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This is a public forum and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Somtimes my opinion gets changed by others that post here. I see personal attacks occasionally and I see other posts supporting the person attacked. I lay out on some posts (not all appraisal shops are number hitting machines, all reviewers violate USPAP, etc) because I know that it is not always true in every case. If you are posting here, you should not be looking for pats on the back or congratulations on you superior appraisal abilities, you should be looking for insights and other view points. Isn't that the point of a forum? Occasionally, some people who post here are verabally abused, but the printed word can get interpreted many different ways and overall the content here is informative and educational. Cliques? Give me a break. I would not know any other other posters here if I ran into them on the street. I never agree with anybody completely and some I never agree with, but this America the last time I checked. Heck, somtimes I make a post that I think is good reading and it gets very little response. If this forum is so hostile and cruel, why are some of you still visiting? Also, if you are too frail to defend your view point, why bother to post? Posting here is inviting others to respond, good and bad. Surely, we appraisers can't possibly believe that every body else should think as they do?
Tim, in an earlier post you said you can’t believe how thin skinned myself and others are. Trust me when I tell you, I can hold my own with anyone providing the mediators allow it to continue. That was not the case in the example I made earlier. Any how it appears we are all beating a dead horse. George Hatch said it best, if everyone would just act like a professional it is my opinion more folks will post on this forum and the content will be less repetitive and potentially more interesting. Maybe we should all try to invite an industry professional to the forum, someone who has never posted here and put some new blood in the mix (maybe I shouldn’t use the word blood). I think I can get at least two or three of the appraisers here to jump in but remember their skin is thin so be easy with them, their from New York.


Mike Reilly

George Hatch said it best, if everyone would just act like a professional it is my opinion more folks will post on this forum and the content will be less repetitive and potentially more interesting.

<span style='color:brown'>Reminds me of the bumper sticker that said "I am acting mature you ka ka head"</span>

....... remember their skin is thin so be easy with them, their from New York.

I knew some folks from NY before......but they moved south and got better.........
Goodpasture Wrote:

I knew some folks from NY before......but they moved south and got better.........

at what????

Now boys, let's be professional!

Again, I posted on another thread - we are not trying to reinvent the wheel here. I post on the forum to have a chance to relate to others "like me" and to learn something. I by no means think that everything that is said here is correct, and I guess the only thing that kind of gets to me is how avid some people are about some things. Not just appraising - but politics and religion. I hope never to be single minded and have only gotten my feelings hurt a few times (right Greg :oops: )

Anyway, those that want to post will and those that don't....won't. No sense blasting anybody about it.
Back when I first got "netrified" about 5 yr ago, I joined the NAIFA chat room and made a spirited argument that USPAP was heavy laden with land mines and insensible at its worst. One fellow in particular, a very high on the totem member I might add, was so enraged he threatened to file some sort of ethics charge against me....for defamation of a badly written document?? Seems he had some hand along the way in USPAP on some advisory board, and in his mind, the document was perfect. And me, a mere pipsqueek without so much as a single letter behind my name, how could I know anything about USPAP?

That was a period before the great disillusionment when many of the chat room participants thought USPAP would strengthen the profession, would be a boon to their business, and weed out the riff raff on its own. It didn't and by 1999, a major revision occurred. That fellow by this time was rarely heard from and the voices of what I see as reason (i.e.- skeptical of USPAP being protector of the profession) soon dominated the forum.

Now there are some who think designations are more meaningful that USPAP, and many who complain about number hitters. I think it is important to hear those voices even if I do not agree with them. I have found in general that appraisers are far more critical of their fellow practitioners than say, geologists, surveyors, engineers. How hard is it to find a doctor who will testify against another one?

I don't care if my competition has a license, does shoddy work, etc. It will be found out. They are not taking my work away. One of my clients has blacklisted 2 appraisers for shoddy work and lack of timeliness (if you promise 10 days, you ought to turn in a report within 30± days you would think.) They use lots of other appraisers, but when they really want to know what it is worth (i.e.-like when they get a property back) they call me. And they pay for it.

So flame away at me. My skin is really thick. As long as you are civil, I will read your posts, reply as I see fit, and respect your opinions even when I disagree a full 180 degree.

Maybe it's just a southern thing...but we don't tend to say what we really think to someone else's face. So...this forum is really great for me to see what everyone else REALLY thinks about issues, lenders, and USPAP. A little debate makes some people angry...but I think I learn more from the debates than from anything else. (If it makes you mad enough to go look something up...then that forumite has done you a service.)

Like Cuba Gooding Jr. said in "Jerry Maguire"..."You think we're fighting but I think we're finally TALKING!!""

Kathy in FL
I like the forum and read it just about every day. I don't post often because many times it would just be a "me too" or a "you got that right" type of post, a waste of bandwidth.

But it is a great place to learn about what others are doing and seeing that many of the day to day problems I run into others have run into as well. One reason that there are a lot of one man/woman shop appraisers here is that this is one of the few places we can go to for reality checks, advice and to vent.

Thanks Wayne!

Well, it seems like your post brought out some of the onlookers to this forum. From what I can gather, some are afraid that they'll get "pounced" on while others are afraid that ther remarks will just be a re-hash and not "pithy" enough to post in the first place. I say, instead of being afraid, get bold and post something different, refreshing and new. It's easy to sit back and blame others for your lack of interest but much harder to come up with original ideas and cast them forth for public consumption.
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