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REO sales and "Market Value"

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All I know is that he succeeded quite well in deceiving me as to his bona-fides. I also know that I'm not the only one who was deceived. Since he's so enamored with polls maybe he can post one asking if people here actually thought he was a CG from California by the name of J E Smith.

It's not like he picked an abstract for a handle like the one you or a lot of other people use. The JSmith persona he just happened to pick is basically his doppleganger. He's a veteran CG who also sells RE and loans and is heavy into FHA, and he's the *only* J. Smith in the OREAs database that otherwise even comes close. The only aspect that doesn't necessarily fit is that the real J Smith has reportedly resigned his license, which almost invariably only occurs when they're under investigation and about to get thumped by the state for being a team player.

It all just happened to fit how he was presenting himself here, didn't it?

Try to use a little intellectual honesty with this tangent. If someone adopts a handle like JGrant from Florida it's a pretty fair assumption that 99.9% of everyone on this forum is going to think they're interacting with someone who's actually from Florida as opposed to some fictional place like "Vulcan", and that the person's last name actually is Grant.

You're using a handle from Minnesota that leads me to assume that you're a Minnesota CR and you understand what's going on there. I'm trusting you when you make these assertions, whether implicity or explicitly, and that trust contributes directly to the degree of credibility I attribute to your comments. If I were to discover that you're actually a trainee from Kansas and you don't really know what you're talking about with respect to what's going on in MN then that deception, whether active or passive in origin, would undermine my opinion of your credibility.

If you or I didn't care about our respective levels of personal credibility on this forum then it wouldn't be a big deal to play the game here. But you and I both know that personal credibility is the coin of the realm in both our professional practice as well as our participation on this forum of our peers.

If the first step in establishing credibility is to make reasonable assertions as a means of establishing reasonable expectations then the apparently deliberate use of a real someone else's identity is moving in the wrong direction. IMO.

So yeah, I thought I was dealing with a whole new troll. Imagine my surprise when I belatedly discovered I was dealing with the same unicorn hunter from your neighborhood that I've engaged so many times before.
LOL...JGrant is not her name...it's a handle. There goes that marriage :laugh:

and if JSmith were commenting on issues where one would need to be competent in CA to make such assertions, then you might have a beef. But that's not the case. He's been discussing general appraisal issues.

Oh, and residentialguy is my legal name. It was changed a while back from "The appraisal artist formerly known as residentialguy" but then I changed it back. It's a MN thing.
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I am from Florida...I wish I had picked a screen name that was interesting...such as, "Four Walls"...I think Res Guy picked a great screen name for himself! ( Grant is former married name, my license is under maiden name.).. back in the day I used my real name on the board but not anymore, too many nutz out there...not you guys of course!
(shrugs) Suit yourself. We are each entitled to our own opinions on the subject. I'm pretty confident that everyone else can decide for themselves.
So George, when you are out there surfing near dawn or dusk, are you comforted by knowing the name of the critters with dorsal fins or do you listen to their body language? Just remember, they can sense one drop of blood or pee in the water:new_all_coholic:

Starting out a post with an "I'm George Hatch so I must be right" attitude doesn't make much sense. Appraisers, for the most part, are critical thinkers & will analyze what you are saying at that particular time & draw their own conclusions, ask for clarifications, etc.

If you can lay a glove on my reasoning in a particular post, have at it. If you come up with a better line of reasoning, I'll steal it & use it, unless it gets replaced with a more refined explanation down the road, stolen from others, most likely. Sometimes I come up with original combinations on my own.

When you attack "my" ideas, be fully advised that you attack ideas that others hold. I try to steal ideas form the best. I've even stolen some of your ideas along the way.

It would be in your best interest to check that ego, for we all stand on the shoulders of others who have gone before us, one way or another.
The appraisal artist formerly known as residentialguy" but then I changed it back. It's a MN thing.
You need to change it to a weird symbol then! ):
I did. The meaning was only known by my circle of trust.

Just to put your mind to rest, I picked the name purposefully at random. It is a shame that appraisers in your state have you so paranoid.

With respect to these screen debates, I am always willing to return the courtesy, if treated respectfully. If not, well, I'm a new testament type of guy and turn the other cheek quite a bit, unless it finally comes time to revert to an old testament kind of guy.

That's my policy unless I find a better one & steal it!
LOL, I don't think you're in any position to be lecturing me about ego. The one thing I am pleased about with your new handle is that it replaces the last one you were using, which I actually found offensive. Not to mention absurd.

And yeah, prolly less than 5% of my musings represent any kind of original thinking on my part. I've never made any secret of that. I fully recognize that whatever talents I have lie more in my ability to communicate my opinions, not in breaking any new ground or inventing any new wheels. I don't invent or refine, I teach the basics because I think that's where all the action is.

We're all the product of our respective environments. As far as I can tell the big difference between you and I is that my environment doesn't include having played for the loan originator or sales teams.

Just knowing that about you enables me to better understand your perspectives and respond to you in terms that I think you'll understand. That's a teaching technique, BTW, so I don't have any problems with people understanding that approach.

P.S. Nobody surfs from dawn to dusk, just like nobody plays tennis from dawn to dusk. There's way too much physical effort involved. I do design and build my own surfboards, though, which is something relatively few surfers do. I just finished a 5-9 shortboard glassed with a vacuum-bagged wet lamination with ballistic cloth over a stringerless blank, which is something very few of the professional builders will even try. On that basis I don't think there's anything misleading about absconding with the cartoon image I use for my avatar.

Nice try, though. Thx-4-playing.
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We're all the product of our respective environments. As far as I can tell the big difference between you and I is that my environment doesn't include having played for the loan originator or sales teams.

As long as you are open to self improvement, I don't imagine there is much love in the air when you are having one of those heart to heart calls to a RE broker, trying to get a glimpse of the motivational factors that they have witnessed and you haven't.

We all have our weak spots, and the blanket assertions of disrespect directed toward professional real estate sales people & loan officers is a weak spot.

They vary all over the spectrum, as do appraisers.

I never tried out for the hall monitor team.:icon_mrgreen:
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