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Appraisal Institute - Am I being neglected?

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The Board of Directors ain't any better. A very sad thing in 2022.
AI Board of Directors.JPG
I am an SRA and it has been helpful at opening doors that might otherwise be shut. That said, it is up to the individual to walk through those doors, and then help others come through as well. It is truly what you make of it.

Get involved if you don't like it. Change happens from within
I am an SRA and it has been helpful at opening doors that might otherwise be shut. That said, it is up to the individual to walk through those doors, and then help others come through as well. It is truly what you make of it.

Get involved if you don't like it. Change happens from within
For the amount of dues I pay I shouldn't have to become more involved and seek to make changes for the AI to work. I am busy working earning a living. Based on the amount of money the AI leaders make, they should be the ones doing their jobs and representing all members who pay to belong.
For the amount of dues I pay I shouldn't have to become more involved and seek to make changes for the AI to work. I am busy working earning a living. Based on the amount of money the AI leaders make, they should be the ones doing their jobs and representing all members who pay to belong.
Then quit
Then quit
Many of us have spoken out directly and often to national AI leadership with specific concerns. Many of my AI designated peers HAVE gotten involved on many levels for many years. I agree with Salty - change starts with who is in charge and proclaiming they represent all of us.
Many of us have spoken out directly and often to national AI leadership with specific concerns. Many of my AI designated peers HAVE gotten involved on many levels for many years. I agree with Salty - change starts with who is in charge and proclaiming they represent all of us.
Sandy is a residential appraiser, Craig does both. There is a shift beginning
For the amount of dues I pay I shouldn't have to become more involved and seek to make changes for the AI to work. I am busy working earning a living. Based on the amount of money the AI leaders make, they should be the ones doing their jobs and representing all members who pay to belong.

Exactly. They want you to take their classes (which are overpriced) then pass the exams. Then pay them 1K every year and expect you to do all the legwork while all their fat old white men get paid obscene amounts of money for sitting on there a** all day doing nothing.
I am an SRA and it has been helpful at opening doors that might otherwise be shut. That said, it is up to the individual to walk through those doors, and then help others come through as well. It is truly what you make of it.

Get involved if you don't like it. Change happens from within

That broken record has run its course out.
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