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ANSI Standard Z765-2021 whole foot measurement question

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Doesn't matter. If your rounding to the nearest inch. The footage on the sketch needs to round to the nearest tenth inch. Can be off on one side. Doesn't matter.

The OP stated-

I measured the house, and it was exactly what I put on the sketch; not sure if adding an inch on each side would make a difference.

Houses do occasionally measure exactly to the foot. If that is the case, that is what you report.
You could go back and change the sketch from a whole number depiction of the measurements such as 10', to 10.0', and move on with your life.

Report measurement as requested to the nearest 1/10 foot. 32 feet should be reported as 32.0. 32' implies accuracy to the nearest foot. 32.0 ' implies accuracy to the nearest 1/10'.

Report measurement as requested to the nearest 1/10 foot. 32 feet should be reported as 32.0. 32' implies accuracy to the nearest foot. 32.0 ' implies accuracy to the nearest 1/10'.
That is not ansi.
What I really fear here is appraiser measured to the nearest foot. I would not play with this lender. Make it right even if you have to go back.

Okay, I need to go back and remeasure. Give me a little time.
Don't try to lose this client. Do what they say.
Your sketch needs to accurately report... to the nearest 1/10th foot or the nearest inch... the measurements that you recorded when you measured the dwelling. Do not 'massage' your sketch just to placate someone who hasn't been to the property. It is unusual but, it absolutely happens that some dwellings actually do measure in whole feet when rounded per ANSI Z765-2021 standards. Write them back.. or add a comment in the report... and tell them that your meaurements and sketch are correct. The subject property is what it is. It's not up to us, as appraisers, to fudge anything to make it fit the Lender's boxes.
Use TO the tenth in reporting: if it's 30 Feet then use 30.00 or 30.0 EASY.
I never rounded, always checked measured areas to be measurement confident while I
"squared" horizontally & vertically prior leaving the driveway. If a measurement was in-between, I placed a + or - on that measurement
in BEST effort to know "why & where" squaring was OFF.
Taught that way, Had a measuring Service (made very good money through Reputation word of mouth), & an Architect-ish Anal Brain
(** IF ever there was a Liability-Question about Square Footage, it wasn't me. Like in, the Buyer is an Architect, Realtor had Overly Stated Heated Area & also a "DA" suggested Pricing via Sq Ft, or just a Arse-Kinda' Buyer.)
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Report measurement as requested to the nearest 1/10 foot. 32 feet should be reported as 32.0. 32' implies accuracy to the nearest foot. 32.0 ' implies accuracy to the nearest 1/10'.
And the comparable is reported in what measurement??
That you did not measure
Just more nonsense. I never heard of a complaint because an appraiser was off by 1/10th of a foot. I saw an appraisal report for a relative that the length was off by 3 feet. Maybe it was 2.9 or 3.1....don't care thats not the issue. This garbage is just to get some small thing to hang on appraisers when a loan goes bad. PDCs are not doing this, they want to add meaningless things to appraisers to make us do more work to make alternatives look better.
Just more nonsense. I never heard of a complaint because an appraiser was off by 1/10th of a foot. I saw an appraisal report for a relative that the length was off by 3 feet. Maybe it was 2.9 or 3.1....don't care thats not the issue. This garbage is just to get some minute thing to hang on appraisers when a loan goes bad.
It is the standard on GSE. Do you fully undersand?
This appraiser or inspector needs to keep the client happy. Do you understand?
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