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Tom - Whitehead - not Woodruff, but that's OK. And believe it or not there are far more than 2-3 appraisers here in Hernando County, including bunches that travel here from Pasco, Hillsborough,Citrus and other counties! There are at least 3 "offices" with three or more appraisers, including mine, and probably 10-15 who work out of their home. I know that several here in the county lurk but never post. I suspect it is because even though we are all courteous to each other, I have found appraisers to be a "loner" group, and protect their privacy more than any group of people I have ever known. Since I post frequently on this forum, if anyone else does then they disguise themselves in such a way that I would never know them and do not use their real names. Therefore, I don't think that has happened.

In reality, I have received far more business from other appraisers that any other segment of the population. There is enough business of all kinds out there for all of us. Even though some of the posters on this forum have what appears to be a special agenda, for the most part I enjoy the postings and have really learned something. I agree that there are some highly educated people that post on this forum. Many, many of the appraisers that do not, simply don't spend the time on the internet, or don't know it exists. It is kind of tough to post something, especially for the first time.

You know something - we are not trying to re-invent the wheel here. We are just trying to have some meaningful conversations and learn something from each other - or at least have someone to bounce questions, suggestions.etc. to/from. Terry, you work in a large shop but most of us work alone or with a very few other people. It's not everybody that wants to discuss the latest ASB findings (especially most of our significant others). Everyone is also entitled to their own opinion.
I know I am a rookie at this, registered, with about a thousand hours in, but I like the forum for several reasons. If you want to learn a job, go to the best. Classes are good, but lets face it, the people who teach the best are the ones who aren't doing it for money, they are doing it because they care about the job. Every person who posts on here gives their opinion, and it helps a lot. I have a good mentor, he has taught me the value of ethics and of being honest even if it means kicking yourself in your financial teeth, and I am glad of that. But I would like to say that the people who post on this forum really are the top one percent in my opinion, people who care about the profession, and want it to go on in an ethical manner. In answer to Pamela's post, how about only one trainee per appraiser maximum at a time? That would definitely put a dent in the appraisal mills. We looked on a web site and one FHA Appraiser supposedly did 2006 FHA's in two years. Duh! All by his lonesome he went out and saw every single one of them, and their comps, and did the reports with minimal help, and still had time for continuing ed, and sleep?
Anybody out there able to do over 2000 FHA's in two years?
Not everyone embraces the internet like we do. I know people that only check their email once or twice a week and some that never do. Some people just don't care to spend time online. Or if they do spend time on line they don't care for bulletin boards. Just because we frequent bulletin boards doesn't mean that other people care for them.

One of my hobbies is treasure hunting and there are several treasure hunting bulletin boards that I used to visit often. However of the other treasure hunters I know, most do not frequent the bulletin boards.

People get tired of doing the same things, I notice that from the treaasure hunting boards. I first started reading them around 1994. There are very few people that are still there year in and year out. I guess they truly enjoy it. Others will hang around for a while then will get tired of it and move on. I am one of the ones that have moved on as I don't frequent the treasure hunting boards any more.

I have noticed the same with this forum since we opened in 1998. People drift in and out, and a few will stay for the long term. People just get other interests, and let's face it, we do tend to talk about the same things over and over again!

Another thing is that most appraisers are really busy and when they get through appraising all day they want to relax and the very LAST thing they want to do is read about appraising! :|
Go Wayne, Go.....It's really good to see you post a reponse here. I, for one am glad that you actually participate and read what is actually going on. As in life, we all have to take the bad with the good...whatever we all think "bad" is or "good" is. I have really enjoyed this and have learned a lot - including meeting in Orlando for a FREAB meeting. I can't make the next one but I hope to meet you and the others soon. Frank knows where to get the best Mexican food and "spirits"
Sorry, Judy...maybe just another one of those senior moments. At least, I got the initial letter of your last name correct.

Thomas N. Mogan
Ocala, FL
I think this (appraisal) business has a way of making us "lone wolves." Not only because we provide an unbiased opinion of value, but because the industry sees fit to make us review each other's work. This "self-dicipline" (as it were) sometimes has a way of alienating us from one another. In addition, (in my area at least) there's stiff competition for business which makes some folks uncomfortable in the first place.

I, for one, obviously enjoy being able to air my views here at this forum. It was hard at first but, in the long run, I have found it to be not only entertaining but educational.

I believe that the more we can find common ground to communicate with each other, the stronger we will be as a whole and the more control we will have over our profession.
I think there is a small minority who have the time to post here
many appraisers I know have a life outside of appraising.
And like said before the same questions keep getting asked, over and over again, this profession has changed very little in the past decade.(the rules have changed but homes are still the same, ranch, 2 story, bilevel etc...below average, average, above average and new etc)
The internet has made this job much easier and proftable. posting or even lurking on this forum is not required to be an appraiser in this country.

I would say that 99% of the reviews I do stink and are done by # hitters and not by the book, they are very easy to CUT, not based on opinion but based on established guidelines. My favorite line is "please refer to ANY appraising manual or Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac guideline book for further clarification on this topic" an attempt to keep the dumb questions from
coming in.

As a previously posted the # of non thinking non educated/trained appraisers out there is frieghtening. I spoke with a National Spokes person yesterday(the go between for a large bank, between LOs and appraisers) he recently had a submission package with appraisals which were so blatenly overstated and out of compliance that this poor person didnt stand a chance to be approved, and if turned over to the state would have some explaining to do"his words". Me thinks they know no better and were trained in this manner and dont even know they are pushing value.

When we get approved dont we send our most current and most vanilla reports in? Not those tough ones, dont want them to call you when they have those impossible reports do we.? And sending in obviously pushed reports come on? But if you know no better....you know no better.

My second mentor knew no better..he is not in business any longer..comp 10 miles away in a suburb of 7,000sf lots no problem,,,,same city right?

Me I follow the rules as much as possible, sure the Inet helps with some short cuts but rule number one is using the MOST comparable sale, number two is using the most comparable sale and rule #3 is using the most comparable sale. and I am turning work down everyday..the number hitters just dont get it...

soap box done before i get timed out..

tonight we drink citrona!
I find it hard to believe that mreilly and others can be so thin skinned in this profession. We are constantly under attack and questioned in every facet of this business. I have been attacked on this forum before and I am still here. This forum is educational (found out about the three years sales history and none of my appraiser buddies had a clue), informative and entertaining. Make that entertaining and addictive. I don't have time to post here but I do anyway. I make time for it. I would rather interact with appraisers on this forum than some that I have lunch with. You guys are right though, only informed and concerned appraisers would visit a site like this. Those who have things to hide will not expose themselves on a public forum. There are far too many appraisers who need this forum, but woudl rather avoid it. Those who avoid it because of Appraisal organization bashing or different opinions, just don't realize the good outshines the bad.
You may also wonder why they are so darned many of us from Florida! We have our own forum!! Hey, where are you North Dakota, Delaware and Puerto Rico appraisers?

Kathy in FL

Dunno :?

My opinion; anyone in any business - should be open for critical comments, if they're human; it's a learning experience, hell if we all new what we were doing we woulda been retired years ago. Every house is an adventure- very few are the same, sorta keeps your interest up a little, thats why I love the business. It's a business of limited bordom, and new adventure everyday. Not being tied to an office is exciting to me, I enjoy travel, my state is so small, everybody thinks you can drive it in less than 45 minutes, yet there are places within the state they've never been and in some instances it can take 2-3 hours - one way; for a small state thats a lot of travel to me. So it's what you make of it anyway 8O

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