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Asked AI ChatGPT if AI was going to Replace Appraisers...here is what it said back.

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Here's comes my NUANCED take on this entire concept: 1674507483684.png

"Chatting" with an "AI" that was programmed by someone else might appear to an outsider like something akin to an exercise in "mental m*********n". Looked at another way, one might see it as lowering mental laziness to a new low. (Just when you thought we humans could not make ourselves any dumber than we've already done via the anti-"social media" - we put our beer down ...1674507658812.png ).

HOWEVER (here comes the NUANCE 1674507561173.png ):

If you are using it as a universal encyclopedia to find a technical answer to a NON-POLITICAL question, I have less of a problem with it. Then it actually would be a valuable tool. The real-world problem with this, however: To a "certain segment" of the spectrum, EVERYTHING - including how many pieces of toilet paper you use to wipe yourself with - is a "political question". 1674507524606.png And that segment could use something other than facts to influence the AI's answers, making them less reliable and less useful than they could be - (as they have already been demonstrating across wide swaths of the anti-"social media" for years ... )
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I could provide the correct answer, but I might get kicked off here if I did. (It would give the "Banned Brigade" fainting spells, mouth froth, and heart palpitations.) :LOL:
AI ChatGPT just said .............."You can ignore the Banned Brigade and not miss any substantive posts that concern the appraisal industry." :cool:
This is the type of stuff it should be used for, just like Google, Alexa, etc. Don't give Big Brother your motivation information or insecurities.

uhhhhh....15 years of posting on this site....its a little late for that.

Have you tried it? No ads, no VISUABLE manipulation with how content is presented....just text. The new Google search template is so manipulated and scatter brained it gives me a headache. Looking for a plumber on Google? You gotta sort through all the irrelevant ads at the top, then news articles, and eventually will get to organic businesses/websites. You know Google puts vendors at the top of paid search results if you have spent over $50k with them advertising? They cleverly call it something it is not.... 'Customer Match'. If you haven't spent $50k with them, you wouldn't even know it exists. There is a dark side to all of it.

GPT awesome for factual information/research right now. Everyone commenting about how AI reports about your favorite politician is completely missing its usefulness.

Think of it like this...Computing information/memory doubles about every five years, and has been since computers were developed. We are now at full blown compound interest/getting wicked rich quick stage. Its here and is going to blow your mind how fast it is going to change EVERYTHING. There is nothing you can do about it, which is certainly scary. I am at least going to pay attention.
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uhhhhh....15 years of posting on this site....its a little late for that.

Have you tried it? No ads, no VISUABLE manipulation with how content is presented....just text. The new Google search template is so manipulated and scatter brained it gives me a headache. GPT awesome for factual information/research right now. Everyone commenting about how AI reports about your favorite politician is completely missing its usefulness.

Think of it like this...Computing information/memory doubles about every five years, and has been since computers were developed. We are now at full blown compound interest/getting wicked rich quick stage. Its here and is going to blow your mind how fast it is going to change EVERYTHING. There is nothing you can do about it, which is certainly scary. I am at least going to pay attention.
I understand why you're excited about it. It's just not my bag. I want my flying car we were supposed to have by now (Jetsons) so I can work in Nashville without the hellish commute.
I understand why you're excited about it. It's just not my bag. I want my flying car we were supposed to have by now (Jetsons) so I can work in Nashville without the hellish commute.
Thats why everyone is going desk tops and hybrids, So old appraisers don't have to commute or measure homes. They loved it during Covid-19 which was the BETA Run and they discovered the 1004 can be eliminated in a few years and those 57 year olds will be retired or dead :)
Thats why everyone is going desk tops and hybrids, So old appraisers don't have to commute or measure homes. They loved it during Covid-19 which was the BETA Run and they discovered the 1004 can be eliminated in a few years and those 57 year olds will be retired or dead :)
Goodness, you must be at death's door yourself. I guess it's a no brainer what you're up to these days. Have fun with your Desktops.
I've used it for my ecommerce website a bit. I can copy and paste a product title and it can generate a couple of paragraphs of reasonably good product description.

Or I can ask it to suggest a subject line for an email campaign based on a few inputs.

Yesterday I asked how to download multiple images if all the URLs are in an Excel file and it gave me the exact code for a VBA Macro. When I searched in Google and YouTube all the results were trying to sell me a plugin for Excel or went into waaaay to much detail on creating a macro to do it.

GPT awesome for factual information/research right now. Everyone commenting about how AI reports about your favorite politician is completely missing its usefulness.

Think of it like this...Computing information/memory doubles about every five years, and has been since computers were developed. We are now at full blown compound interest/getting wicked rich quick stage. Its here and is going to blow your mind how fast it is going to change EVERYTHING. There is nothing you can do about it, which is certainly scary. I am at least going to pay attention.

You make some good points, Sean. If I was your age, or if I was 2, maybe even 1 decade younger, I might want to invest some time into getting familiar with it. But I am 5 years away from cashing in the SS, and there is just SO much other stuff that I have on my plate of a recreational/hobby nature to want to bother with it ...
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