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Science suggests a creator.

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Interactive Video games.

The creators of video games use the resources they have available to them to create the environment in which the characters exist, including certain functions which occur per their own programming.
The term create, creators, is being used to loosely by people. Nobody can create anything, everything has already been created. However, we can put things, already created, together to make something. We give ourselves to much credit by using the word create. It negate a higher being who actually creates. Create gives the deniers a higher sense of worth by using that word for themselves.

We make things. I've never seen anybody create something from nothing. We make things from things already here. Everything in that video game was already here to be used, to be put together, to become that game. It didn't come out of the ether as one can pretend it did.
Nobody can create anything, everything has already been created.
I would argue that your parents created you. Same goes for every other living organism.

We are evolving, likely beyond the concepts of the last several thousand years we've held as truth. I look forward to the clash that will be AI and Creation theory.
It's difficult to estimate whether AI or organized religions will be the cause of the annihilation of humankind.
It's difficult to estimate whether AI or organized religions will be the cause of the annihilation of humankind.
AMEN brother....

Organized religion has a major headstart....
In response to the original statement "

Science suggests a creator."​

No, it doesn't.​

I would argue that your parents created you. Same goes for every other living organism.

It's difficult to estimate whether AI or organized religions will be the cause of the annihilation of humankind.
AI may come to conclusions that are eye opening.
It's difficult to estimate whether AI or organized religions will be the cause of the annihilation of humankind.
How about humans, evil humans, will cause the annihilation. You don't need to have religion to be evil in this world. Do you believe evil exists on it's own.
You being a humanist always bring up religion. So there is no creator, but you blame that for every human problem. Very confusing philosophy. But good appraising posts.
How about humans, evil humans, will cause the annihilation.
Humans driven by their religious dogma in many cases.

The way that muslims will kill Christians simply for their religious beliefs. Much in the same way that during the Crusades, the pope sent his army to the Mideast to convert or kill muslims.

There's plenty of evil in the world, religion and non-religion based. But if one particular religion gets ahold of a nuke, they'll likely start WWIII in the name of their god.

AI may come to conclusions that are eye opening.
Funny you mention that. Just a few hours ago I sent a text to a cousin, a PhD professor in computer science at UC Berkeley, saying that he is likely going to be one of those responsible for the Creation of the first Terminator. He's one of the guys developing and writing the books on AI.
In response to the original statement "

Science suggests a creator."​

No, it doesn't.​

Some of the most educated scientists in the world say there has to be a creator.

What are you smoking?

These scientist know all the physics, math available........etc........etc.

They say there is no possible way it happened in a big bang.
Creation testifies to the Glory of the Lord that was crucified. He said if you don't worship me, the rocks will cry out to me.
Name me one famous scientist that don't believe there was a creator.

Post the scientist.

I don't want old scientist. I want one that is alive today.
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