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Appraisal Institute - Am I being neglected?

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As I see it their hands are kind of tied at this point with the current "appraisers are racists" controversies. They can't very well commit to the position of "no, we aren't" without having the data to back that up, which so far does not exist. All they can do is say "we take these issues seriously" and try to take steps to make whatever improvements they can make to the situation as a group.

You and I can control what our work looks like when we submit it. A professional org doesn't have that kind of control over the work their members submit.

The one thing I think the AI can do with that controversy is to review their education and reference resources to see whether the allegation is true that they have been teaching appraisers to exercise racial biases, or to address the allegation that about the SC being inherently racist.
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As I see it their hands are kind of tied at this point with the current "appraisers are racists" controversies. They can't very well commit to the position of "no, we aren't" without having the data to back that up, which so far does not exist. All they can do is say "we take these issues seriously" and try to take steps to make whatever improvements they can make to the situation as a group.

You and I can control what our work looks like when we submit it. A professional org doesn't have that kind of control over the work their members submit.

The racial bias issue is just one topic at a snapshot in time.

They haven't been doing the things expected of a professional organization forever. It is not some kind of new development.
The big complaint I see from the residential members has been about AMCs and their fees. I can't think of anything the AI or any of the other orgs could have done to move the ball for appraisers on that issue.
The big complaint I see from the residential members has been about AMCs and their fees. I can't think of anything the AI or any of the other orgs could have done to move the ball for appraisers on that issue.

Yes, it was one of the bigger complaints in the past.

I'm just saying there is a lot of basic stuff a professional organization should be doing that is not being done.
They could have argued for a something similar to how VA orders are handled.
Whether it's FHA, Fannie or VA, anyone with a brain knows that when the proverbial stuff hits the fan, it's the US taxpayer on the hook.
My point in this thread is that if you joined for the economic benefits and you're quitting because of the economics then that's all you need to say. That's a good enough reason all by itself. You don't need to backfill your criticisms with other lesser tangents which - after all - were never part of the math for you anyway.
They could have argued for a something similar to how VA orders are handled.
Whether it's FHA, Fannie or VA, anyone with a brain knows that when the proverbial stuff hits the fan, it's the US taxpayer on the hook.
Sure, they could have argued for that (just like Mike Kennedy and I did way back when with the IVPI proposal), but to what effect? I can tell you from personal experience that at the time there were a lot of appraisers - probably half of them - who opposed such a scheme. So we couldn't even persuade the appraisers to back that kind of setup, even as a concept.

In any case, we submitted our suggestions and they got summarily ignored. To the surprise of....nobody. The AI's attempt may or may not have done better with their own members but I believe that would have been the extent of it.
Regardless that many of us did not join , ( which personally if I were starting career over, I might have ), and regardless of its failures to do more for Residential license members, the AI especially now has an important role as it at least strives for a higher standard of education and offers the education even to non members, and the designations, education, and papers or govt or agency involvement of the AI lends professionalism to appraisal which it badly needs.

Especially with dropping college , then Junior college as requirement for the Residential license- ( a mistake imo.) At least some college credits are still required but for how long ?- . Without either higher education as the bar,, or a respected organization like the AI promoting higher standards, appraisal can be perceived as just a glorified trade , all that is left is online classes taken to fulfil a license.
They could have argued for a something similar to how VA orders are handled.
Whether it's FHA, Fannie or VA, anyone with a brain knows that when the proverbial stuff hits the fan, it's the US taxpayer on the hook.
They could not have argued anything they never had a seat at the Money Center Banks Conference Tables. Its now morphed into a Club of near dead appraisers who the last guy standing will empty the bank accounts and lock the doors for good.
I'm an outsider, which means I have no standing to complain about what the AI does. If you've left the AI then you're an outsider, too. If you're not an outsider then its easy to become one.

Oh, really, based on that logic, you can t comment on anything to do with the GSEs and the secondary market in general because you're an outsider. :giggle:
Having worked inside the beast (Fannie) the people making the rules don’t listen to anyone below the big lenders.
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