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The Appraisal Subcommittee Busted

I didn't go because the scheduled sessions looked absolutely boring. Same ol', same ol'. But come to think of it, Trump seems boring to me nowadays. (Is there something wrong with me, I keep thinking?) He was so exiciting in 2016, - and I enjoyed that election. But, perhaps he is burned out after all the legal proceedings, the impeachment, or that members of his prior cabinet don't endorse him because he can't "bring people together" and accusations he tries to be a dictator who demands absolute loyalty and so on and so forth, and God I am really getting tired of his rants.
But, Kamala Harris, that idiot?

It has to be boring, 'cause I just don't want to think about it, I have better things to do.

Will I go to the August Annual AI Conference? October 18. They have the schedule. All the usual dumb ****s. I will predict exactly what they are going to say, pretty much. But, I guess I need to go to confirm my suspicions - if it is not too expensive anyway. But, I will go with an open mind. Maybe we will hear some innovative ideas. Some proposed solutions. My guess is that the speakers don't know the problems being faced, to have any solutions. It will be blah, blah, blah. You really can't expect more.

Yeah. It can be hard to stay engaged when it feels like it’s all just the same old rhetoric. Trump’s drama does seem to have lost its edge over time, doesn’t it? It’s almost like the excitement has faded and now it’s just noise.

As for the AI conference, I hear you. It’s tough when you feel like you already know the script. The AI seems to be getting desperate as there seems to be a revolt among some of its members. Who knows, maybe they will come up with something new, and if not, well, at least you confirmed your hunches.
Yeah. It can be hard to stay engaged when it feels like it’s all just the same old rhetoric. Trump’s drama does seem to have lost its edge over time, doesn’t it? It’s almost like the excitement has faded and now it’s just noise.

As for the AI conference, I hear you. It’s tough when you feel like you already know the script. The AI seems to be getting desperate as there seems to be a revolt among some of its members. Who knows, maybe they will come up with something new, and if not, well, at least you confirmed your hunches.

Indeed. This is really another example of patronage. The AI gives the same old presenters, plus perhaps few new ones, the right to stand up on stage and pretend they are experts at something they really don't understand. And then because they were chosen to give a presentation, they have something to brag about to potential clients, who don't know the difference and assume that because they gave some such presentation at an Annual AI Conference, they must be experts. Within the appraisal community it means something. Outside of the appraisal profession, especially in academia, which is also blessed with patronage issues (to a far lesser extent and on a higher level), they yawn: "What's new. It's not important."

This year, I think it will be a big waste of time to go listen to some genuine charlatans talk about AI. In another two years or so, we might start to hear some interesting war stories. Now all you are going to hear is BS. But then again, if you go to hear what you think is BS is indeed BS, you can run around and tell the world all about it. For what that's worth.

I have more important things to do, so I don't think I will go. Anyway in another 2 years, a good number will fall of the charts, one way or another.

One caveat: I do like to listen to the attorneys, who are a special case. If their presentation is about some new laws, that is probably pretty cut and dry, but when they venture into application of the law to real estate, what I see is someone throwing darts at a dart board. Some are good dart throwers and some aren't that great. But listening to the attorneys, can give you a sense of what nonsense they are up to - for the moment.
Is she delusional? Expanding the dream? Stakeholders???? Sweetheart, the stakeholders ask appraisers to violate USPAP on a daily basis. No one will get into an industry that the banking oligarchs and hedge fund managers have taken over.

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queen kelly of davies has spoken...where is frank :ROFLMAO:
If Kelley, Queen of Davids, is truly committed to upholding public trust as she claims, she must remove Class Valuation, Clear Capital, and Solidffi from the IAC. Failure to do so would indicate that her commitment is not sincere.
Public trust is just a meaningless phrase with about everyone I’ve ever heard that speaks on behalf of TAF. Their actions continuously promote the further violation of public trust.
If Kelley, Queen of Davids, is truly committed to upholding public trust as she claims, she must remove Class Valuation, Clear Capital, and Solidffi from the IAC. Failure to do so would indicate that her commitment is not sincere.
I doubt any individual at TAF has the authority to remove members of any of the advisory councils on their own. There are bylaws which apply to how TAF is supposed to operate, so I'm guessing it's going to take a fair bit more than a discretionary cannot-be-appealed decision by an individual to do this.

But maybe a petition would start that conversation at the BOT level - which is where such a decision would be made. State your reasoning of why allowing AMCs to participate in an advisory council amounts to a conflict of interests or a breach of the public trust WRT the topics of appraiser qualifications and appraisal standards. Make your case. Pretend as if the decision makers *as a group* will operate off their reasoning and not their emotions. And then orient your arguments toward influencing their reasoning.

Simple, right?
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