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TAF Partnered With REVAA

You seem to have a lot of problems with being confused. Repeatedly and being used as a form of argument. There are two ways to characterize an untruth - it's either an error (competency) or it's a lie (ethics). There is no 3rd way.

So what's the source of your so-called "confusion" on this one? Because nobody other that you ever seems to have a problem understanding what I say. And you don't seem to have this same problem with how other people communicate so that's another inconsistency. Is your problem one of competency or honesty?

Call me mistaken. Call me an idiot. Call me an incompetent. Call me a fool. I make mistakes. But I don't lie about them and I am especially not trying to advance the business interests of any of the belligerents in this ongoing conflict.

Residential fee appraisers are a subset of the profession as a whole. The world doesn't revolve around their interests alone.
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You seem to have a lot of problems with being confused. Repeatedly and being used as a form of argument. There are two ways to characterize an untruth - it's either an error (competency) or it's a lie (ethics). There is no 3rd way.

So what's the source of your so-called "confusion" on this one? Because nobody other that you ever seems to have a problem understanding what I say. And you don't seem to have this same problem with how other people communicate so that's another inconsistency. Is your problem one of competency or honesty?

Call me mistaken. Call me an idiot. Call me an incompetent. Call me a fool. I make mistakes. But I don't lie about them and I am especially not trying to advance the business interests of any of the belligerents in this ongoing conflict.

Residential fee appraisers are a subset of the profession as a whole. The world doesn't revolve around their interests alone.

I think you are confused.
I don't like it when liars lie. Just because I am disinclined to ignore the facts or lie on your behalf doesn't mean I'm telling lies for your opposition. There is a middle ground in there somewhere.
Lie on my behalf? And who exactly is my "opposition"? Are you calling me a liar? All I did was type a definition and point out that it is like a dog whistle. You need to calm down. You love REVAA, AVMs, AMCs, TAF, sponsors, "partners", USPAP, etc. Some of us don't agree with the persecution of appraisers, false narratives, set ups, frivolous complaints, etc. I know you think you are protected, but you are an appraiser too.
This is what you said:
Shill- an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts an an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others, hmmm, kinda close. And you never fail to react when anyone uses the term, maybe it's a knee jerk reaction.
My conduct is nowhere close. I don't misrepresent my status or try to entice or encourage anyone to do anything other than to approach these problems from the point of reason rather than raw anger; the latter being counterproductive. I present my reasoning, not just my conclusions, and I do it so people can make their own decisions in the more informed manner. Because "anger" isn't a substitute for information.

Throughout the entirety of my appraisal career I have taken payment in exchange for performing appraisal work and creating/teaching QE and CE courses to appraisers. That's it. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. And/or deliberately lying. I can't dispute the allegations any more directly than that.

Lemme ask you: when you convey your objective opinions and conclusions to your clients and users and those conclusions end up being something other than what they wanted to hear, does that make you their adversary? Does that make you anti-lender? Are you actually doing them a disservice in any way? Or do you consider it to be in their legitimate long term interests to get the facts and analyses to the best of your ability, so that they can make an informed decision?

Do you ever take "how it makes them feel" to heart to the extent that it causes you to alter your explanations or conclusions? No. Of course you don't. But you'll get mad at me for treating my *peers* as directly as I treat my clients.
The problem, of course, is that with Appraisal Organizations, profit or non-profit, government or non-government, including TAF, a multitude of AMCs, the AI, and numerous appraisal organizations --> is that their employees either get paid good, consistent salaries, or their incomes benefit indirectly, although often hugely, by their participation.

Many appraisers and others are standing in line to get a chance to take one of these spots - and so I have to smile when I hear specific members of this forum stand up and speak in favor of these organizations while accusing others of speaking out in their self-interest. Of course, GH does this all the time - well, to be honest - that is my honest best guess.

If GH isn't confused, then he is engaged in obfuscation. Obfuscating his situation. Or, who knows, maybe he is just being belligerent for the hell of it.
The retards who call me a shill have obviously never thought it through. If I was working on the down-low on behalf of some AMC cabal or hedge fund or whatnot I'd be doing that under a disposable handle (not my real name), I'd be running multiple accounts and I'd be all over all the different boards and forums. Instead of just one.

Everyone knows how I write so there's no way I could hide for long under a different handle.

I'd be hitting all the conventions, networking with all the suits, actively conspiring how to improve THEIR bottom line, etc. I'd know everyone at the AMC expo and everyone would know me.

Instead, I think people would be hard pressed to find even one pic of me anywhere on the internet ( I did post one in the Watercooler some years ago, though)

As for leveraging TAF experience into being some great career opportunity, that would take an entirely different personality to pull that off.

I never stood in line to apply for a position on the ASB because I always knew I wasn't suited for it. I hate working on committees, having to socialize or engage with the internal and external politics, I hate traveling, and I have no career aspirations beyond what I've been doing so far. I clearly don't operate in a manner that coddles how people feel in any attempt to build coalitions or consensus. And I never defer to people by title or status.

I also never joined the Appraisal Institute - as some here have done - for some of these same reasons. They're constantly arguing about their internal politics, too. Fine for others, but I never had those interests.

My self interest WRT what TAF does is strictly limited to what I think is in the interests of the appraisal profession in its entirety and WRT only to its stated mission of Appraisal Standards and Appraiser Qualifications. If/when TAF gets retired then I'll probably make the same effort to promulgate those same fundamentals in whatever form actually comes next. The book reports the foundational concepts and principles, it didn't create them.
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The retards who call me a shill have obviously never thought it through. If I was working on the down-low on behalf of some AMC cabal or hedge fund or whatnot I'd be doing that under a disposable handle (not my real name), I'd be running multiple accounts and I'd be all over all the different boards and forums. Instead of just one.

Everyone knows how I write so there's no way I could hide for long under a different handle.

I'd be hitting all the conventions, networking with all the suits, actively conspiring how to improve THEIR bottom line, etc. I'd know everyone at the AMC expo and everyone would know me.

Instead, I think people would be hard pressed to find even one pic of me anywhere on the internet ( I did post one in the Watercooler some years ago, though)

As for leveraging TAF experience into being some great career opportunity, that would take an entirely different personality to pull that off.

I never stood in line to apply for a position on the ASB because I always knew I wasn't suited for it. I hate working on committees, having to socialize or engage with the internal and external politics, I hate traveling, and I have no career aspirations beyond what I've been doing so far. I clearly don't operate in a manner that coddles how people feel in any attempt to build coalitions or consensus. And I never defer to people by title or status.

I also never joined the Appraisal Institute - as some here have done - for some of these same reasons. They're constantly arguing about their internal politics, too. Fine for others, but I never had those interests.

My self interest WRT what TAF does is strictly limited to what I think is in the interests of the appraisal profession in its entirety and WRT only to its stated mission of Appraisal Standards and Appraiser Qualifications. If/when TAF gets retired then I'll probably make the same effort to promulgate those same fundamentals in whatever form actually comes next. The book reports the foundational concepts and principles, it didn't create them.

You get nasty for no reason and someone berates you on behalf of someone you berated and then you berate the person that berated you as if you never berated the first one and then someone decides to berate you again for berating a second person and you call them beligerent and then they berate you againf for that. And you just keep going down the street and causing trouble. ....
I might be an idiot, but I am not a shill. And a couple of these guys are dead-assed liars.

And BTW, you're among the most fragile egos on this board. You don't seem to be capable of having any kind of disagreement with anyone about anything without taking it personally.
I might be an idiot, but I am not a shill. And a couple of these guys are dead-assed liars.

And BTW, you're among the most fragile egos on this board. You don't seem to be capable of having any kind of disagreement with anyone about anything without taking it personally.

This is an example of what I mean when I say you keep hitting the second ring, and almost never the bullseye. The evidence in these last posts indicates you are the one taking things personal bringing up, for example, the issue with "your" surfboard production as evidence of something important. I say - "Well, that is nice that someone has a hobby they enjoy, but what does that have to do with your getting nasty on the forum?" - It doesn't.

Your post #91 was the start of this problem. You assumed another member was using one definition of the word "shill" when for all we know he could have, - and indeed I say the evidence was that he indeed WAS - using another meaning. And then you continue to insist that the first meaning was the only correct one because as far as YOU were. concerned that was the only way the word was ever used.

You are free to your express your opinions, like the importance you put on satisfying customer requirements. Some people are not like you. Maybe partially different, maybe absolutely contradictorily different, but nonetheless different. And to be frank, you can and often do cite USPAP to support your opinions, and someone else may point out that USPAP also doesn't support them because it is a lousy standard that is essentially contradictory in many respects, through its implications.

... Enough .. I have more important things to do.
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