The real abuse as far as $ occurs in the blended fee provistion of the HUD, where it specifies teh contributory value of the secondary fee ( such as appraisal management) should be proportionate to the value of the primary fee ( appraisal). So if an ordering division of lender or AMC keeps $200 for management, and pays an appraiser $250, and the bank keeps $50 for overage, and consumer was charged $500, were the added on secondary fees proportionate in value to the primary service ( appraisal)? How hard is that to figure appraisal is needed to close, not a managed appraisal.
If a third party spends one hour of time managing an appraisal (ordering it, doing a QC review, uploading it to client, payroll etc), and their hour of time used mainly low skilled people (staff, phone clerks etc), and the appraisal took 6 hours of time using a higher skill set with full liability, is the amount contributed by each party distributed in the fees according to value of the services?
That would be an issue worth exploring and most appraisers are too exhausted fighting for a mere $25 increase to realize that the fee distrubion on the HUD is where the problem lies.
This is why AMC;s or lender divisions call appraisers thier "partners" in every imply partnerhsip and parity of value of service, to pave the way for them being able to claim their contribuory value in the blended apprarisal fee on the HUD was equivalent to the primary appraisal service.
Put a cap on the amount they can charge as the secondary service on blended fee imo would be a cleaner way to address the issue .