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Wild Fires In LA

You just don't get it and never will.

NC had a 1 in a 1,000 year instant flood, not an expected, annual emergency, one that should be prepared for. 911 was a terrorist attack that could not have been expected. Your pathetic attempts at protecting the incompetent CA leadership is blindingly partisan and in spite of the fact that you've appointed yourself the conscience of the AF, everybody sees thru your hypocritical partisan BS, at least everybody that has any common sense.

You've gone so far over the edge and lost what little credibility you might have had at one point in history that nobody cares about your bizarre, mindless political rantings.

BTW, Liberals are getting blamed because its their fault; even the Hollywood libs are finally starting to understand it and are turning on the "leadership".
You are beyond arrogant, thinking you know anything about wildfires to lay blame, especially to blame it on "liberals-"

The wildfires were also caused by unusual conditions, very high winds, the highest in ten years, and normally it is a rainy season and there was no rain

You can call me all the items you want, and that is the gist behind most of your posts: to be an attack dog. Cali has many conservatives living there who vote for funding or against funding and make policy. Was it their fault, too?

Liberals are getting blamed by RW MAGA because that is what they do -

They assign baseless, partisan-based blame, hurl groundless accusations, and spread garbage. They did it right after Hurricane Helene. It seems their new dirt law tactics it is spreading within hours after a disaster; they target in an organized campaign of rumors, false stories, partisan blame, and stirring up division and hate.

The RW billionaire-funded think tanks have their algorithms and bot feeds set to spread it to X and Truth Social and FOX, as soon as a disaster hits. All they need to do is change the city, name, and date and then spew out the usual blame and hate, which the cult base spreads to sites such as these like obedient robots - because they are so independent-minded ( sarcasm intended ).
I think this is the species the left coast LA are trying to save and is the reason they did not want to use water from a resivoir. In my youth in upstate NY we used to catch these with nets, They are small, you clean them with scissors, We could net and keep five gallons per night. something like that it was a long time ago. They are delicious. You deep fry them and they look like fat potatoe chips

I have been trying to follow the time line from articles and tv. Why was that woman in africa? Om Californians tax money?

Oh yes there are a lot of fires right now, AND they are now finally using US Forestry aircraft to fight all the fires. These planes can disperse

The US Forest Service uses a variety of chemicals to suppress wildfires, including:

  • Phos-Chek
    A red, thick, gooey fire retardant that contains ammonium phosphate fertilizer solution, water, and other ingredients. Aircraft release Phos-Chek in a line outside the fire boundary, where it sticks to plants and inhibits combustion
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You are beyond arrogant, thinking you know anything about wildfires to lay blame, especially to blame it on "liberals-"

The wildfires were also caused by unusual conditions, very high winds, the highest in ten years, and normally it is a rainy season and there was no rain

You can call me all the items you want, and that is the gist behind most of your posts: to be an attack dog. Cali has many conservatives living there who vote for funding or against funding and make policy. Was it their fault, too?

Liberals are getting blamed by RW MAGA because that is what they do -

They assign baseless, partisan-based blame, hurl groundless accusations, and spread garbage. They did it right after Hurricane Helene. It seems their new dirt law tactics it is spreading within hours after a disaster; they target in an organized campaign of rumors, false stories, partisan blame, and stirring up division and hate.

The RW billionaire-funded think tanks have their algorithms and bot feeds set to spread it to X and Truth Social and FOX, as soon as a disaster hits. All they need to do is change the city, name, and date and then spew out the usual blame and hate, which the cult base spreads to sites such as these like obedient robots - because they are so independent-minded ( sarcasm intended ).
You have it all figured out don't you. Nobody is "blaming" liberals for the fires. They are blaming them for years of mismanagement and lack of being prepared. Yes it was a "perfect storm" situation, but nonetheless various policies over the years have done nothing but make things worse when they do happen. The insurance situation is an example. California caps the annual increase to I believe 7% which in normal time sounds reasonable. But when you have disaster after disaster in California that amount is obviously not enough. Insurance companies can only pay out more than they bring in for a limited time. If they can't raise rates to cover those losses, what choice do they have but to cancel policies or withdraw from the market. Same goes for bad water management policies, which again have been in place for years add the budget cuts and eco warriors that try to stop every good sense policy and you have a different kind of "perfect storm".
I have been trying to follow the time line from articles and tv. Why was that woman in africa? Om Californians tax money?
The mayor was selected by President Joe Biden as one of his four-member presidential delegation to attend the inauguration of the African nation’s incoming president, John Dramani Mahama.
I would like to suggest a RW keyboard with hot button keys to get the message out faster than the algorithm-driven feeds into X and Truth Social.

How to use the hotkeys: just change the date, name of the city, name of disaster or person /group you want to target, and there you go! Ready to spread on social media.

BLAME IT ON DEI HIRE - ( Aattach an ugly photo or mocking video)

BLAME IT ON DEMOCRATS OR LIBERALS: ( attach false narrative; by the time it is fact-checked as false, who cares )

BLAME IT ON MONEY SPENT ON ILLEGALS ( usually is unrelated funding, but who cares )

BAME IT ON ILLGALS DOING HORRIBLE things ( eating pets, - latest fake rumor )

ATTACK THE POSTER ( list of nasty comments and name-calling to click on )
I would like to suggest a RW keyboard with hot button keys to get the message out faster than the algorithm-driven feeds into X and Truth Social.

How to use the hotkeys: just change the date, name of the city, name of disaster or person /group you want to target, and there you go! Ready to spread on social media.

BLAME IT ON DEI HIRE - ( Aattach an ugly photo or mocking video)

BLAME IT ON DEMOCRATS OR LIBERALS: ( attach false narrative; by the time it is fact-checked as false, who cares )

BLAME IT ON MONEY SPENT ON ILLEGALS ( usually is unrelated funding, but who cares )

BAME IT ON ILLGALS DOING HORRIBLE things ( eating pets, - latest fake rumor )

ATTACK THE POSTER ( list of nasty comments and name-calling to click on )
Just can't accept responsibility, the sign of a inept leader.
The wildfires were also caused by unusual conditions, very high winds, the highest in ten years, and normally it is a rainy season and there was no rain
"The Santa Ana winds have been recognized and reported in English-language records as a weather phenomenon in Southern California since at least the mid-nineteenth century."

"The Santa Ana winds, as they’re known, are a naturally occurring phenomenon made possible by the geography in the western U.S. They become particularly dangerous when combined with other climate conditions such as drought, which increases the risk of wildfires like the ones currently raging in the Los Angeles area. "

"The Santa Ana winds are a cool season wind that blows from the desert, raising dust, fanning fires.."
"The first reference found to 'Santa Ana winds' in the paper appeared five years later, on Sept. 7, 1886"
We can't help it if you're not smart enough to understand the difference between a 1,000 year event and an annual event.
Cali has many conservatives living there who vote for funding or against funding and make policy. Was it their fault, too?
if they had a hand in the decision making, yes, absolutely. But, again, you seem unable to grasp the fact that the VAST majority, if not all, of the decision makers in CA are dims that care more about DEI and "social justice' programs than they care about the safety of their citizens.

You can ignore the facts (something you excel at) and try to cover for them all you want but in the real world, the facts speak for themselves and the facts are screaming incompetence. Since you do nothing but deflect lib incompetence we can only surmise that, in your closed little TDS feebled mind, only Republicans are capable of bad decisions. Keep parroting your daily DNC talking points and there's no doubt that you'll find a way to blame Trump for this tragedy.
I would like to suggest a RW keyboard with hot button keys to get the message out faster than the algorithm-driven feeds into X and Truth Social.

How to use the hotkeys: just change the date, name of the city, name of disaster or person /group you want to target, and there you go! Ready to spread on social media.

BLAME IT ON DEI HIRE - ( Aattach an ugly photo or mocking video)

BLAME IT ON DEMOCRATS OR LIBERALS: ( attach false narrative; by the time it is fact-checked as false, who cares )

BLAME IT ON MONEY SPENT ON ILLEGALS ( usually is unrelated funding, but who cares )

BAME IT ON ILLGALS DOING HORRIBLE things ( eating pets, - latest fake rumor )

ATTACK THE POSTER ( list of nasty comments and name-calling to click on )
Terms that come to mind: blitherskite, Gob****e, old biddy, blathering idiot.
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