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Windows Tablets For Fieldwork

OK, so IF you go with an SP3 over the $350 Dell, I'd consider an SP4. You might have to wait for a sale, but the SP4 is certainly an improvement over the SP3 - slightly larger screen in the same sise device, very slightly thinner & lighter, newest CPU and runs cooler, etc.. Now, IF you get an SP3 and end up getting the keyboard cover, I would certainly recommend the SP4 version - ther Sp3 keyboard was certainly remarkably good for what it is, but the SP4 is enough better that you should get that one. Just my 2¢ on that. Also, if you are looking at cases, take a look on the main tech forum thread for the short discussion on cases for an SP4. Whether you go SP3 or 4, most of the better ones have the same model cases available. The two devices are so similarly sized, one could get away with an SP3 case on an SP4, but if you're getting one, you'd surely get the one that matches up properly in the first place.

Again, it sounds like the Dell is a bargain, so either way, the other main items I usually stress getting are:
  • a good anti-reflective screen protector (+25),
  • the excellent Accidental Drop Protection policy (+$99), and
  • a quality SanDisk or Samsung 32 - 64 GB micro SD card (~$11 - $19*)

Here is a link to a post I made quite some time back showing the basic types of screen protectors. You'll need to enlarge the thumbnails. http://appraisersforum.com/forums/t...ets-for-fieldwork.191490/page-34#post-2530864 Also, there is a short thread in the main tech forum on SP4 cases.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

* This is my current Best Bang for the Buck choice - Samsung 64 GB micro SD w/SD adapter $18.99: http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-Class-Adapter-MB-MP64DA-AM/dp/B00IVPU7AO/ref=sr_1_5?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1454025152&sr=1-5&keywords=sandisk+32+gb+micro+sd+card&refinements=p_n_feature_two_browse-bin:6518305011

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Quick update -

I had planned to do a review on the new Dell Venue Pro 8 but due to an error on my part, I got the non-4G LTE versions in, so I sent them back. It'll be a few more days before the new ones come in, so sorry about that. I suppose I could have opened a box and performed some quick tests, but for whatever reason, I just had Susan send them back unopened. Hopefully the new ones will arrive shortly and I'll be able to give you my thoughts soon. I have no doubt that the devices themselves will operate within expected parameters, so I'm mainly interested in comparing ergonomics and relative speed comparted to the last model and other contemporary devices. I am also using this particular device to test some 4G LTE functionality aspects as well as some specific 8" UI aspects on a new build.

-Randall Garrett-

+Apex Software+
Quick update -

I had planned to do a review on the new Dell Venue Pro 8 but due to an error on my part, I got the non-4G LTE versions in, so I sent them back. It'll be a few more days before the new ones come in, so sorry about that. I suppose I could have opened a box and performed some quick tests, but for whatever reason, I just had Susan send them back unopened. Hopefully the new ones will arrive shortly and I'll be able to give you my thoughts soon. I have no doubt that the devices themselves will operate within expected parameters, so I'm mainly interested in comparing ergonomics and relative speed comparted to the last model and other contemporary devices. I am also using this particular device to test some 4G LTE functionality aspects as well as some specific 8" UI aspects on a new build.

-Randall Garrett-

+Apex Software+

Excellent! Although I'm always interested in whatever you are reviewing for us the 4G LTE functionality is high on my tablet priority list. And by the way, once you are finished reviewing the latest tablet tech I would be happy to volunteer my services as a "field reviewer". Instead of sending them directly back to the manufacturer just shoot them my way for a while - I will take very good care of them.....
Thanks, Mike.

So far, I have resisted accepting any "freebie" review units, so everything I cover with any depth is stuff I actually purchase. I sometimes get early looks at stuff through contacts I've built up over the years, but more and more, the manufacturers seem to be more interested in glowing "journalistic" coverage vs. actual user feedback, so people like me don't tend to be very high on the list for "eval units." :-( Some of the folks I know who do cover stuff on their blogs are noticing the "only send to positive reviewers" trend as well. Anyway, I tend to end up with a lot of gear that, while perfectly serviceable, is no longer cutting edge and it seems that we are not adept at getting rid of it, so it piles up (much to the chagrin of my business folks, LOL.) So, I don't think I can reliably send you anything at this stage. That said, if things change, I will certainly contact you as I am always interested in real world feedback so I can fine tune things and/or just let others know how other real world appraisers are faring with this or that piece of gear.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

To follow up on my post from last Tuesday, I finally got a tracking notice on the Dell V*P w/4G LTE devices I ordered for testing. There was some confusion when I returned the others and inquired about the 4G LTE order, so I am relatively pleased that my dumb mistake only cost me a week. I should get them by Tuesday (?) and I hope to have my initial impressions ready for a short post later this week.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Initial reports from Brian on the newer Dell V8P are that it is a lot snappier. Since he is using it for testing and the other one went to Wayne for MobileSketch coding, I have not been able to do anything with them except for very brief fondling. On that front, the new ones feel just about the same overall but they seem snappier. I have not been able to test the 4G throughput but maybe when Brian gets back from the meeting he is going to next week, I will install a SIM for testing. While the new CPU, GPU and extra RAM are welcome additions, the new pen is outstanding compare with the last model. Let me know if you have any specific questions, but remember that I will not be able to do any testing over the weekend as Brian leaves on Sunday, and won't be back until about mid-next week. I will have access to the device tomorrow, though...

Hope this helps for now.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

FWIW, I noted that Best Buy is offering the HP Spectre X2 tablet at up to $200 off this week - meaning it starts at $599 for one with a Core m3, 4GB of RAM, and a 128GB SSD (not eMMC.) It also has built-in 4G LTE, albeit only via Verizon. More powerful models obviously cost more as you add a more powerful CPU, more RAM and larger SSD, but the base model works well enough for many people. If you get one, I recommend getting the optional pen. Most of my customers in the non-fee appraisal fields will lean toward the business class version (the Elite X2) but this particular model is pretty well build for a consumer class device.


Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Finally had the chance to go take a look at some of the Hp units and Lenovo units in a big city. Best Buy sales staff definitely support the durability of the Lenovo units, although the HP's sure have the market on style and appeal. By the way, does anyone have any thought on the HP elite X3?

Wanted to run this through here. So, have taken a serious look at Lenovo P40 Yoga now that it has been released. It does not appear that it has all the specs I was hoping for. First, and obviously it has the power of the I7-6500U, which is way more than I need, but why the $160 difference in (what is that exactly? cache speed?) 3.1 vs 3.4 GHz? Is this something that makes much difference particularly for the price? I have never heard of this before.
Second, looks like the $30 upgrade to win10 pro over home is a good value?
The display standard is antiglare which I will keep. upgrade to 16GB ram, 512 SSD, fingerprint reader, 65watt DC adapter..
The final two things I am a little hazy on are the warranty and dock. Standard one year depot warranty. I would like coverage three to four years. Is the battery thing really an issue?
Now the dock. Does not look like this will be as good as the previous lock in dock I have for my X220t? Seems like the upper level units have enough ports, need displayport, ethernet, and many USB ports. How does the one-link stand up against the USB 3.0 units? pros and cons?
Why would they not include atleast and option for LTE on this thing? as souped up as it is, would have thought atleast the option? Is this something they could put on later with an optional configuration? (Update, was on with chat on Lenovos site just now and they say "This model will have soon the option to select Sierra Wireless EM7455 for 4G LTE") Guess will have to wait and see if that comes around...
Lastly, there is no usable bump style case that they sell and none aftermarket wither. Have companies quit manufacturing this type of case? Had them available early on with my last X convertibles.
Thanks for any input, Chris Wagoner, Certified Residential Appraiser, State of Indiana
For those of you considering Apex 6 to use with a Microsoft Surface 3, please beware and read below:

I've been a loyal customer and user of Apex for over 20 years. I have upgraded to newer versions of the software over the years even when I didn't really need to. I've always been supportive of Apex over the years both on this website and in the field when talking to my peers.

However, I must say that I am disappointed with Apex at this time. It's interesting that Randall Garrett is pushing his product to appraisers who are trying to become more mobile. Based on communications I had with Randall last summer (2015), I decided to upgrade my tools. I had previously used the Apex Mobile Sketch for Android, which was extremely basic with very limited tools to really do the sketch right in the field.

I purchased a Microsoft Surface 3 (not Pro), a new Disto 330i, and 4 licenses of Apex 6 (2 from Apex and 2 from ACI / $300 each / $600 total).

I read a lot of positive articles from Randall Garrent and about was how great Apex 6 was going to be and how much time it was going to save. Well, that hasn't been my case at all. I've never been able to get all of the functions with Apex 6 to work on the MS Surface I bought in July. I contacted Apex and ACI tech departments directly several times, but pretty much gave up on it from August through January. In January, I re-tried using Apex 6 again. I updated the software and continued to have the same issues. Apex felt like the issue was my computer, so I returned it and got another one. The replacement computer continues to have issues including the following:

1. When you "customize" the label list (by adding ONLY 1 custom label), the software freezes and requires me to wait 30-45 seconds to input each individual label. Therefore, I can't create my own custom label list (The list included in A6 is very small, maybe 15 items tops).

2. The icons only include a "corner" fireplace; there is not a rectangular fireplace available. I am sure there are others that have been left out.

I realize this is a short list, however, they prohibit me from using the MS Surface 3 with Apex 6, and the 4 versions of Apex 6 that I purchased. So, my investment of $1,300+ is basically worthless until Apex can fix their "bug".

I have worked with Jonathan Colon at Apex on numerous occasions trying to resolve these issues. Jonathan has been extremely helpful and after all of the time we spent, he finally figured out that the issue was the customized label list. He explained that he has created a ticket with the Apex programmers, but at this point, I can't use these tools nor do I have any idea if I ever will.

Interesting, I have emailed Randall about these issues several times since last summer, but it just doesn't seem to be at the top of his priority list. Maybe Randall's niche is just being a salesman!

So, for those of you considering purchasing Apex 6 to use with a Windows Tablet, I would recommend you save your hard earned money before spending it on Apex until they can get their issues resolved. It has been extremely TIME CONSUMING and frustrating to put it lightly. I hope this is helpful!

I am having absolutely the opposite experience. I have added numerous custom labels and can access them immediately and I put in rectangular fireplaces all the time. if you don't want to customize where your symbols appear under your favorites list just click the down arrow and you'll see an entire section labeled "fireplaces", there are five different types of fireplaces there just like the apex of old. The program works the same whether it's on my desktop or on my Lenovo ThinkPad 10 in the field. Since you have been working with technical support I must assume that your issues are more complex than they seem and I hope they get resolved soon. I just thought I'd pass along that the program is working fine for every appraiser I've talked to that has switched and has boosted my productivity in the field tremendously. Like you I have been using Apex for 20 years and gradually worked my way up through the Apex android app, the Total for Mobile app, and various other experiments - never realizing the productivity gains I was looking for until AV6 came out and I could use a full Windows tablet in the field. In my opinion it is worth whatever effort you're going to have to spend to get it working right.
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