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Not afraid of being pounced, just not interested in telling everyone about my grandchildren, what I did on my vacation or who was involved in Enron. Just interested in day to day appraising stuff. Not back to my cave, just back to work.
Judgeing from some threads in this forum Alot of appraisers would not know what a PDF format is let alone how to convert a report from one piece of software into a pdf document, don't even ask if they could lock it. So I think alot of appraisers are not internet competant or aware. Also alot of appraisers work for someone else and get what this forum has to offer from their office enviroment, This forum is about more than just political action.
I am probably representative of a lot of people here. I read the forum almost every day, but rarely post a reply.........a lurker.
I'll try to post more. Actually, I'll have a new post today
BTW, there are several hundred appraisers in the Tampa Bay area, but Frank is the only one I see here.
Mike Seward
Appraisal Alliance, Inc.
Tampa, FL
I don't check the forum as much as I previously did, because I'm so darn busy! I do feel secure in knowing that if I have a question or problem, there's a place to go for expert advice. I don't mind the re-hashing of the same questions over and over because I can choose to skip that thread. I will say that sometimes this forum reminds me of a continuing education class in that there's one in every bunch that won't shut up! (Don't worry, you're not that person) :lol:
I think you sadly misrepresent the breadth of opinion and wisdom found on this forum and take issue with the following which looks to me to be PFA:
d) Of those 100, there are 25 individuals who contribute 50% of the content of the forum. The remaining 75 individual contribute 45% and the 1400 remaining users contribute 5%.

e) For ease of expression we shall say 100 users contribute 95% of all postings, I believe this is a fairly accurate assumption.

Where are you getting these stats???

Off the old forum? or do you have a way to check the new? I thought the primary posters list got left behind when Wayne switched systems.

With regard to d)
As one of (but definitely not THE :P ) primary blabbermouths around here, I have contributed less than than 3.91% (as of two minutes ago - this value may vary)of postings since the new system was initiated....

So figuring there are a few sages and motormouths who post a little more often than I do, I am still not sure that you wind up with a 50% total contribution by a mere 25 posters.... :evil:

Some of us like to discuss and occasionally argue over at the watercooler, which boosts individual stats 8O , However there are many who post only to a few specific areas, and may or may not lurk elsewehere. Many folks while actively perusing the forum care not to or for a variety of reasons fear to actually post regularly but do post on occasion when they have something USEFUL to say. I think you sell us as a group short by these numbers!

re: e) You may be correct??
but it jes' doesn't soun raht to me!
Again from whence are you pulling the stats?

Lee Ann in KS
Story number one: No college degrees. College degrees are meaningless. In the time I have been reading the forum, I've never heard anyone say don't let people with college degrees appraise. What they have been saying is that a college degree won't solve the ethics issue that most appraisers have with unethical appraisers. Education does not stop immoral behavior. It just gives you an unethical person with a better education. If you read George Dodd, Terrell Shields, etcetera, you will see that these and others constantly encourage others to continue their education in the profession. They never once say once you get a license, stop. Just get what is needed. But the primary problem, from following this forum, is not stupidity, but unethical standards. You don't stop a mad dog by shooting the cat.

Story two: Some do say that, and, realistically, someone from Chicago doing a desktop review of an appraisal in Georgia probably doesn't know where the subject is, nor how populated the area is. Also, some review appraisers and underwriters are either not experienced appraisers in the review side, or not even appraisers in the underwriting side. FHA probably couldn't field a baseball team of experienced field appraisers.
Maybe the laws they should pass are the ones that make it a requirement that review appraisers and underwriters be licensed or above. That would probably end a lot of problems quickly.

Story Three: When challenged, charge more. Huh? I am still looking for those that do that. If a client wants more work, then they should be willing to pay for it. Lee Ann, Pamela Crowley, JRotta, all of them, if you will check their posts, when questioned about an appraisal, immediately review their work to make sure they were not suffering from a cranial rectal inversion at the time of completion, and then get annoyed. Admitting your wrong is one thing, admitting your right is something else.

Story four: Most of the appraisers I know are sole practitioners because if they are going to sign their name to something, then they are going to see it first hand, and, being a Registered myself, I hate to admit this, the first several months that someone is being trained it is like adoption. You take some utter idiot under your wing, pay them for the priveledge of watching you work, and still have nearly two plus years to go. That, and most appraisers tend to be loners, and consider their best company themselves and their spouse.

Story five: Blame all the woes and evils on Bill Clinton: Read the watercooler more. You get just as much Bush bashing as Clinton bashing. Clinton is just apparently a sore spot with you.

Slacker: You forgot that country music also has to have dogs. Cats are banned from country music. I think it is a law. Plus it is required to have at least thirty percent of it dealing with misery on the song topic. (Best listened to with beer, so you don't cry and get water spots on the table.)

I like the forum. People get rather adamant about USPAP, but that is because of the fact that it is only slightly more confusing that the 2001 tax laws. Let lawyers get involved in writing something, they'll put more escape holes in it than swiss cheese at a turkey shoot. It doesn't take long to determine who the ones are to listen to, and who is bluffing. For a good source of information, this is good.

As far as being thick skinned, from what I have seen so far, if someone isn't thick skinned, then appraising is not a job for them. It seems that appraisers are either the best friend of a lender, or their worst enemy, and that can depend on their last appraisal.

will agree with you on number one 99% - unethical people in our business, were unethical before they got here, an edumacation expands their ability to be devious. When you allow the political arena to step in & make those "Educational Rules" it's the tail waggin the dog. OK- I agree wit U 100%, there I've admitted my error.

#2- over the past few years I've had review appraiser's (do not know if they were licensed or otherwise) contact me and inquire on various aspects of what I would look at in a review; I've done it for my area and also for outside my area, outside my area I have to become a dentist and pull the information from them, in most instances they do not know what to look for OR have been looking at too many to make an actual judgement - (same over worked/underpaid puppies as us) 8O I'll help if I can, if I feel the data is not there - I would refer them elswhere.

#3- If I'm wrong I will admitt it, but when your as good as I am :lol: :lol: :lol: 8O - there's generally nothing to admit to :lol: :lol:

#4-I think in my heart I would truly enjoy running a training camp, oh in maybe a few years, only because I feel there's a need for passing on the profession; the pitfalls; and most importantly, how to run a successful office. "Ethics" can not be taught, they either come with them or they leave, it's that simple.

#5 - Politics are the same as they were back in the Roman Era, nothings changed. They are the history we've tried to avoid, but have worked so dilegently to keep in place, "power to the people" has been sitting out in Pluto for so long, it has no idea of how to return. It's like "common sense" everybody has it, but it hasn't been used in such a long time that it's waiting in "Uranus" amongst the gases & such.

Here's the possible 1% I referred to in the begining; USPAP - is a work in progress, therefore, it is meant to be confusing and not fully explained, but you need to understand the basics and follow the changes, same as Lawyers do, otherwise you will be unprepaired to Defend you work. Secondly, it is the "Law" by which we need to abide for our business, if you do not refer to it from time to time (even when your busy) you will not be able to adjust to the minor changes that occur every single year, as most changes are meant to change the meaning of some of the language to which we are to abide by. Thick skinned, if your around after a few years, you are accustom to the way we work and get wacked around, don't know to many Thin skinned appraisers; if you know some they're probably Broke & can be found downwind of some garbage heep.

And Herbert ( I mean Ben) j t r o t t a - yer killlin me - :lol: :lol:

Sorry about dropping the T. Too much Georgia education in me I guess. I'll remember it from now on.
Thanks to all of you who responded to this post.

I believe there were 47 replies.

Here we go again;

There were (so far) 1795 views of the topic.

There must be a bunch of "just looking' individuals who wanted to input their views on the discussion. Even if just a nod or a wink, that's fine!

Now is your chance.

I am asking all of the regular forum participants to back away and let the others have a go. OK?

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