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TAF head Calls Jonathan Miller a Liar

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because TAF isn't part of the govt.
Which is exactly why they should not be writing the rules. And USPAP is our rule and it should be free. And that is why Georgia got slapped down

In a victory for the people of Georgia, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday that the state can no longer charge individuals hundreds of dollars to see the laws that govern them.​
To get there, the court relied on a central tenet of American democracy: The government works on behalf of the public.​
Quoting the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit wrote, “The concept of popular sovereignty is deeply rooted in our politics, our law, and our history. The seminal statement of America’s political creed boldly proclaims that ‘[g]overnments … deriv[e] their just powers from the consent of the governed.’”​
For decades, Georgia ignored this reality. Rather than make the text of the law freely available, the state pay-walled access to the statutes, court opinions, and annotations that make up its official law.​
In 2013, a nonprofit called Public.Resource.Org paid for a copy of the state’s official code and posted it online for free. The state responded to this act of public service by suing the organization for copyright infringement. Rather than give in, Public.Resource.Org argued that Georgia law is in the public domain.
Fine, then your alternative is to have the govt write appraisal standards. As in, not the appraisers.

Just don't lose sight of the point that CE requirements for most occupations, including appraisers, are established under the law. So you're still going to have to pay for 14hr/year which is actually less than is required of certain other occupations. You're not going to get those hours for free, either.

And just FTR, TAF was previously publishing the entirety of USPAP itself on their website, and is still publishing up through SR1-4 on their website. So you never had to pay to simply see it.
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Look at the bright side, I still work as an appraiser.
Which is exactly why they should not be writing the rules. And USPAP is our rule and it should be free. And that is why Georgia got slapped down

In a victory for the people of Georgia, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday that the state can no longer charge individuals hundreds of dollars to see the laws that govern them.​
To get there, the court relied on a central tenet of American democracy: The government works on behalf of the public.​
Quoting the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit wrote, “The concept of popular sovereignty is deeply rooted in our politics, our law, and our history. The seminal statement of America’s political creed boldly proclaims that ‘[g]overnments … deriv[e] their just powers from the consent of the governed.’”​
For decades, Georgia ignored this reality. Rather than make the text of the law freely available, the state pay-walled access to the statutes, court opinions, and annotations that make up its official law.​
In 2013, a nonprofit called Public.Resource.Org paid for a copy of the state’s official code and posted it online for free. The state responded to this act of public service by suing the organization for copyright infringement. Rather than give in, Public.Resource.Org argued that Georgia law is in the public domain.

Don't waste your time T.
Definitely a poor showing on his part. He gets what he gets. But people are delusional if they think his successor is going to work for free. Or for cheap.
And anyone who thinks his successor wasn't handpicked shortly after his decision is delusional. But this is what we get, TAF is a bureaucracy with unelected bureaucrats who only care about their careers.
at this point...they might as well let coester become the next president :rof: :rof: :rof:
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