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Science suggests a creator.

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I thought it was the most prevalent element in the cosmos?
Hydrogen is in its molecular form. Monoatomic hydrogen will almost instantly bond with another hydrogen atom to form a molecule. Normal atomic forces at play
Hydrogen is in its molecular form. Monoatomic hydrogen will almost instantly bond with another hydrogen atom to form a molecule. Normal atomic forces at play
I remember reading it absorbs light to a high degree.
It is a very amazing world we live in. It does suggest a Creator. Mar's at one time was thought have life

Think of this extreme

Life can exist in the ocean at depths of up to 36,000 feet (11,000 meters), including in the hadal zone, which is located in deep sea trenches below the ocean floor. At these depths, animals face many challenges, including:

Pressure: The pressure can be up to 600 times greater than at sea level, and could crush most submarines.

Darkness: The ocean is very dark below 200 meters (656 feet).

Cold: The average temperature below 200 meters is 4°C (39°F).

Food scarcity: Without sunlight, photosynthesis is not possible, which limits the amount of food available.
Well, actually we'd all be dead within a fraction of a second...
Not if you lived at or near the north or south poles. People near the equator would certainly be screwed; 1,000 mph to zero would be tough on the human body.

Personally, I get all the galactic info I need from Monty Python. Interesting thing is that the numbers they quote are pretty accurate.

Regardless of what is or isn't of the facts of our existence, the various spiritual and religious practices - of which the creation stories are the smallest part - have served and continue to serve the needs some people have by way of answering the existential questions about who we are, what we are, what purpose we serve and what happens when our time here is done.

If religious or spiritual practice adds to someone's life or helps them reconcile what is with what should be if the world was fair then that's all the "true" their beliefs have to be. Even the godless slags who worship the State because they don't like no man are engaging with such thinking as a means of coping with how humans actually are vs how they should be if only it was ever true that "we're better than that."
And subsequent science basically is questioning the existence of the Big Bang leaving us to rethink the "Steady State" universe that was once a competitive theory with the Big Bang. The truth is that the origin of the universe is far too complex for Occam's Razor.
Maybe Hoyle was right after all.

If we throw in multiverse theory; the fact that our universe is so perfectly tailored to the creation of life kinda falls into the "it had to happen somewhere" category.
M-Theory, String Theory and all the others are quite speculative and fantastical when you really step back and look at them. How exactly they can be deemed more "credible" than creation theory escapes me. The mathematics works for all of them up to the same point...then it's just pick between the Big Dude says "make it so" vs. made-up speculation about possibly imaginary dimensions and fields colliding. We really have the same amount of proof for both scenarios. Faith in one or faith in the other at the end.

Simulation theory is very interesting. I don't think I'd be terribly shocked to die, take off the headset, remove the catheter and say wow...that was a great game. Next time I'll play thru as a fish.

I have seen/heard my father-in-law twice since his passing (witnessed once by my wife). M theory doesn't have any explanation for that but creation theory seems to.
"I have seen/heard my father-in-law twice since his passing (witnessed once by my wife). M theory doesn't have any explanation for that but creation theory seems to."

What Does the Bible Say about Ghosts?​

Becoming involved with the paranormal is not encouraged for Christians. God warns us about not seeking out mediums or necromancers. Believers need to flee from any fascination with ghosts as the ghosts are only demons.

A creator that looks like me....
Should definitely convince you that there is no creator....

The idea of creative evolution has been around for quite some time, but as ever increasing numbers of folks are disenfranchised with 'traditional' religion (and the gods associated with traditional religion), the idea has picked up momentum. When one considers the magnitude of space, it seems rather preposterous that it all came together in a big bang. By the same token, it also seems rather improbable that a creator would pick one tiny planet in one tiny solar system, which is a tiny part of one tiny galaxy, which is one of a billion other galaxies in the universe - to place His son in order that all men could be redeemed...
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