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Sba- Update On Appraisers Wanted-direct Path To Hire For Temporary Position

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The highest pay is $25-32.59/hr per GSA 11.
You can make more than that at Home Depot.
1) not in my region.
2) hourly depends on what they offer you, which is based on experience, bragsheet and interview. . . .
3) Your personal bottom line is dependent on whether you are able and willing to work like a crazed ferret during all waking hours for a short duration at something with zippo liability or overhead.
4) maybe your market is staying strong, some start to wind down this time of year.

My personal motivation is more based on a desire to help disaster damaged folks, recover or
determine in a timely manner that they need to take alternative steps to get on with their lives.

I see nothing wrong with taking home a substantial paycheck while doing that.
I'd be down helping tear-out and cart debris by hand if I could afford to take that much time off.
Unless you have personally experienced a major disaster you have no idea what is involved for the victims.
I lived in a B zone where the water had never gotten into the house. Until it did.

If you are additionally receiving M&IE on top of payroll the bottom line can add up nicely.
M&IE is on TOP of the organization paying for hotel and car expenses, but applies only if you are a field worker.
Many people aren't able or willing to travel. OK there is still a need for service based on what I am hearing.

Authorized overtime of up to 44 hours per week @ 1.5 x 20 is 30/hr and pretty hard to get on a 70-84 hour week...
If you aren't interested, don't bother.
Some folks for various reasons may be.

Thanks for playing.
This is an excerpt from the letter I received several days ago from Gina Beyer at the SBA:
"This employment will last approximately 90 -180 days, but could last longer. Base pay is $20.72 - $32.59 per hour depending on your qualifications; locality pay will be added and will be determined based on the location of your home residence".

Many good appraisers are accustomed to working out of the comfort of their home earning quite a bit more that that.
Miktay - Agreed. However some don't on a regular basis and you don't typically get overtime pay from home based appraisal work.

If someone is willing to work the long hours and can do so, that difference shows in the bottom line, and very different stress levels. Some will do so from the comfort of their homes on this one.

Agreed that many appraisers have greater expectations, but our family has paid off three college educations, bought a house, a farm, a rental property, and paid off a really ugly $110,000 medical bill, in large part through working for this program.

I'm communicating a need, to those who might be interested. Win-win if interested.
If I was a young buck and stuck in the AMC/low-fee world, I'd consider going on this adventure.
Always good to help those in need, but if I worked an average of 8 hours a day for 7 days: (40hrs x $25) + (16hrs x $37.50) = that's $1,600/week and (as I understand the offer) I have my lodgings and meals paid for on top of that. Working those hours does not mean working 7-days (hell, I do that now a lot and I'm no young buck!); 10-hours a day for 6 days a week would be even more.
I'd do this and then come back and contact every insurance adjuster in the area letting them know that I've done disaster appraisals for FEMA/SBA and I'm the one to call if they have a damaged house.
Furthermore, I'd contact all the local banks who do SBA loans and let them know that I'm a former contractor for SBA. A lot of SBA loans are cross-collateralize with the borrower's personal residence. I get those calls now from out-of-area banks (they find me on the AI website).

As Lee Ann says, this isn't for everyone (I'm not signing up). But there is an opportunity here and I wouldn't pour cold water on it for those who might be considering it.
95% will not qualify for GS-11.

You want a $20/hour job with all the OT you can handle? Paid vacation/sick/personal days? PPO medical/dental/eyes? How about a pension? You like getting raises/cost of living increases for just showing up?

Call me.
Maybe RSW will chime in, his wife does FEMA disaster area work and I'm pretty sure they make substantially more than the SBA is offering. The FEMA work is not per hour but piecemeal and the real money is working dusk to dawn 7 days a week while deployed. I have heard of $40k income in 3 months but that's 2nd hand.
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