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REO sales and "Market Value"

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Boy, I miss his posts...

Well, I'd certainly like to hear what he has to say on the thread topic, anyway.

What was that again? Oh yes, using REO's as comps. That was quite a few posts ago. One of the original posters actually came up with some pretty good advice in post#7 (not his usual advice), but then decided it would be more fun to mud wrestle, I guess.

This topic is pretty shop worn but still the questions get posted.

Is that FL market bottoming out anywhere notable yet, MS Janet? I have relatives East of Tampa I visit now & then. They are somewhat oblivious to the RE melt down having long ago paid for their home, etc, but I imagine the stress boils out in some areas.
Well, I'm further down on the Southwest coast and I would say we are starting to stabilize. I heard someone speaking from the Naples Board of Realtors on the Sunday news saying they had been told by Fannie there was no shadow inventory in Naples. I can't confirm that is true...just what I heard her say.

Definitely some sunlight peeking thru the clouds IMO,
The poster of #553 on this thread (allegedly) took exception to timd's professional views on some matter and attempted to get him fired via communications with his boss. He worked for one of the GSE's at the time and posted under his own name. Does that count?

Also, Pamela C, a long time moderator, posting under her own name, got dragged into a slap suit with an 800 pound gorilla. Doubtful they would have even filed had there been a less high profile, harder to nail down fake name post that caught their eye.
She ended up doing some slapping of her own, but I doubt she wanted to turn her life in that direction.

Anyone see Steve S posting here any more? Guess why.

If poster of post #553 on this thread did what was stated above, I do not see how or why it is pertinent to mention it in this particular thread...
If poster of post #553 on this thread did what was stated above, I do not see how or why it is pertinent to mention it in this particular thread...

It was pertinent to Moh's question about why use a screen name. If timd had used a screen name back then, the alleged attempt by poster 553 to have him fired would have been more difficult. It was one of three examples I gave him off the top of my head that were indeed pertinent to his question.

The thread topic is REO as comps, so quite a few posts have been off topic.
That is hilarious. I was considering Guam, but figured CA was more anonymous.

My understanding is that the ONLY item verified is that if a poster claims LR, CR or CG they must provide HeadSurfer with their true name (on license) and he will bet that they are a licensed appraiser of that license level. Everything is is subject to change by the user albeit name can only be changed a limited number of times without express permission of Head Surfer (unless Mods can do that as well). I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.
I have been wondering why some appraisers want to hide their identities from other appraisers. May be you can give me some of those good reasons.

  1. Identity theft is rampant.
  2. The internet is "forever".
  3. Sometimes people change jobs and are not supposed to publicly express opinions as some will take them as fact.
  4. ''When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.'' - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
For me it is 1 & 4 ... I have been using the moniker D.M.Zwerg since ARPANET and I have been published as D.M.Zwerg. It is a very long used pen name that in many circles is more "real" than any name I received at birth. In other words, online, my "real" name would be an alias as my "alias" is more real. :peace:
Terrel L. Shields does not exist. It is a figment of Res guy's imagination. He is posting both ... :)

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I'm mulling over the prospect of changing my handle to DWiley60 from Tennessee. I hereby declare that any resemblance between that handle and a real person is strictly coincidental, so that must make it so. If anyone on this forum - noob or veteran alike - later gets the wrong idea about who I am then that's their problem. Right?
George...you're just burying yourself further in to paranoia. No one has ever heard of JSmith, other than that it is the most common name in America and commonly used for pseudo names. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_smith D Willey is not. DWiley is a known name here. JSmith is not. No one knows anything about some J Smith being an entry in the OREA database and no one has ever mentioned such an bizarre association. There are 33 entries for J Smith in the ASC for CA with the only active CGs being females. Seriously George...this is why the witch hunts are illegal now.

Maybe you should try the angle that he's trying to impersonate Brad Pitt. At least someone will know who you're talking about.

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