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Science suggests a creator.

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Remember the good old days when GOD had the Sun and the other planets....
Orbiting the Earth....
There are four main forces in nature: gravity, electromagnetic forces, and two types of nuclear forces. These forces must be balanced, just like ingredients in a perfect recipe. If gravity were even slightly stronger or weaker, the formation of stars like our sun and, consequently, the existence of life would be impossible. This delicate balance further suggests a creator’s intentional design of the universe.

Earth rotates at the right speed to give us day and night, and it’s tilted at just the right angle to provide seasons. Astronomers call this the ‘Goldilocks zone’—it’s just right for liquid water to exist, which is essential for life. It’s almost as if someone meticulously adjusted everything to make it perfect for humans to thrive.

The atmosphere is another marvel. There is enough oxygen to breathe, but not so much that everything would catch fire easily. And there’s plenty of nitrogen to balance things out. Looking at all these factors is like a cosmic miracle, where countless factors have aligned perfectly to allow life to flourish.

Hubble’s discovery lent strong support to the Big Bang Theory, suggesting a finite beginning to the universe and resonates with the concept of a Creator. If the universe is expanding outwards, it means it started from a point, a “birth moment,” which raises all sorts of intriguing questions about what caused it and why it seems so finely tuned for life to exist.

The complexity and specificity of genetic information in DNA is truly staggering. Unlike random sequences, the genetic code exhibits a high degree of order and functionality, akin to a computer program written by a skilled programmer. This level of complexity attests to the intelligence behind its design.

DNA’s precise coding and functionality are too sophisticated to have arisen purely by chance or through undirected evolutionary processes. The view suggests that the existence of DNA could be evidence of a higher intelligence, creator, and God.
The best scientist in the world look at all the info available and say no way this happened from big bang.

It is not even possible.
The creator was born, crucified, and resurrected in Israel. All things were made by Him and for Him.

Nobody takes my life. I lay it down on my own. I will raise it up in 3 days.

He is absolute spotless lamb sacrifice.
Remember the good old days when GOD had the Sun and the other planets....
Orbiting the Earth....
You're off by about 800-1000 years. The geocentric model existed long before the concept of the christian God
Interactive Video games.

The creators of video games use the resources they have available to them to create the environment in which the characters exist, including certain functions which occur per their own programming. They don't personally interact with every single piece or element of that environment even though they have the ability to do so. Far easier to let the "world" do its thing which allows the active players to interact with each other and with all other elements of that environment as per their respective interests and abilities.

That's how humans do it - they use their ability to understand and utilize the materials and operating system to create their environment for their patrons to use. Some environments being more detailed and expansive than others.

If I were a galactic creator that's how I would do it. I would use my understanding of the the existing energy sources and the existing chemistry and the existing physics and everything else to develop certain planets to do certain things, some doing one thing and others doing something different. Just like baking a cake using a recipe, whether that recipe is my own or someone else's. Mixing certain combinations of ingredients results in the completely controllable and predictable outcome.

For all we know, Venus or Neptune may be some creator's favorite hobby. Or a collaboration between several creators.

Not much different from an aquarium or a terrarium or an ant farm. I CAN reach in and snuff out a nuisance individual ant if I want to but I can also allow the group to act like a group and self-regulate on their own.

If the universe or some segment of the universe achieved sentience they/them might decide to see what else they could do, even if only for the purposes of entertainment or as a learning/development exercise. Maybe our world is a proof-of-concept.
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We are evolving, likely beyond the concepts of the last several thousand years we've held as truth. I look forward to the clash that will be AI and Creation theory.
Regardless of what is or isn't of the facts of our existence, the various spiritual and religious practices - of which the creation stories are the smallest part - have served and continue to serve the needs some people have by way of answering the existential questions about who we are, what we are, what purpose we serve and what happens when our time here is done.

If religious or spiritual practice adds to someone's life or helps them reconcile what is with what should be if the world was fair then that's all the "true" their beliefs have to be.
Sadly, I am not among the faithful but I have known many people in my life who actually are and who have derived comfort and hope and satisfaction and reconciliation and community from their observance and participation. And almost none of them are illiterates, so that ain't it. Jimmy Carter is a man who seems to have walked the walk. He isn't an idiot.

At the very least I can judge the virtues of participating in organized religion and spiritual practice by the readily observable utility that many of its adherents have extracted from it. To the extent it is working for them that pretty much has to count as a personal benefit, right?

"My IRL is cold and cruel and unfair, and I suffer greatly and I don't always understand why. But my faith teaches me that if I hold the line and live as I have been instructed that I' will eventually get my just rewards later, so that's where it will all work out".

I decline to criticize those hopes or the people who hold such hope and use that hope to internally reconcile between what is vs what should be. By comparison, the mechanics of how we got here arguably have less direct effect on our lives. IMO
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I read something somewhere, sometime which said, "Never seek to take away a man's faith, unless you have a better one to replace it with". Pretty sure it was in "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom" by TE Lawrence.
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