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REO sales and "Market Value"

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I think everyone has to find an approach to interacting with others that works for them. My approach involves trying to maintain realistic expectations for the various parties I deal with.

I don't expect a city official to personally commit to a position of a permissible use that isn't otherwise explicitly stated in the zoning code. So when they're non-committal and vague about that I don't get all torqued about it. They're just doing their thing.

I don't expect a happy homeowner to point out all the defects they're aware of with their property. So when they act the way homeowners normally act I don't let it bother me or interfere with the way I deal with them.

Same with the agents. Just having realistic expectations for their role makes it a lot easier for me to engage with them without taking anything personally. If an individual exceeds those expectations then that's great but if they don't I just consider the source.

I consider that to be an appropriate way to proceed. It's business, not personal.
I consider that to be an appropriate way to proceed. It's business, not personal.

The appraisersforum also deserves no less.:shrug:
IMO the two attributes it takes to effectively act in the role of hall monitor is to first have a usable grasp of the fundamentals that will repeatedly survive the scrutiny of a roomful of your peers in real time; and to sincerely support the party line.

Of course, that's just an opinion. Had you made the attempt you might have found a different strategy.
Now I get the surfer logo!
Well, I think it is safe to say that the POTUS won't be calling on George H's diplomatic skills for any future apology tours.

This thread has been dumped on more than enough. What say we call it a day?

My preference is for professional dialog, but as time permits, if attacked, I will defend and/or choose to not participate.

So man up and address the logic of the arguments put forward. We'll be getting plenty of these distraction strategy pitches from now through election day. Lets keep political style attacks out of the forum.
I want to see JSmith43's birth certificate!
To have "professional dialog" one would have to read and respond to what the post says, rather than to read a post out of context in order to make some silly mockery. For example, when someone says "when you are out there surfing near dawn or dusk" and they retort with a not so subtle "you're a dunce" response like "Nobody surfs from dawn to dusk". That may be true but has nothing to do with what the poster said.
Point taken - I did read that comment out of context. Sorry.
Here's your sign.

Pick out the non-distressed and loan your money to the borrower.


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Well as long as you guys don't call yourselves Rachael from CardHolder Services! HA! If you don't know the dirty details on the hundred different companies using one same name to auto dial you, this story will be enlightening to you.


I keep my name posted on my profile usually. But back when I ran out full steam with my original handle Jeremy_Hall_CO, I experienced huge negative backlash for speaking out against AMC process. Ironically that Schurman letter sort of set the record straight, but much too late to make any difference.

Would you guys stop arguing about REO's and screen handles?

More important topic matters to discuss: Liberty & Freedom. Future Prosperity. It's time for you guys to stand united a side more than you are now.

The whole "REO DISCUSSION" is one damned greek tragedy. A Lament of the People. Get real for a minute and see the forest from the trees.
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