You can tell Formulabot to generate a chart of the change in Excel format and got the following:

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