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Wild Fires In LA

They should be embarrassed that he was ever part of the administration. This is the kind of people that the dems want to hire to show how "diverse" they are. Why shouldn't Republicans laugh at him?
I don't care if you laugh at him. Personally, I find him embarrassing.
It bothers that the RW was able to exploit this to help get a felonious con man in power - but that is the march of history. For want of a nail and all that.
Obviously in k-12 it is typically a local decision. People can always refuse to support school levies by voting against them unless they do something about how the sports programs are funded. As an aside, why are taxpayers paying for ESL programs
Sports should be handled by "leagues", not public institutions. As far as ESL goes, It was determined through multiple administrations that society functions better when everyone living here a chance to participate in it. We don't need a permanent underclass of people who don't speak English having to get by in some sort of "underground economy". Maybe their parents are too busy working for meager wages in our slaughter houses and produce fields (and building our homes) to properly educate them.
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You are sinking into irrelevancy again. I'll give you credit for that brain of yours, it goes in twenty different directions every nanosecond. Not unlike a baby chipmunk.
Citation please
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