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Who advocates for the appraiser?

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The VA does.
You know what your right, thats the only govt agency ive seen go after lenders that don't pay or penalize them for late payments, unfortunatley most of the appraiser rosters are filled at VA since it pays the best fees.
maybe the question should of have been who doesn't advocate for appraisers


the media, taf, state boards, AI, regulators, borrowers, lenders, AMC, realtors, Mr. and Mrs. GSE, and even some AF posters :rof:
:rof: :rof:
Are you trolling? I cant tell..
The media - Any time I hear about appraisers on the news its usually the worst of the worst. Someone who undervalued someones home for hundreds of thousands. If anything they perpetuate a negative stereotype to likely promote the idea of using AVM and phasing us out all together.
Borrowers could care less as long as they get the value. AMCs just want the lowest fee, many charge to submit the reports. Regulators put new rules on appraisals, many unnecessary. I don't understand where your coming from. Ohio must be a haven for business?

And what have they accomplished?
maybe the question should of have been who doesn't advocate for appraisers


the media, taf, state boards, AI, regulators, borrowers, lenders, AMC, realtors, Mr. and Mrs. GSE, and even some AF posters :rof:
:rof: :rof:

I don't get it? Like effectively?

In my experience everything GOOD that happens to Appraisers is a result of market forces. Everything BAD that happens to Appraisers is caused by or allowed by the groups above...
Since their president posts here occasionally, you might ask him for a list.

You could start with looking up why there no longer is a Coester AMC.

Who is it? I have never heard of the organization and am curious what they have done. Any person that volunteers their time to support this cat herding of an endeavor, has my support.

Perhaps we need a survey of who is a member on this site and why or why not.

I need more info from those in the KNOW!
Who is it? I have never heard of the organization and am curious what they have done. Any person that volunteers their time to support this cat herding of an endeavor, has my support.

Perhaps we need a survey of who is a member on this site and why or why not.

I need more info from those in the KNOW!
All you need to do is look them up, they've been around a long time.

As I am nearing retiring and past my fighting years, it's up to you youngers to grab the witch by the *$*# and have at it....good luck
Who is it? I have never heard of the organization and am curious what they have done. Any person that volunteers their time to support this cat herding of an endeavor, has my support.

Perhaps we need a survey of who is a member on this site and why or why not.

I need more info from those in the KNOW!

I provided the web links, click on them.
Any advocacy group is good. Be better if there was just 1. NAR actually helps on some issues as appraisers are also realtors. AI is pretty much worthless as far as advocacy. State groups can do a lot of good, but don’t get much support.
Who is it? I have never heard of the organization and am curious what they have done. Any person that volunteers their time to support this cat herding of an endeavor, has my support.

Perhaps we need a survey of who is a member on this site and why or why not.

I need more info from those in the KNOW!
The AGA? Well I’ll tell you who we are. The American Guild Of Appraisers.

We are a group that is a Guild (non traditional) under the OPEIU/AFL-CIO unions. While we are under there branch we act and do as we may with their support

The AGA was established well before me and I only became president a couple years ago.

Here is what we do:
1) we help appraisers with state complaints and have been very successful in getting our members relieved of this burden as well as on a victorious side.
2) we have a peer review committee that will review reports and then send recommendations to states and other entities including federal on behalf of our members.
3) we advocate for the appraisal profession as best we can. We have submitted our letters and more to federal and Tate governments on appraisal issues. Some where no other organization has done so.
4) we have helped many of our members get off the blacklists, get payments that most likely would have never been received.
4) we have members that attend state board hearings to share the AGA’s concerns and or opinions on issues.
5) we support independent appraisers across the country.

These are just some of the things the AGA had done and will continue to do for our members.
Mid be happy to discuss more with anyone out there about us and if you would like to be a member and help support us and appraisers.
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