So when CNN or Fox gets caught lying or putting their thumb on objectivity scale they undermine their own legitimacy. For which I have zero sympathy. These "legitimate" outlets aren't entitled to any advantage in credibility except to the extent to which they prove themselves in every piece they run. Same as any appraiser.
As is also the case with a social media outlet. If they're going to engage in editing beyond the most basic limitations of criminal conduct then their credibility can never be assumed, but must be earned.
i get the analogy, My comment towards Journalist of all types print, other media its not always about what they say or how they say is often what they don't say or what they don't print(ignore). Journalist are masters of the Language. They are experts at taking things out of context. They often Quote but fail to indicate that quote is missing key information an example proper way is this "....such as this'" "this is improper" Now writers like to write in a way that motivates you to read more. Cool I get that. That's how they make their money. So called TV Journalist often condense what they say. They have time constraints. OK i get that. They also bend the rules...They make their opinion sound as if its fact. The do this by leaving out key details and quoting people out of context or just plainly putting the words in a different order.
All the National network talking heads do this, Doesn't matter which network it is... They love to use other Talking heads from Government. This supposedly legitimizes what is being said. Well yes and no!
I do try to get different points of view. I can tell you non stop Russia racist Russia racist Russia doesn't go anywhere with me. The old Adage is repeat something enough times will raise questions in a persons mind. Like; Maybe there is something to that. This doesn't work on me. For that matter it actually pushes me in the opposite direction.
I am not registered anything, per my County Election Board. They Identify me as "unaffiliated" LOL So in my own silly way of trying to make a difference I sometimes Vote Democrat. I do this in the Primaries. In my state you can cross back and forth. So when a real dummy is running as an opponent to Democrat Incumbent Primary, I cross over and vote for the democrat dummy. My Republican Rep is safe anyway. Call it silly , call it what you want, but its the only time I probably have any influence with my one vote.
Politically I favor Civil Libertarians...I fancy one myself...Problem is most people don't think this way. For example, I don't give a Rats patooey what a woman does with her body, Just Don't expect me to pay for it. I am agnostic; I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any God! I favor politicians who do indeed make effort to create an environment of prosperity for all to take advantage of. To me Less Government is always better. I favor Voter ID with a Picture of ur dumazz. My state has tried and tried to do thisbut because the Republicans are stupid they get beat up by the court. All they have to do is make it free for every citizen and make it easier to access a Voter ID place. That destroys all arguments by the left against Voter ID. I favor Voter rights being restored to a Convicted Felon once they complete their sentence.
i could go on and on...but i won't bore you anymore.