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ACI just down or out of business

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so they targeted first american but not corelogic...is corelogic not big enough:rof::rof::rof:
Ooh that smell
Can't you smell that smell
Ooh that smell
The smell of death surrounds you
Now that the FBI is investigating they should dig deeper into First Americans cough cough “Business practices “
corelogic is just a spin off of first american, right.... :ROFLMAO:
aren't they both headquarter in calicommiefornia...the tech center of the universe :ROFLMAO:
Now that the FBI is investigating they should dig deeper into First Americans cough cough “Business practices “
Actually, the FBI and Black Cat have been fighting for a week or so.
If you think it’s bad here you should see homeowners who are posting online about there closing being cancelled because of First American.

isnt that what they call public trust... :ROFLMAO:
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