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TAF Partnered With REVAA

...isn't it great they cut the mortgage brokers out of the loop :ROFLMAO:
Eliminating one source of external pressure didn't eliminate the others. But no matter how you math, less is still less. That makes the "it didn't end outside meddling" argument an obvious strawman - it was only aimed at one source of the meddling. Not all of them.

Don't forget; the feds did the same thing on the commercial side 15 years earlier, and for exactly the same reason. So nobody was picking on the residential MBs when it came around the the SFR side of the business. Congress was just acting consistently by ending the double standard.
Eliminating one source of external pressure didn't eliminate the others. But no matter how you math, less is still less.

Don't forget; the feds did the same thing on the commercial side 15 years earlier, and for exactly the same reason. So nobody was picking on the residential MBs when it came around the the SFR side of the business. Congress was just acting consistently.

your math skills are poor...instead of being blacklisted by one mortgage broker, the revaa AMC blacklists you from a whole financial institution but that is nothing you need to worry about :ROFLMAO:
You seem to think the AMCs are doing something behind the backs of their own clients. Why do you assume that?

Appraisers working on the direct engagement side get ghosted on a regular basis. Over the years I have gotten ghosted that way by a number of lenders, just as I have ghosted lenders I didn't want to do business with. The decision makers make the decisions. What's different about direct engagement (or via their agent) is that it is the actual user of the appraisal who is making that decision, not some outside loan originator who by definition is not the primary user of that appraisal.
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...which unethical revaa AMC have you worked for :rof::rof::rof:
AMC-free since 1985 and still counting. Because I can.

I did an update earlier this year on a commercial property that I had previously appraised where the assignment was managed by the AMC. A direct engagement lender that decided to take the AMC route. But the lender is the party which selected me for that assignment, not the AMC. I told them my regular fee and I got paid my regular fee. They tried to micromanage me the same way they micromanage you guys but I just ignored them because this was just a one-time thing for me; a favor I was doing for the lender.
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AMC-free since 1985 and still counting. Because I can.

I did an update earlier this year on a commercial property that I had previously appraised where the assignment was managed by the AMC. A direct engagement lender that decided to take the AMC route. But the lender is the party which selected me for that assignment, not the AMC. I told them my regular fee and I got paid my regular fee.

so you are ignorant of their ways...and it shows :ROFLMAO:
What a stupid argument. It's exactly like the one the feminists use when they say men can't have an opinion on the morality of baby murder because they can't experience pregnancy. Representation > Reason, huh?

How many of the stories and complaints about AMCs over how many years do you think it would take someone to see in order to figure out what those complaints were all about? I've never gotten killed in a traffic accident, either; but I know enough about them to be mindful with how I drive.

I moved out of the GSE pipelines in part *because* I saw how they were going with the MBs. I was hugely disappointed when the AMCs weren't cut out, but who knows? Maybe it'll happen this time around.
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I'm not driving. I'm just reading the billboards as we pass them . And not ignoring the map.

Just think, if Chad's original "mentor" has listened to what I was telling you guys 23 years ago about running trainees then Chad and 50000 other SFR licensees wouldn't be here and the AMCs might not ever have gotten the upper hand with SFR appraisers. There would be no such thing as "if you won't do it for $250 then we'll just go find someone else who will" because those someones wouldn't be part of the competition.
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arm chair quarterback...just let me know when you sign up with class, solidifi, or coester :ROFLMAO:
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