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Anyone own a blood pressure device

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Glenn and Charles accusing me of someone I'm not raises my blood pressure.
I thought I read somewhere that going to steam rooms helps in lowering blood pressure or was that extends life longevity.
Anyway, I'd been going more to steam room but not noticing the big drop in blood pressure. It must be the false accusations from the bullies.
But wasn't it President Trump that fast tracked the Covid shot? Should he share in the blame if all these accusations are true?
Glenn and Charles accusing me of someone I'm not raises my blood pressure.
I thought I read somewhere that going to steam rooms helps in lowering blood pressure or was that extends life longevity.
Anyway, I'd been going more to steam room but not noticing the big drop in blood pressure. It must be the false accusations from the bullies.
Mine is normally between 95 to 100 over 65 to 70 Doctor said are you a long distance runner ? because you also have a heart rate of a long distance runner . I said no I don't really exercise except wash cars and mow lawns. He says OK any history of heart disease and I said I don't know but at 35 years old ,my chest tightened up and I fell to the floor and hit my head. The doctor says what did your doctor say ? I said I have no idea I never did not go to a doctor and my wife said I was a hypochondriac and to just put some ice on my head and go lay down.

The Dr looks at me and says how about Parents and family. I respond with I don't know my father was like me- he never went to doctors so I have no idea. The Doctor cynically looks at me and says how did that work out for them ? I replied well Pop died at 95 in his sleep and Uncle Billy died in his sleep at 93 with a 25 Oz Bud Bud Light in his hand sitting in his Lazy Boy watching old Gun Smoke Re-Runs so it worked out OK.

Finally he says what about your mother ? I respond she was fine until at 72 she went in for a stomach ache and you guys opened her up and nicked her intestine and 24 and hours later she was sepsis- blood poisoning and died two days later .

I look at him and I say see thats why me Pop-and Uncle Billy never come to see you guys and
I am only here because I think my middle finger is broken and it may be because I use it to much and its worn out.
Anyway, I'd been going more to steam room but not noticing the big drop in blood pressure. It must be the false accusations from the bullies.
When you sweat in a steam room, you lose fluid resulting in dehydration. Dehydration lowers blood pressure, sometimes to a dangerous level.
When you sweat in a steam room, you lose fluid resulting in dehydration. Dehydration lowers blood pressure, sometimes to a dangerous level.

Hispanics have a much higher risk of strokes and he is a prime candidature. he has also fallen at least three times this year. A Steam Room is a good place to die :)
When you sweat in a steam room, you lose fluid resulting in dehydration. Dehydration lowers blood pressure, sometimes to a dangerous level.
After sweating, I admit I forget to replenish in drinking enough water. Maybe that's why my blood pressure didn't go down dramatically.
Nevertheless, if you want to look 10 years younger, go to steam room. It works wonders on Fernando's face.
After sweating, I admit I forget to replenish in drinking enough water. Maybe that's why my blood pressure didn't go down dramatically.
Nevertheless, if you want to look 10 years younger, go to steam room. It works wonders on Fernando's face.B

I think you are delusional and how do you keep the black hair dye you say you use from running :)
I think you are delusional and how do you keep the black hair dye you say you use from running :)
I dye it once a month and it gradually turns gray. :(
I have 5 months supply in closet.
Wife is more practical and wants me to shave my head so the gray is less noticeable.
I'm from the hippie generation and we love having hair.
One of my tenant I'd hadn't seen for long time, let his hair grew long down to below his shoulders.
I thought it looked so cool. Wished I could pull that off.
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