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Wild Fires In LA

Too late, I snuck through customs with a ounce of Lebanese Blond.
PM me your CC information then, and I'll keep that information to myself. Probably.
PM me your CC information then, and I'll keep that information to myself. Probably.
The wife has my credit card, she's buying stem cell creme in the airport, never a good sign for financial stability.
The wife has my credit card, she's buying stem cell creme in the airport, never a good sign for financial stability.
Tell her that the wife of a noted MAGA luminary is not allowed to purchase "stem cell" anything. You're welcome.
Tell her that the wife of a noted MAGA luminary is not allowed to purchase "stem cell" anything. You're welcome.
You can tell her yourself, not that it would be recommended.
You can tell her yourself, not that it would be recommended.
You would have to give me her phone number. Seriously doubt you would risk that. Although you have been "living on the edge" recently…
Newsome is saying he is going to "streamline" the rebuilding process. Wonder if he is going to require all of these new home to have solar panels.
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