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ANSI Standard Z765-2021 whole foot measurement question

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Certain posters should read the op again. It isn't about whether or not you used 10' or 10.0' . The client is questioning the actual measurements all being to the foot. In other words. They don't believe the appraiser's measurements
Which leads me to the questions; What was the square footage of the subject on public records and.....what did the sketch come out to?
I assume you are putting a boilerplate statement indicating that you are using ANSI Standard Z765-2021 and in report you're measuring to the whole foot.
If lender/client finds out that you're not measuring to the exact 1/10th foot, rest of your report will come into question.
I assume you are putting a boilerplate statement indicating that you are using ANSI Standard Z765-2021 and in report you're measuring to the whole foot.
If lender/client finds out that you're not measuring to the exact 1/10th foot, rest of your report will come into question.
Don't bank on that.
If I was OP and didn't measure per ansi, I would say I didn't do that. Let me go back again and revise my appraisal. The chances of homeowner or buyer having a copy of appraisal are slim if the loan hasn't closed.
We already know the client is a lender and selling to GSE. DUH

Keep your client. Go back.
In the past, I'd seen many sketches not measured correctly sometimes off a foot or more. As long as the appraiser's square footage is close to the assessor's records, lender accepted it.
Lender rarely if ever go and check on appraiser's measurement. However, if lender had prior appraisal and now I'm doing a refi appraisal, lender could verify the two sketches to see any discrepancies. I doubt reviewers do that.

Sometimes when I measure at say 20 feet 1 inch, I may just round off to 20 feet as long as I have another exterior wall measurement measured to 1/10th foot like 30 feet 8 inches which is more significant 1/10th foot. As long as not all whole foot numbers in your sketch, lenders will not be on your back.
In the past, I'd seen many sketches not measured correctly sometimes off a foot or more. As long as the appraiser's square footage is close to the assessor's records, lender accepted it.
Lender rarely if ever go and check on appraiser's measurement. However, if lender had prior appraisal and now I'm doing a refi appraisal, lender could verify the two sketches to see any discrepancies. I doubt reviewers do that.

Sometimes when I measure at say 20 feet 1 inch, I may just round off to 20 feet as long as I have another exterior wall measurement measured to 1/10th foot like 30 feet 8 inches which is more significant 1/10th foot. As long as not all whole foot numbers in your sketch, lenders will not be on your back.
You understand your client. Glad you made it baclk from vacation. .....................Ansii?

I don't care about your roof leak about one of your rentals.
Understand Fernando? Simple yes or no will suffice Sir Fernado.
I will do "subject to on your properties Mr. Fernando" write that in the book.
Understand Fernando? Simple yes or no will suffice Sir Fernado.
I thought you were a caring person.
My point with the roof leak is that there are other causes to the roof leak which I was not aware of (adjacent property draining its water onto my roof).
As appraisers, we should see "everything" in looking at a problem.
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