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Wild Fires In LA

I just told you what the police say, people arrested for illegal fireworks inevitably have Hispanic surnames. It isn't disputable nor debatable, but it is an unintended consequence of California's vast undocumented immigrant population and the sanctuary policies that welcome them.
What the police say, what I heard, blah blah-

Just own it -you are spreading a target agenda, It is tying immigrants to possible fireworks cause yesterday it was DEI- -it is a relentless casting of aspersion, slurs, and blame without facts -
if later, maybe a fact will either come up to support it or not,, who cares, right? just do it like a good cult member does.
In the military most of the physical conditioning is necessary for movement under load. Not driving a truck or pulling a trigger or making a radio call or flying a helicopter. Just walking a foot patrol for a few miles under a 100# combined load in 120* heat is going to require a level of conditioning, stamina and resilience.

Combat arms isn't limited to the infantry, either. Artillery and Armor operators and support are also physically moving and handling heavy equipment, ordinance and loading apparatus. Among others.

Can a 40yr old LAPD officer clear that fence? Because the cop they're following might already be on the other side of that fence and be fully engaged in a fight they cannot afford to lose.

How many 40yr old women do you know who could do that? They exist out there but I've never met one.

I surf. I've never met a woman who picked up surfing as an adult who can hold her own in paddling out in overhead conditions. Duckdving their board 30 times before making it out through the whitewash to the lineup where they can rest. A few women who started surfing as kids can do it because they've made that part of their lifestyle but that isn't most women.
Standards I heard are the same but who knows-

not all critical tasks in law enforcement or the military are load carrying or physical - for those MOS or work where it is critical, one standard IMO

Men have a natural advantage with carrying strength, whereas women may have other advantages such as social skills for spy work, undercover, intel, diffusing situations etc - what if a min standard test test were applied for that skill and men, who might be at a natural disadvantage, fail it at higher numbers and are barred from service - would you be okay with that?

Most male officers who use excessive force or make terrible decisions or are cowards or corrupt, and all of it costs lives and their departments hundreds of millions in damages and suits -g.
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Standards I heard are teh same but who knows-

not all critical tasks in law enforcement or the military are load carrying or physical - for those MOS or work where it is critical, one standard IMO

Men have a natural advantage with carrying strength, whereas women may have other advantages such as social skills for spy work, undercover, intel, diffusing situations etc - what if a min standard test test were applied for that skill and men, who might be at a natural disadvantage, fail it at higher numbers and are barred from service - would you be okay with that?

The most male officers who use excessive force or make terrible disicions or are cowards or corrupt and all of it cost lives and cost their departments hundreds of millions in damages and suits -g.
Grasping at straws
What the police say, what I heard, blah blah-

Just own it -you are spreading a target agenda, It is tying immigrants to possible fireworks cause yesterday it was DEI- -it is a relentless casting of aspersion, slurs, and blame without facts -
if later, maybe a fact will either come up to support it or not,, who cares, right? just do it like a good cult member does.
As usual, you enter a conversation disarmed of facts. I am not making things up as I live here and watch the news. The Hispanic community has traditionally used fireworks as part of their culture and where they go, their culture come with them. I have lived in this area since 1964 and it was never like it is now. Sanctuary policies have enabled this activity, a undistuable fact despite your emotional reaction otherwise.
standards are a different subject, what I am seeing ( which you have not done, it applies to others ) what I am seeing from the RW targeted blame X is aspersions, blame, rumor and mockery, etc toward minorities or mmignats, to the wildfires - no proof, and no proof is needed, just as in Hurricane Helene they were on Social media wit false rumors about FEMA being broke beaues they spent it on illeglas

The new RW is - using tragedies and disasters to spread their agenda. If anyone speaks out, they are accused of not having a sense of humor.
Have all the lefties left the country and this blog. Someone jump in here and help J Grant shore up dem comments that are sent to their robots. Not that you are a dem bot J Grant, or that's there anything wrong being a parrot for the left. But i can now almost write your comment to a reply before you type it.
As usual, you enter a conversation disarmed of facts. I am not making things up as I live here and watch the news. The Hispanic community has traditionally used fireworks as part of their culture and where they go, their culture come with them. I have lived in this area since 1964 and it was never like it is now. Sanctuary policies have enabled this activity, a undistuable fact despite your emotional reaction otherwise.
Yu live there and watch the news, and cast an unfounded assertion blaming the foreword on immigrants = whether they caused it or not - we have plenty of white azzholes here who set them off and I bet you do ther as well

And I bet your RW buddies who live in all states are passing along the same thing today.

If it were fact based it would be different, at this point it is not.
The new RW is - using tragedies and disasters to spread their agenda. If anyone speaks out, they are accused of not having a sense of humor.
Of course the LW climate cult doesn't use disasters to further their agenda. If anyone speaks out, they are accused of killing people and destroying the planet. The chicken little approach

Zelenskyy offers Ukraine’s help to fight California wildfires after Trump Jr post​

This line from the article caught my eye. What did 950 firefighters do to be incarcerated

Nearly 950 incarcerated firefighters were dispatched “to cut fire lines and remove fuel to slow fire spread,” according to an update from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
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