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REO sales and "Market Value"

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BTW and FTR, please allow me to apologize for not immediately recognizing your true identity. I must admit that you had me going for a while there. I should have realized from the outset that no CG from California working with the datasets we have here would ever be so stupid as to not recognize the obvious in their own work. Call me slow.

I will say that I think it's misleading for you to portray yourself in your ID line as being local to markets you don't work in, but that's between you and Wayne. Now that I (belatedly) realize who you are I will consider the source of your comments and respond accordingly.

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Outing an id is simply wrong. There are very good reasons to use an anonymous id and even change it to another id when they started out using their real name...it doesn't mean they are bad or untrustworthy. People get new identities for protection. It is not a reflection on their honesty and those that spew that kind of nonsense are just being vindictive. Often happens when they can't find a legitimate way to win a debate.
Posting personal identification of posters is prohibited by forum rules.

Outing an id is simply wrong. There are very good reasons to use an anonymous id and even change it to another id when they started out using their real name...it doesn't mean they are bad or untrustworthy. People get new identities for protection. It is not a reflection on their honesty and those that spew that kind of nonsense are just being vindictive. Often happens when they can't find a legitimate way to win a debate.

I see you have the morals and ethics of a Realtor. Having the state of license issue of California when it is another state is fine with you. It is not bad or dishonest to deceive, it goes right to the heart of a person's character.

You guys from Minnesota have that in common.
Your just twisting, spinning and speakin out of your @$$ ....typical. I'm sure all the appraisers here that have had a RE license just want to kiss you right now. You don't have any idea why someone changes an id. Bad things happen to posters on open forums...sometimes you need to change everything about yourself for protection. Pretty funny that you come on here with a bunch of smak about someone's morals...right after you get your post bleeped out for breaking rules. You're a real piece of work.
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Your just twisting, spinning and speakin out of your @$$ ....typical. I'm sure all the appraisers here that have had a RE license just want to kiss you right now. You don't have any idea why someone changes an id. Bad things happen to posters on open forums...sometimes you need to change everything about yourself for protection. Pretty funny that you come on here with a bunch of smak about someone's morals...right after you get your post bleeped out for breaking rules. You're a real piece of work.


Let us talk about morals. According to you, you agree it is acceptable and you agree with lying. There can be no justification of identifying yourself as an appraiser from California when you are in fact in and from Minnesota. That fact of fabrication goes to the heart of a person's character.

As the saying goes, judge for yourselves.

If the concern is protecting the identity, why not start the posting count at zero, setting the number of posts to zero, setting the join date at 2012 and setting the professional status as General Public? Answer: That person would have zero influence and less than acceptable credibility when posting.
. According to you, you agree it is acceptable and you agree with lying. There can be no justification of identifying yourself as an appraiser from California when you are in fact in and from Minnesota. That fact of fabrication goes to the heart of a person's character.

I know what I don't know. I don't know why he did what he did. I do know that there ARE circumstances where one can be justified in changing things about themselves to be safe, therefore I can't say he's doing it to maliciously misrepresent himself to us. I know he's never posted on CA issues that would call for the appraiser to be Geo competent to know...he's keeping to appraisal specific issues like any online appraisal class. I don't know if he has some cyber enemy and had to change his appearance, including where he lives to avoid a problem and neither do YOU.

Ah, but it's more convenient for you to paint him as "dishonest" so that when he whips you like an unwanted stepchild in a debate again, you can pull out your "bad guy" ad hominem card to try and negate the truth.
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Defend Mentor / JSmith43 all you want. I sincerely doubt that you can convince people that what was done in changing Mentor to JSmith34 did not have a moral defect.

As for debating or presenting truthful information and opinions that carries weight, a person's character matters.

Anyone who makes a claim about bankruptcy appraisals and has never done one but presents his expert opinion on that subject needs to be ignored because of ignorance on the subject.

I cannot imagine that you would really want any of the 5-10 people who are following this thread to respond to you on this tangent. It can only get worse from this point forward.

There's a fair bit more to say about the persona he just happened to choose. Suffice it to say that there really is an entry in the California OREA database whose particulars mesh seamlessly with the persona that was being implied here. As far as I can tell he went to no small effort to find a real person to impersonate.

I reckon this is where the moderators decide that the tangent has taken over the thread and that it's time for everyone to move on. Before that happens I'd like to take this opportunity to bid the three of you a fond adieu until the next time this topic pokes its head up, which should be in about a week.
Randolph knows fully well I changed identities several months ago because he & George insisted on using my real name. The trick, as you call it, was necessary to keep you from breaking forum rules.

You and George, to a lessor extent broke the spirit of the rules. It goes on to this day.

The fact that you are off on a witch hunt to find support for your interpretation of MV as defined in FIRREA for lending transactions, is amusing. I posted my sources way back when. Have an argument with them.

I didn't sick the monitors on this thread, figuring you would do your normal job of embarrassing yourself.

I am a bit disappointed in George for making it his business to play detective and share his findings for all. Hopefully it doesn't ruin his reputation too much.

George, remember when I deleted a copy of one of your posts & insisted you take yours down as well? It wasn't about me as you surely recall. It was about a thoughtless response on your part. At the time, I thought it would unfairly destroy your reputation, so I took my post down that quoted you.

How about a little karma?

To the moderators: Thanks for doing the right thing on your own. That was class.
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