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Wild Fires In LA

Apparently that's what voters wanted.
Yes that is what the voters wanted. Topanga State Park was a beautiful park because of its conservation. The fire probably would have destroyed it anyway. Conservation is not about one plant itis about ongoing effort to preserve the environment. Overall, it works, but like any effort, it will have some bad calls.

The RW would pave over our state parks and drill the life out of them if they could and are set to pollute our oceans again; it;s been too long without a major oil spill for their taste.
Now you know how the right feels every time the anti-2A people try to exploit the public's mourning period in the immediate aftermath of a school shooting. Pelosi and her ilk try to bumrush further legislation through before the grieving period ends and people return to their normal state of mind.

That cynical weaponization of people's sympathies against them doesn't work anymore for them on the 2A issues. I assume the same will happen with the righties' pushback against brush management and cutting back on public safety resources and performance this time around. If they do try to recall Newsome then the Calif. Swamp will still come through to save him. Mayor Bass may or may not be so lucky, 'cause a lot of rich folk in town were directly affected, including some of the theater kids.
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Well, thank heavens they saved the milk vetch.
Do they even have a clue about milk vetch ecology? How has it survived the eons with the fire history of California? I mean CA has burned repeatedly, annually, for centuries. It's a fire-created environment. When they stopped all burning in the Sequoia forest, no new trees germinated. A fire is necessary for these trees to sprout.
Now you know how the right feels every time the anti-2A people try to exploit the public's mourning period in the immediate aftermath of a school shooting. Pelosi and her ilk try to bumrush further legislation through before the grieving period ends and people return to their normal state of mind.

That cynical weaponization of people's sympathies against them doesn't work anymore for them on the 2A issues. I assume the same will happen with the righties' pushback against brush management and cutting back on public safety resources and performance this time around. If they do try to recall Newsome then the Calif. Swamp will still come through to save him.
It is not the same at all.

School shootings involve teenagers getting their hands on weapons that, with better regulation, would keep them out of their hands. The parents of the victims and people in the local communities want the regulations. The NRA and $ overrule them. The normal state of mind is that many Americans, all the time, want regulations to curb the endless flow of high-powered weapons and assault rifles . Which is not the same as doing away with the Second Amendment, which will never happen.

The people who want regulations are asking for legislative relief. They are not making fun of victims - that is your wheelhouse - the RW fol; lower of Alex Jones for years tormented the parents dead Sandy Hook school children. That is your tribe, not mine who did that.

The latest incarnation is an RW social media effort to spread falsehoods and hate over social media immediately after a disaster. This is not the same as asking for regulations that would make an a difference, even if leaning on the natural emotions around the event..
LA county is 4,084 square miles, and the RW is spreading outrage about a project halted in 2019 in ONE park?
That story is everywhere, not just so called "RW" sources.
As if that would have mattered?
What we don't know is how many other instances have occurred that are similar and what the cumulative impact was

Th eproflject might have been resumed since then - we don't; know.
A simple google search would have shown you that new permits weren't approved until June 2024. So highly unlikely the project has been completed.

Two faced as they are, it is telling that the mandatory-vaxxers, citing the notion "it is the right thing to do" for everyone to get vaccinated to protect their fellow man, are anti-fire mitigation when it too, would be the right thing to do to protect their fellow man!

“The mitigation for wildfires is very similar to how we think about mitigation for infectious disease,” said Fischer from Oregon State University. “If one person gets vaccinated out of the whole town it’s not really going to make much of a difference.”.
It is not the same at all.

School shootings involve teenagers getting their hands on weapons that, with better regulation, would keep them out of their hands. The parents of the victims and people in the local communities want the regulations. The NRA and $ overrule them. The normal state of mind is that many Americans, all the time, want regulations to curb the endless flow of high-powered weapons and assault rifles . Which is not the same as doing away with the Second Amendment, which will never happen.

The people who want regulations are asking for legislative relief. They are not making fun of victims - that is your wheelhouse - the RW fol; lower of Alex Jones for years tormented the parents dead Sandy Hook school children. That is your tribe, not mine who did that.

The latest incarnation is an RW social media effort to spread falsehoods and hate over social media immediately after a disaster. This is not the same as asking for regulations that would make an a difference, even if leaning on the natural emotions around the event..
Re-read for content and try not to divert. I'm not commenting on what it takes to morally justify the use of the cynical exploit of weaponizing people's grief against their reasoning. I'm simply taking note of the usage of the strategy itself. And it's most likely long term result (which I think will amount to zero).

Illegal felon commits a horrendous crime - the righties are all over it to drum up criticism for the anti-enforcement programs the Biden Admin has used to flout the existing immigration laws. Some pregnant woman suffers a health issue but TX won't allow an abortion so the baby-murder advocates jump all over that as a reason to set aside state law to allow women to kill them babies.

Both sides are trying to use the exception to justify altering public policy, and are deliberately trying to exploit the passions for political gain. This time it's the right, but the left does it, too.
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Yes that is what the voters wanted. Topanga State Park was a beautiful park because of its conservation. The fire probably would have destroyed it anyway. Conservation is not about one plant itis about ongoing effort to preserve the environment. Overall, it works, but like any effort, it will have some bad calls.
You'll never be able to understand the concept that when voters vote for fools (libs in general) they get fools that do stupid sht, like worry more about a shrub than they worry about the safety of the citizens.

I know that's a tough concept for you to grasp but maybe someday you'll figure it out.

The RW would pave over our state parks and drill the life out of them if they could and are set to pollute our oceans again; it;s been too long without a major oil spill for their taste.
As I stated above, stupid people voting for stupid people. It has nothing to do with polluting or drilling but this deflection is typical for you when you are unable or unwilling to face the facts.
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