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Science suggests a creator.

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I think Believers in our Western Judeo Christianity....
Fall into one of 2 camps....
1) Believe it figuratively (gray areas)....
2) Believe it, literally (no gray areas)....

I don't know how anyone can believe it literally without having a nervous breakdown.... :peace:
Where we run into conflicts is when worldviews collide.

I read a book some years ago that made the distinction of religion serving the individual's internal needs (hope, community, morality, etc) vs secular law serving their external needs (property rights, individual rights, etc). Religious fundamentalists usually aspire to one law that does it all - meets their internal and external needs - for the entirety of society. That works when most people in the group are moving in that direction but it quickly breaks down when there are competing and conflicting values. Hence the utility of making the distinction between church and state in a pluralistic society. It resolves the conflict by avoiding the conflict. In theory.
As for AI, they/them can be characterized as being in the same category as govt - AI will only hold as much power as we-the-people choose to give it. We already possess and exercise the demonstrated capacity of telling Karen to GFY. Without any obligations or considerations for how that makes them feel. That won't change unless/until we decide to submit to Karen. Or an AI.

Anyone who truly frets the rise of AI in our society must also fret all attempts to retire the 1A. The right to tell an AI (or the NPC named Karen) "no" must be protected at all costs. Not one inch.
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I think Believers in our Western Judeo Christianity....
Fall into one of 2 camps....
1) Believe it figuratively (gray areas)....
2) Believe it, literally (no gray areas)....

I don't know how anyone can believe it literally without having a nervous breakdown.... :peace:
Your being biased.

Current scientist that have studied every science you can think of say there had to be a creator.

I know your atheist. I read you like a book boy.
The scientist that study all of these things say it is not possible there was not a creator.

All of their knowledge tells them it is not possible there was not a creator.

I can look at certain things just going around at creation and say there is no way any artist could do that but the creator.

Night or day makes no difference.
Now, I will get deeper. The creator made Adam.

Adam had no mate that he liked. Creator took rib from Adam and made Eve.

Adam was happy.
When you look at creation, don't reason it with time. The creator has no time clock. The creator sees yesterday, tomorrow, and forever in the same window. There is no yesterday, tomorrow etc. There is no clock.

2024 is a clue to you on the creator.
Multiverse.... :)
science can handily explain basic, almost animalistic responses humans have to the world around us, such as why we as a species might have shared “fight or flight” threat responses.
But beyond this, we as a species also have a shared morality. We have ethics. Similar moral constructs crop up time and again in different cultures and civilizations totally independently of one another. Science cannot explain why the animal species we call humans have this fundamental, shared, complex moral code.

If we again think of humans as animals, we can explain why there is a biological imperative to secure resources necessary for our survival. But what if we remove this survival need?
We still seek out and cling to things for materialistic or sentimental values. Science is far weaker at explaining these phenomena. Sentimentality in particular is something that is far better explained in the realm of spirituality.

DNA is essentially the code of life. Sequences of nucleotide base pairs describe how to create specific proteins, basically working a lot like computer code for a piece of software.
Science cannot sufficiently explain the chemical evolutionary origins of complex DNA sequencing. If we stick with the software analogy, one explanation could be that it’s a purpose-built design tool for an intelligent designer to use to “program” life in the universe.

There are biological reasons to explain why humans within the same families seek connection. Again, there is a biological imperative to stay connected and make sure your lineage’s genes are passed to the next generation.
But what about connections that aren’t about basic, animalistic survival? Why do we seek meaningful connections with others, a connection that has no survival benefit? Again, this is more about the spiritual meaning of what it is to be human rather than the scientific meaning.
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