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Meanwhile my well continues to save me money. I would be out $10k on water bills had I hooked up to the rural water system. That's more than it would cost to replace the entire system. And in 40 year living here my repairs have run only a couple thousand.
People are finally waking up to seeing how bad Biden is for our Nation and for World Peace.
Yesterday I went Black shopping Friday but not many people. I looked to the days of going to the stores early but it's no longer same feeling.
Went back home and did online shopping and then went back to the shopping mall.
Lot of people but lines weren't as long as I remembered. Also sales not as good as in the past.
Still I spent over $500 yesterday and can't wait til Cyber Monday sales.
People are finally waking up to seeing how bad Biden is for our Nation and for World Peace.

Biden’s poll numbers aren’t just bad — they’re getting worse​

Story by By Steven Shepard • 9h

5 ways Democrats are coping with Biden’s terrible polls​

The latest worry wart postings.

The viral $16 McDonald’s meal that may explain voter anger at Biden​

As some Democrats fear social media is exaggerating economic problems, the White House faces a crucial choice on election strategy​

Olive’s video about a $16 McDonald’s order went viral, racking up hundreds of thousands of views. After a McDonald’s revenue report recently, the same post went viral again earlier this month, with at least a half-dozen news outlets — including the Washington Examiner, the New York Post and Newsmax — picking up the story of Olive’s pricey patty. One YouTube video from this month with 2 million views inaccurately describes it as “a Big Mac meal” that cost $16. Posts on Reddit, the conservative site Twitchy and elsewhere tied the cost to President Biden’s economic management: Inflation, the theory went, had gotten so out of control that the price of a fast-food burger was approaching $20.

The Big Mac conundrum reflects what Biden aides and senior Democratic officials regard as one of their most vexing challenges ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Even as inflation has fallen to a manageable 3 percent, and although the labor market has remained hot amid strong growth, voters still don’t like the economy, and they blame the president.

As the administration tries to figure out how to improve its economic message, White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients has held internal meetings over the last several weeks with top communications and economic officials, according to two people familiar with internal matters, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe the discussions. (A White House spokeswoman declined to comment.)
Former president Donald Trump has made ridiculing Biden’s economic performance one of his main campaign messages, raising the stakes for the White House even more.

The administration continues to be torn over how to respond to the negative polling.

Black voters reveal to the NY Times reasons they’re hesitant to re-elect Biden in 2024: ‘He’s too old’​

A recent New York Times podcast episode featured several Black voices expressing their hesitation and "concern" over voting for President Biden’s re-election in 2024, with some claiming Biden is "too old" and others stating that the Democratic Party has not fulfilled its promises to Black Americans.

Some respondents noted why they believe that former President Trump and Republicans may attract an unprecedented portion of the African American vote next year, claiming that Black men like the party’s message of financial independence.
The Times' "The Run-Up" podcast involved its host, reporter Astead Herndon, going home for Thanksgiving and interviewing his various Black friends and family members gathered for the holiday about their current view of the Democratic Party and whether they would vote for Biden or Trump in 2024.

Dean Phillips Says It’s ‘Delusional’ to Expect Biden to Beat Trump in 2024​

Once a fervent Biden fanboy, Dean Phillips says there is no way the president can beat Donald Trump
In a series of early morning tweets, retiring congressman and long-shot presidential candidate, Dean Phillips, articulated his thoughts on the 2024 election.

He said while he was a staunch supporter of the Biden agenda and respects the president, he thinks the level of government missteps is “staggering” and that its “delusional” to believe that Joe Biden could beat Donald Trump again.

“He’s going to lose to Trump,” Phillips wrote to X, citing a recent Politico analysis of Biden’s worrisome poll numbers. Once a fervent Biden fanboy, Phillips has become the only elected Democrat to mount a primary challenge against him.

“As a member of House Democratic Leadership, I supported and promoted the Biden agenda,” Phillips wrote on Saturday, before adding in a subsequent tweet that “the mismanagement of our government is a staggering failure of every administration since Clinton.” Still, Phillips said, if polling turns around in the president’s favor by summer “I’ll drop out and get behind him.”

Investors See Interest-Rate Cuts Coming Soon, Recession or Not​

Recent data has fueled bets that cuts could come under a variety of circumstances.​

Sam Goldfarb

Updated Nov. 27, 2023 4:21 pm ET


The Federal Reserve is less likely to cut rates the better the economy performs, some experts say. PHOTO: GRAEME SLOAN/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Wall Street is gearing up for rate cuts.
Twenty months after the Federal Reserve began a historic campaign against inflation, investors now believe there is a much greater chance that the central bank will cut rates in just four months than raise them again in the foreseeable future.
Interest-rate futures indicated Monday a 52% chance the Fed will lower rates by at least a quarter-of-a-percentage point by its May 2024 policy meeting, up from 29% at the end of October, according to CME Group data. The same data pointed to four cuts by the end of the year.

Investors, battered by the Fed’s efforts to slow the economy, have reacted by driving the S&P 500 up nearly 9% this month. That is despite the wagers reflecting different possible paths for the economy, not all of them favorable for stocks.
One place where rate-cut bets are showing up is in the bond market, where yields on longer-term bonds have retreated further below those on short-term ones. Treasury yields largely reflect expectations for what short-term rates set by the Fed will average over the life of a bond. As a result, such a move is typically viewed as a warning of a looming recession, with investors betting the Fed will need to slash rates to stimulate growth.
This month’s rally in stocks signals many investors anticipate a more benign outcome. Their hope: inflation falls back to the Fed’s 2% target, growth remains steady, but the Fed cuts rates a modest amount anyway as insurance against an unnecessary slowdown.
Still, there is evidence that traders are betting on both economic scenarios. Investors celebrated this month’s round of inflation reports, which showed a broad deceleration in price increases. But there has also been a string of more worrisome data, including weaker-than-expected surveys of purchasing managers and an uptick in the unemployment rate.
“You’re really talking about a distribution of outcomes that range between the Fed doing nothing next year to the Fed cutting aggressively next year,” said Rob Waldner, fixed income chief strategist at Invesco.
Waldner is among those who believe the threat of a recession has increased. But he said his base case is still that the Fed delivers insurance cuts without a downturn.
Investors caution that it is still possible that the Fed doesn’t cut rates in 2024, potentially pushing bond yields higher again. The U.S. economy over the past couple of years has proved resilient, and the Fed has repeatedly raised rates higher than investors were expecting.
Even if inflation continues to moderate, the Fed is less likely to cut the better the economy performs, said Thanos Bardas, global co-head of investment-grade fixed income at Neuberger Berman. There are signs that consumers and businesses “have adapted to the higher-interest-rate regime,” he said.
The stock market’s recent surge marks a shift from the previous three months, when longer-term yields shot higher, bets on rate cuts were scaled back and stocks generally slumped, while data showed a jump in economic growth.

Investors say there are reasons why stocks can thrive when growth is slowing and even when the chances of a moderate downturn are rising.
All else equal, lower long-term Treasury yields can boost stocks by reducing the incentive for investors to shift their money into bonds. Investors had also feared that a 10-year Treasury yield approaching 5% could trigger a recession by pushing up borrowing costs for businesses and consumers, even if those fears weren’t showing up in bond yields themselves.
Adding to those concerns, many worried that yields were being driven higher by a surge in new Treasurys needed to fund a growing federal budget deficit, not just by a strong economy and bets on higher-for-longer rates.
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This month’s bond rally, which has pulled the 10-year yield below 4.5%, got its start on Nov. 1 when the Treasury Department boosted auction sizes of longer-term bond sales by less than most investors were expecting. That bolstered the case that yields had climbed more than was justified by economic fundamentals, making their decline especially welcome.
Fed officials have consistently said that they aren’t close to discussing rate cuts.
But they have also signaled that they expect to lower rates, even absent a recession, once they are confident that inflation will reach their objective. In their last forecast in September, the median official expected rates to end next year a half of a percentage point lower than at the start of the year, or a quarter of a percentage point below where they are now.
“The time will come at some point, and I’m not saying when, that it’s appropriate to cut,” Fed Chair Jerome Powell said in September.

Investors’ new positioning on rates reflects other factors than their baseline forecasts. Many think that the Fed will likely cut rates by less than 1 percentage point next year. But they still are making that wager because they see a reasonable chance of even larger cuts.
In past recessions, the Fed has typically cut rates by about 3 to 4 percentage points over a year, said Sonu Varghese, global macro strategist at Carson Group, a financial advisory firm. As a result, bets on the Fed cutting rates by 1 percentage point could be interpreted as investors believing that there is a 25% to 33% chance of a recession in 2024.
However, taking into account bets on more modest insurance cuts, the perceived chance of a recession should be seen as lower, perhaps around 20%, Varghese said.

It is still possible that the Federal Reserve won’t cut interest rates in 2024. PHOTO: VALERIE PLESCH/BLOOMBERG NEWS
Write to Sam Goldfarb at sam.goldfarb@wsj.com
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