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Wild Fires In LA

This disaster may offer an opportunity for a renaissance of sorts in Pacific Palisades, if the City Fathers make some serious zoning changes to anticipate fires in future in these hilly terrains. Being that close to the coast, they likely have breezes and winds most of the time, which was certainly a contributing factor in this case.

That one architect who had designed his house in anticipation of such a conflagration, had his home survive. I'm betting he will be in high demand indeed now for architectural work, and to share his expertise. Many ppl are going to take a page from his book, seeing there are better ways to build in these fire-prone areas. Perhaps the entire community will have a new look? Nearly a blank slate now. Still, they're gonna want their luxuries regardless. So it's got to be beautiful, plush, grandiose... with a pool of course. And maybe a firehose with their very own fireplug and large cistern for their underground private lake. I suppose next we'll be hearing about all the landslides over there, since the vegetation's roots won't be holding the soil adequately for awhile.
This disaster may offer an opportunity for a renaissance of sorts in Pacific Palisades, if the City Fathers make some serious zoning changes to anticipate fires in future in these hilly terrains. Being that close to the coast, they likely have breezes and winds most of the time, which was certainly a contributing factor in this case.

That one architect who had designed his house in anticipation of such a conflagration, had his home survive. I'm betting he will be in high demand indeed now for architectural work, and to share his expertise. Many ppl are going to take a page from his book, seeing there are better ways to build in these fire-prone areas. Perhaps the entire community will have a new look? Nearly a blank slate now. Still, they're gonna want their luxuries regardless. So it's got to be beautiful, plush, grandiose... with a pool of course. And maybe a firehose with their very own fireplug and large cistern for their underground private lake. I suppose next we'll be hearing about all the landslides over there, since the vegetation's roots won't be holding the soil adequately for awhile.
We may all be dead by the time much of anything is rebuilt. Malibu lost almost 700 homes in the Woolsey fire 6 years ago. Out of those only 180 have been rebuilt. Over 5000 have been destroyed in the Malibu/Palisades area so far
Funny J grant, I was reporing what my msn feed was showing me. Those bad people there for showing their burned out rage and msn repoting it. Here we go again with fake news.

Los Angelas is now an urban desert, is that fake rw talking, or an appraiser describing the neighborhood to REO compamy.
You'll never be able to understand the concept that when voters vote for fools (libs in general) they get fools that do stupid sht, like worry more about a shrub than they worry about the safety of the citizens.

I know that's a tough concept for you to grasp but maybe someday you'll figure it out.

As I stated above, stupid people voting for stupid people. It has nothing to do with polluting or drilling but this deflection is typical for you when you are unable or unwilling to face the facts.
you are inventing nonsense

Just becasue voters wanted to protect a plant in a park does NOT mean that the entire LA county and every official in it "worry more about a shrub than about the safety of others."

The problem with the RW, as in your above statement, is they take one small-scale incident or fact and then cast an unsupported assumption of blame to it. That is not fact. That is manipulation and a way of combining a small kernel of truth a broad scale falsehood - classic propaganda.
Funny J grant, I was reporing what my msn feed was showing me. Those bad people there for showing their burned out rage and msn repoting it. Here we go again with fake news.

Los Angelas is now an urban desert, is that fake rw talking, or an appraiser describing the neighborhood to REO compamy.
It is not the reporting about saving the plant that is wrong, it is the RW spreading it in a gleeful manner to mock liberals (while they ignore the more severe power line problems in LA county)

And worse, the RW false narrative that because a plant was protected in one section of one park, it means the entire county of LA put the welfare of a shrub above the safety of the people, which is a falsehood.

You folks lack the perspective to see that, and as soon as the sound byte twisted version f events the RW think tanks drop, it gets mass posted on social media - a clear pattern of deceit, just like in Helene, a kernel of truth ( an initial payout of FEMA $750 became a crafted falsehood ( that the only $ Helenevictims would get would be $750 because FEMA was broke due to spending on illegals)

That falsehood was spread within hours of Heleen. If the RW base refuses to look at their own problem as the Democrats refused to look at our, you will end up the same way - without even needing an election because Trump has already turned on his own base - from his promise of a populist man on the street anti-elite into appointing a globalist elitist billionaire cabinet and advisors - whose interests do you think they will protect and advance? Not yours or mine.
Globalist elite billionaire? Like the one who received the Medal of Freedom from ol Joe.

Spreading falsehoods? Is that why Faucci has been pardoned? Whatever did he do to need a pardon? If Trump was going to politicize the DOJ, surely he would have done it 8 years ago against Hillary and the Russian collusion crowd?

Why pardon the January 6th committee? Maybe they are afraid of what will be revealed? But not sure why they would worry when they have already admitted to destroying testimony and documents.

Why lie about your son's laptop during a 2016 debate and have your national security buddies issue a knowingly false report?

Why have the AG and FBI director say right wing radicals (not a supporter of those folks if they are breaking any laws...except the mom's fighting for their kids at school board meetings or those attending a Catholic mass and are pro life) and the biggest threat to our country?? Not China? Not Russia? Iran? ect.

Why say pay your fair share and pardon your son? Sure commute his sentence, I could live with that but have him pall all back taxes and relevant fines?

As far as NC floods, I have a cousin who lives in Ashville. JG would have to turn hard left to see my cousin. Their house was spared, but neighbors lost everything and after waiting weeks to meet with a representative they were told all that could be done initially was $750. That is probably the origins of that narrative...no home, no housing, no food or clothes....here is $750 for now. Thank God the best of all of us stepped up. And yes part of FEMA's budget went to illegals. I don't recall anyone saying that it was a choice between illegals and flood victims but there was an outrage that Americans did not receive immediate housing and voucher and assistance equal to what illegals were getting.

I guess Joe will pardon his brother and others today. Why? Guilty conscience? Trump didn't weaponize the DOJ in his first term and doubtful he will this time.

I do hope Congeress investigates ALL OF THE ABOVE and gets it out for public consumption.

I personally will continue to pray for those in CA and donate what I can. God Bless America
It is not the reporting about saving the plant that is wrong,
The question is, was the plant being "protected" by sound science or by feelings? Like the Sequoyia's, an understanding of the ecology of the plant is central to making such assessments. And central to the argument also is such a protection endangering the community? And the answer in hindsight it that it may well have contributed to the conflagration. The unanswerable question is would such mitigation have helped reduce the damage done?
Globalist elite billionaire? Like the one who received the Medal of Freedom from ol Joe.

Spreading falsehoods? Is that why Faucci has been pardoned? Whatever did he do to need a pardon? If Trump was going to politicize the DOJ, surely he would have done it 8 years ago against Hillary and the Russian collusion crowd?

Why pardon the January 6th committee? Maybe they are afraid of what will be revealed? But not sure why they would worry when they have already admitted to destroying testimony and documents.

Why lie about your son's laptop during a 2016 debate and have your national security buddies issue a knowingly false report?

Why have the AG and FBI director say right wing radicals (not a supporter of those folks if they are breaking any laws...except the mom's fighting for their kids at school board meetings or those attending a Catholic mass and are pro life) and the biggest threat to our country?? Not China? Not Russia? Iran? ect.

Why say pay your fair share and pardon your son? Sure commute his sentence, I could live with that but have him pall all back taxes and relevant fines?

As far as NC floods, I have a cousin who lives in Ashville. JG would have to turn hard left to see my cousin. Their house was spared, but neighbors lost everything and after waiting weeks to meet with a representative they were told all that could be done initially was $750. That is probably the origins of that narrative...no home, no housing, no food or clothes....here is $750 for now. Thank God the best of all of us stepped up. And yes part of FEMA's budget went to illegals. I don't recall anyone saying that it was a choice between illegals and flood victims but there was an outrage that Americans did not receive immediate housing and voucher and assistance equal to what illegals were getting.

I guess Joe will pardon his brother and others today. Why? Guilty conscience? Trump didn't weaponize the DOJ in his first term and doubtful he will this time.

I do hope Congeress investigates ALL OF THE ABOVE and gets it out for public consumption.

I personally will continue to pray for those in CA and donate what I can. God Bless America
One more long yawn post of ////// What about---- ( old news democrat, Biden et)

You folks never address any of your own sides' flaws, falsehoods or problems - the former conservative proud stance of take responsibly is AWOl-

I am not going to address the above points; they have been addressed numerous times and it would not matter what I say, or what the truth is - if you are fine with a 180% turn of Trump in his alliance f elite globalist billionaires, fine - the base assumed Trump's populist act of anti-elite anti globalist meant something - and even though the evidence is staring them in the face, they will cling to that hope - at least we knew from the outset that is what is admin would be about.
We are from the state government, and we're here to help yous:

When a massive wildfire tore through Sarah Mapel’s Northern California neighborhood in the late summer of 2020, she considered herself lucky. Firefighters saved her historic home, built in 1898, using water from a nearby creek.

But making her ash- and toxin-filled home safe to live in again turned into an epic, yearslong legal battle with her insurer: the California FAIR Plan Association. An insurance pool created by state officials in 1968, the plan offers coverage to residents and business owners in wildfire-prone and other vulnerable areas who cannot obtain coverage from private insurers.

Mapel’s problems with FAIR Plan began when her insurer sent her a $1,151 check for a repair estimate on her home that exceeded $50,000, documents show. For months, other challenges and frustrations followed.
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