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Science suggests a creator.

Tom D

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May 22, 2015
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Certified Residential Appraiser
There are four main forces in nature: gravity, electromagnetic forces, and two types of nuclear forces. These forces must be balanced, just like ingredients in a perfect recipe. If gravity were even slightly stronger or weaker, the formation of stars like our sun and, consequently, the existence of life would be impossible. This delicate balance further suggests a creator’s intentional design of the universe.

Earth rotates at the right speed to give us day and night, and it’s tilted at just the right angle to provide seasons. Astronomers call this the ‘Goldilocks zone’—it’s just right for liquid water to exist, which is essential for life. It’s almost as if someone meticulously adjusted everything to make it perfect for humans to thrive.

The atmosphere is another marvel. There is enough oxygen to breathe, but not so much that everything would catch fire easily. And there’s plenty of nitrogen to balance things out. Looking at all these factors is like a cosmic miracle, where countless factors have aligned perfectly to allow life to flourish.

Hubble’s discovery lent strong support to the Big Bang Theory, suggesting a finite beginning to the universe and resonates with the concept of a Creator. If the universe is expanding outwards, it means it started from a point, a “birth moment,” which raises all sorts of intriguing questions about what caused it and why it seems so finely tuned for life to exist.

The complexity and specificity of genetic information in DNA is truly staggering. Unlike random sequences, the genetic code exhibits a high degree of order and functionality, akin to a computer program written by a skilled programmer. This level of complexity attests to the intelligence behind its design.

DNA’s precise coding and functionality are too sophisticated to have arisen purely by chance or through undirected evolutionary processes. The view suggests that the existence of DNA could be evidence of a higher intelligence, creator, and God.
There are four main forces in nature: gravity, electromagnetic forces, and two types of nuclear forces. These forces must be balanced, just like ingredients in a perfect recipe. If gravity were even slightly stronger or weaker, the formation of stars like our sun and, consequently, the existence of life would be impossible. This delicate balance further suggests a creator’s intentional design of the universe.

Earth rotates at the right speed to give us day and night, and it’s tilted at just the right angle to provide seasons. Astronomers call this the ‘Goldilocks zone’—it’s just right for liquid water to exist, which is essential for life. It’s almost as if someone meticulously adjusted everything to make it perfect for humans to thrive.

The atmosphere is another marvel. There is enough oxygen to breathe, but not so much that everything would catch fire easily. And there’s plenty of nitrogen to balance things out. Looking at all these factors is like a cosmic miracle, where countless factors have aligned perfectly to allow life to flourish.

Hubble’s discovery lent strong support to the Big Bang Theory, suggesting a finite beginning to the universe and resonates with the concept of a Creator. If the universe is expanding outwards, it means it started from a point, a “birth moment,” which raises all sorts of intriguing questions about what caused it and why it seems so finely tuned for life to exist.

The complexity and specificity of genetic information in DNA is truly staggering. Unlike random sequences, the genetic code exhibits a high degree of order and functionality, akin to a computer program written by a skilled programmer. This level of complexity attests to the intelligence behind its design.

DNA’s precise coding and functionality are too sophisticated to have arisen purely by chance or through undirected evolutionary processes. The view suggests that the existence of DNA could be evidence of a higher intelligence, creator, and God.
Or we just got lucky, try to compute the odds of that happening.
Or .... wait for it .... that we live in a Simulation created by someone else, as Elon Musk (among many others) has come to believe. Me - I get a headache just thinking about it. Way above my pay grade. ;)
Hubble’s discovery lent strong support to the Big Bang Theory,
And subsequent science basically is questioning the existence of the Big Bang leaving us to rethink the "Steady State" universe that was once a competitive theory with the Big Bang. The truth is that the origin of the universe is far too complex for Occam's Razor.
There are four main forces in nature: gravity, electromagnetic forces, and two types of nuclear forces. These forces must be balanced, just like ingredients in a perfect recipe. If gravity were even slightly stronger or weaker, the formation of stars like our sun and, consequently, the existence of life would be impossible. This delicate balance further suggests a creator’s intentional design of the universe.

Earth rotates at the right speed to give us day and night, and it’s tilted at just the right angle to provide seasons. Astronomers call this the ‘Goldilocks zone’—it’s just right for liquid water to exist, which is essential for life. It’s almost as if someone meticulously adjusted everything to make it perfect for humans to thrive.

The atmosphere is another marvel. There is enough oxygen to breathe, but not so much that everything would catch fire easily. And there’s plenty of nitrogen to balance things out. Looking at all these factors is like a cosmic miracle, where countless factors have aligned perfectly to allow life to flourish.

Hubble’s discovery lent strong support to the Big Bang Theory, suggesting a finite beginning to the universe and resonates with the concept of a Creator. If the universe is expanding outwards, it means it started from a point, a “birth moment,” which raises all sorts of intriguing questions about what caused it and why it seems so finely tuned for life to exist.

The complexity and specificity of genetic information in DNA is truly staggering. Unlike random sequences, the genetic code exhibits a high degree of order and functionality, akin to a computer program written by a skilled programmer. This level of complexity attests to the intelligence behind its design.

DNA’s precise coding and functionality are too sophisticated to have arisen purely by chance or through undirected evolutionary processes. The view suggests that the existence of DNA could be evidence of a higher intelligence, creator, and God.
This is good stuff.... I think I'm going to use some of it the next time I don't make value on a purchase for an AMC ...
Don't forget "atmospheric adjustments" - when this was first introduced on here, I took a step back and thought how interesting......but then again where does one find support? and thought how historic and which language may provide input in this day of abbreviations; PFA
Privately Funded Airport..............:shrug:
  • At its equator, Earth is spinning at about 1,040 mph. But what if it just suddenly stopped?
  • You and everything else could go flying at hundreds of miles per hour, unless you're at the poles.
  • Earth's rotation is actually slowing down at an estimated rate of 2.3 milliseconds every century.
"Stop the world, I want to get off." This exasperated phrase has been around since the 1950s, used in classic and modern music alike.
But if the world were to really stop spinning, the consequences would belong less in a romantic musical and more in an apocalyptic horror film.
Albert Einstein’s Finite Universe


The interview with Einstein took place in 1928 in his apartment in Berlin. Einstein explained how he came to his cosmological theory of 1917 in which he applied general relativity to the universe at large. His result was a static, matter-filled, and closed universe whose size could be calculated. Einstein commented on the cosmological constant, which by then he disliked but still needed. In reply to a question he recounts how he came to know about the expanding solutions proposed by Alexander Friedmann and Georges Lemaître and why he did not take them seriously. He remained convinced that the universe is static, that is, infinite in time. Einstein stated that he knew about the galactic redshifts but saw no way to explain them.
Albert Einstein’s Finite Universe


The interview with Einstein took place in 1928 in his apartment in Berlin. Einstein explained how he came to his cosmological theory of 1917 in which he applied general relativity to the universe at large. His result was a static, matter-filled, and closed universe whose size could be calculated. Einstein commented on the cosmological constant, which by then he disliked but still needed. In reply to a question he recounts how he came to know about the expanding solutions proposed by Alexander Friedmann and Georges Lemaître and why he did not take them seriously. He remained convinced that the universe is static, that is, infinite in time. Einstein stated that he knew about the galactic redshifts but saw no way to explain them.
Doesn't monoatomic hydrogen absorb light which could account for some of that redshifting?
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