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Wild Fires In LA

I have no machete, so Haiti is off the list. All the Castros are dead, right? I see Cuba has just been removed from the terrorism list. But... there's always Arkansas.
True dat. Apparently they like to behead motorcycle riders for sport in that state.
Soylent Green is people. Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson
DING DING DING!! YES!!! It WAS Edward G Robinson. He was quite an actor. I love the old movies. Soylent Green of course was ppl. They would go stand in line willingly when their number was up, and during the process of their death, they had their choice of beautiful scenic movies and sound to ease them into the slice, dice and cook machines. A movie ahead of its time for sure. I didn't even recall Charlton Heston was in that... I think of him more as Moses in the 10 Commandments.
Discussion on what happens next for the affected homeowners with regard to rebuilding, assessments, mortgages, etc.
Who is going to build 1200 homes all at once
Sounds like a job for Toll Brothers or HRHorton :) Cheap soddy work, broken tiles and missing vent caps, chicken wire showing thru the stucco... you know, normal things that city inspectors apparently cannot see.
DING DING DING!! YES!!! It WAS Edward G Robinson. He was quite an actor. I love the old movies. Soylent Green of course was ppl. They would go stand in line willingly when their number was up, and during the process of their death, they had their choice of beautiful scenic movies and sound to ease them into the slice, dice and cook machines. A movie ahead of its time for sure. I didn't even recall Charlton Heston was in that... I think of him more as Moses in the 10 Commandments.
I do believe it was Heston that yelled that "Soylent Green is people" in the movie
like to behead motorcycle riders for sport in that state.
Nope, just make them use their heads for something besides a hat rack. Don't drive through a deer camp where firearms are in the middle of the night just because you want to be a Ahole.

It takes money to keep you people vaccinated.
And why cannot we pay for the vaccines we need? Where does a flu shot cost more than $15? And why are you vaccinating for a disease that has weakened dramatically (Covid) while at the same time does little to prevent the disease? I don't want the Covid shot. I want the Covid prevention shot with no heart related side effects and no Gillian- Barre side effects.

and, it is not "minor" when you get it. G-B has crippled the 43-year-old daughter of a friend of mine. She went from working every day to disability after getting G-B shortly after her third shot. Now she's diagnosed with cancer as well. Hopefully it is unrelated to the vaccine but time may tell.

According to the CDC, there's a very minor risk of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart) in adolescents and young adults after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The most potentially serious adverse event identified was myocarditis, with 2.7 (95% confidence interval 1.0–4.6) excess cases per 100 000 vaccinated individuals aged 16 and over and occurring more frequently among young males
I have a sneaking suspicion that once RFK Jr is involved, we might get more disclosure about the real risks of Covid vaccines.
Hey calif, you can't build a new home if there is no fire insurance to be had, at a reasonable price. You think any insurance co will now insure in those areas again.
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